
Mega Man Legacy Collection Review | Gamespot

Preserving video games is difficult. Outside of illegal ROMs, it's tricky to find clean and reliable copies of the vast swath of video game history. With the Mega Man Legacy Collection, Capcom is preserving and reintroducing the roots of a franchise built into the very building blocks of modern gaming--even if the actual act of playing the games themselves isn't always the treat you remember them to be.

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KryptoniteTail3206d ago

ROMs aren't illegal if you own the game.

deadpoolio3163206d ago

YES They are!!! You people need to get past over that myth..You don't own the game anyway period, you own a license to play the software, not make copies, not do what you want with...Play....Might want to go back ant look at the manual for every game going all the way back to atari, physical or digital, cart or disc you do not own the information stored on the disc or cart

Hoffmann3206d ago

A rom collection is a cheaper way to play old games you once bought though.

KryptoniteTail3206d ago (Edited 3206d ago )

That's unlawful. Some text in a manual (which you can only read after a non-refundable purchase, may I add) does not override my right to my property. I can do as I wish with it as long as I do not sell or give away copies to anyone. Good luck enforcing that. It would be the same as selling me a picture and telling me that I cannot copy it for myself or that I cannot convert my vinyl to CD.

I recorded some NFL games without the written express permission of the NFL, too. That's actually a joke everyone makes, even TV mocks it in sitcoms like The Simpsons. It's all bs and nobody cares and nothing can nor will happen and I challenge the NFL to get me and I challenge you to make anybody, even the owners, care in the least about mere personal use copies.

Come at me bro.

Dabigsiebowski3206d ago

I think the reviewer forgot how difficult classic games really are. Did he expect Capcom to go back and make it easier? I have all the games on NES besides number 5 (which I had as a kid) so I'll wait till this collection ends up on sale. Would love to trophy hunt this badboy.

deadpoolio3163206d ago

The trophies are all for basically beating each game, its one set of trophies not one for each game.

Dabigsiebowski3205d ago

That still sounds fine to me. I'm sure they could have absurd trophies if they really wanted haha.

Darkwatchman3206d ago

Reviewer complains that the game doesn't tell you which bosses are weak to what so you have to guess or search online....each game has a database showing each boss's weakness and even allows you to jump straight into the boss fight from that menu with all powers unlocked to practice on the boss all you want. I'm hoping I end up being able to follow through with my goal of being s videp game journalist because so many of these reviewers nowadays are so uninformed about the game they're reviewing.

Milkshake3206d ago (Edited 3206d ago )

"Valuable information rarely given to player" should not be on the "negative side" of a review. Nowadays people are so used of playing easy games that they cannot simply complete a game like this.

I guess a lot of gamers nowadays are used to having the games hold their hand for them! Sigh!

TheROsingleB3206d ago (Edited 3206d ago )

Kiddie reviewer is a bit of a joke. Unresponsive and stiff controls? Whining about not knowing the boss order? These are some of the PREMIER platforming games you can get. Gamespot is the worst. Can't trust any of these reviewers now. Haven't since Jeff was fired and Ryan (RIP, buddy) left to form Giant Bomb.

Sure, this collection is missing Megaman 7 and 8 (adding in 9 & 10 as well would have made this an INCREDIBLE collection), but for what it is, it deserves at least an 8 for a score, and deserves to be reviewed by someone who wasn't some sperm prior to their original releases and can make an accurate comparison.

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Latest Humble Bundle packs ten Capcom games

The Humble Capcom Heroic Collection Bundle just launched recently. It has ten items including Monster Hunter Rise, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection, and more.

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darthv72393d ago

I took advantage of the $1 deal for lost planet 3, strider, bionic commando and mega man. 3 of them run great on my steam deck. bionic commando sadly does not.

Father__Merrin393d ago

ive left humble bundle long time ago the pricimng is now off as well as game collection. humble monthly used to be excellent but thasts also downhill


The Next Mega Man Legacy Collection Candidate is Already Clear

With the recent release of the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, the next collection of games starring Capcom's Blue Bomber seems obvious.

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onisama399d ago

i always prayed for a battle network remake....sadly what i got is a collection

CrimsonWing69399d ago

Hey I would’ve loved an Onimusha collection. They do these to test interest, unfortunately. If nobody buys these, then they assume nobody will buy an entry that they spend a lot of money to develop.

FallenAngel1984396d ago

You’re sad that you got an entire collection of their series in one package?

Weird reason to get disappointed

gleepot398d ago

never played star force, but ill take it!


Which Other Mega Man Games Could Come To Modern Platforms?

With the release of Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection this week, it joins an already-impressive catalogue of Mega Man re-releases from the past several years.

If you combine the titles from Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2, Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2, and Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, you've got a total of 24 classic games available to fans and newcomers. With the addition of the 10 Battle Network titles found in the latest release, this brings the running total up to a staggering 34 games. That's a heck of a lot of Mega Man!

It really feels like Capcom is looking to release as much of the Mega Man back catalogue as possible on modern consoles, possibly to preserve the series going forwards — at least in digital formats. There are still quite a few games from the series that remain untouched, however.

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ZeekQuattro418d ago

The Legends and Power Battles games should make the jump. Those were fun games. I remember playing the Power Battle games at a local mall before it randomly was removed. It had a bunch of Capcom games on it.

FallenAngel1984418d ago

You can already play both Power Battle games on modern platforms