
PAX Prime 2015: Battleborn is a Zany, More Diverse Borderlands | Twinfinite

Battleborn takes a first person shooter and mixes it with the constantly expanding MOBA genre. The thing is, calling Battleborn a MOBAFPS doesn’t do the game justice, since even the combination of these two broad genres fails to encapsulate everything that it can do.

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GigawattConduit3197d ago

You had me at "zany Borderlands". I've been looking forward to Battleborn for a long time. February can't come soon enough.

idlet3197d ago

It was super fun. Lots of insanity, fun abilities. I played this awesome chick with 4 hands. Good times.

GigawattConduit3197d ago

I do like playing as people with four hands...

Bimkoblerutso3196d ago

I wouldn't compare it to Borderlands just because it was made by the same people. It looks a lot more like a Team Fortress for people who like MOBA's.

In fact, the MOBA influence is pretty light, too. It's kind of just a team based shooter, to be honest. That ain't what Borderlands is all about in the least.

Christopher3196d ago (Edited 3196d ago )

It's definitely zany and has more characters, but since you play with set weapons and skills, not sure it can be considered that much more diverse when you remove all the weapon options you have in Borderlands.

This is the game that I think will drive me away from Destiny, though. At least hoping it is.

idlet3196d ago

I think it feels diverse because of the lineup of characters - the different playstyles available. Borderlands offers a lot of guns, and class traits like Siren abilities, but Battleborn has dark mages, pistoleers, archers, samurai. It felt like a super fun lineup.

3196d ago
Darkfist3196d ago

i just hope the campaign isnt short

23Breach3196d ago

Shoot, I didn't want to get involved with this...


Battleborn Was Finally Put Out of Misery This Past Weekend; It Deserved Way Better

Ed writes: This past weekend, Battleborn was finally shut down by Gearbox and 2K. Let's look back at a game that deserved a lot better.

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Christopher1216d ago

It at least deserved them moving it to a solo-able option post server shut-down, IMHO.

EdMcGlone1215d ago (Edited 1215d ago )

Agreed, that would have been the fair and decent thing to do.


Battleborn is Dead - The Need for Game Preservation in the Next Generation

William writes: "Battleborn was not the game I wanted it to be, it probably wasn't the game a number of you reading wanted it to be. But what it undeniably was was a game that a team of hundreds of people poured their hearts and souls into."

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RaidenBlack1216d ago

Game preservation is important.
Single-player campaign should always be offline. So that some part(s) of a certain game still lives through and can be enjoyed later.

moriarty18891216d ago

Always Online games will always end up like this at some point. Offline SP campaign should ALWAYS be included.

BlackDoomAx1215d ago

Thinking that games ( and in particular this one ) will forever be lost, it makes me sad.


So Long Battleborn, And Thanks For All The Fish: A Retrospective

Battleborn will shut down on the 31st of January 2021, so let's revisit its ill-fated history and discuss its surreal departure.

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BlackDoomAx1223d ago

One of the funnier game i played with my friends. I like that one of the reason it failed is that it had many reviews like the one you did; criticizing the gameplay because it's 'too complex': because it had a skill tree and because there was different classes... My personal analysis of its failure is beacause of the Blizzard PR team: they saw a threat in it , and decided to kill it by paying professional reviews and counting on their fanboys to bash it and create a fake 'comparaison war' with it. The saddest thing is that this game will disappear forever. It casts, as others in the same situtation, a dark shadow on the future of video gaming. Hopefully there are and still will be 'pirates' to save and archive these for the future generations, that i hope will someday realize that consumerism is not the only solution.

1223d ago