
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls | High Score Reviews

Danganronpa goes into a new direction,but does it pay off in the end?

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Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Review – A spin off that spins too far off

Kinglink says "We return once again to the land of Danganronpa. I’ve already covered the original Danganronpa and Danganronpa 2 which left two more games for me to cover. This time around we are looking at a title originally launched on the Vita, Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls."

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A Look at All of the Third-Person Shooters Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Thanks to some solid late-in-life Japanese support, and a sea of backwards-compatible games, the Vita’s library of third-person shooters is a lot better than it first appears, covering a variety of sub-genres from horror to stealth to tactical, all the while providing games that are a tonne of fun to play."

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2096d ago
Zjet2096d ago

Missed so many games.

Also backwards compatibility differs from region to region.

Literally some stores like the NZ/Aus store will allow syphon Filter 1 and 3 but not 2 and the USA store is different again

IanTH2096d ago (Edited 2096d ago )

I haven't done it in a while so unsure if it has changed, but you used to be able to download any PS1 or PSP game to a PS3 and then transfer it to the Vita and it just worked - regardless of whether it showed as something you could buy in store for, or download directly to, the Vita. It opened up a huge library of back-compat titles that way.

Spectator22095d ago

What's missing, out of interest?