
Pokemon Shuffle Mobile Cheats: Guide, Tips & Strategy for Android/iPhone Game

When you obtain Mega Stones, which are needed to Mega Evolve, your Pokemon can Mega Evolve. All those Mega-Evolved Pokemon have powerful Mega Effects, so try setting them as your Support Pokemon!

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Which Pokemon mobile game fits your lifestyle

It is a brave new world for the Pokemon series. Thanks to the prevalence of mobile devices and lowering of walls, all sorts of spin-offs are showing up in new spaces. Android and iOS devices are getting their own kinds of games involving our favorite pocket monsters. None of them are traditional Pokemon titles, but that doesn't mean they don't have value or should be ignored. In fact, people probably should be trying out and experiencing some of the ones immediately available now. (Especially while waiting for the DeNA Pokemon Masters game and the sleep-tracking Pokemon Sleep application.) But, which ones should people consider playing?

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Puzzle games Pokemon Shuffle addicts should be playing

Michibiku's Jenni Lada writes, "Pokemon Shuffle is a thing. It isn’t a bad thing, in the world of exploitative, free-to-play puzzle games, but isn’t the best thing either. Rather, it’s a title that occupies a rather tenuous position. Compelling mechanics and collectible critters abound, but are caught up in framework that inhibits gameplay and capriciously doles out wins and new characters."

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Mega Glalie and the Darkside of Microtransactions

Micro-transactions aren't so harmless anymore. When games are based around player-baiting, that's bad news for the industry.

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EcoSos33161d ago

Mega glalie ii just one of those that you have to save coins for, but i find mega gengar and mewtwo harde.

MoveTheGlow3160d ago (Edited 3160d ago )

Isn't the Jim Sterling term "Fee 2 Pay" instead of "Fee 2 Play?" Like, you bought a game for a fee in order to pay for microtransactions later?