
Adventure Video Games Are Steadily Delivering Better Stories Than Movies

Charles Cecil of Revolution Software talks about 'Broken Sword 5' and adventure gaming's return to mainstream popularity.

TLG19913211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

we are still getting broken swords every now and then, we got a remaster of grim fandango. now all i need is a full collection remake of the monkey island series. obviously 3/4 and 5 as one and two have been done.

Yui_Suzumiya3211d ago

I wish all the Broken Sword games were on PS4. Always been interested in playing the series.

KryptoniteTail3211d ago

Adventure games? RPGs have been telling better stories since NES days.

traumadisaster3211d ago (Edited 3211d ago )

I will put my foot down on this one, there has never been a sheety video game that has came in the same stratosphere of the best Hollywood movies.

However, there are many video games that easily beat the many crappy movies made.


Broken Sword's Charles Cecil Talks Us Through The Series, From PlayStation To iPhone And Back Again

Revolution Software's Charles Cecil told us many stories of the ups and downs the Broken Sword series has faced over the years.

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The magic of discovery in Broken Sword | Why I Love

From GI.biz: "A beautiful, innovative, fulfilling, challenging, satisfying, mysterious game. Not only a game, but a story, an experience. It got a lot of components right and was one of the best games back then and it still is. It's worth saying that the series is still very much alive, as the fifth instalment was released in 2014 and there are rumours of (and a lot of fans craving for) the sixth game. Yes, you may have guessed it (or read in the title) - we are talking about Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars. But let's talk about why such an opinion would form in the first place.

My brother and I started playing PC games right before 2000 and very quickly got drawn into the world of adventures. Of course, we had played NES games like Super Mario, Battle City and Adventure Island. However, adventure games were something else: they had a story, they had amazing art, voice acting, beautiful animation and music.

One of us got our hands on a demo of Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror and couldn't stop talking about it. Our screen time was limited and it was summer, so we spent a lot of time outside and out of town, but the demo left such a big impression on a teenage brain that a lot of that time was spent analysing the puzzles, animation, story and other aspects of that amazing demo (no wonder demos had a revival in the last decade -- it's a very good way to attract players to buy the full game!)."

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New Games with Gold for February 2022

On the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, join in an epic adventure in Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse, and speed run to a tight soundtrack in Aerial_Knight’s Never Yield. And for our classic lineup via Backward Compatibility, use your wits and the water to fight your enemies in Hydrophobia, and test your strategic skills in Band of Bugs.

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darthv72867d ago

Hydrphobia... never heard of that one but it looks interesting.

Teflon02867d ago

I tried when it was given on ps plus like 8 years ago for the same reason. I promise you, it's not worth your time

darthv72867d ago

thanks for the info.

gee... I guess my not knowing about this really struck a nerve with some people.

CobraKai867d ago

Or maybe it’s that you found it interesting. I remember seeing this on 360 and thinking the same tho.

isarai867d ago

It has interesting water physics, but past that it's very meh.

robothouserock867d ago

This site is toxic for anything besides lurking. I've been coming here for years and this is probably my first comment in five years.

Atom666867d ago

I downvoted you to help you feel welcomed.

robothouserock867d ago

Been on this site for ten years or so, but thanks!

x_xavier_x867d ago (Edited 867d ago )

I'm pretty sure that they down-voted you because you said that the game "looks interesting". Didn't you know, there's no positivity allowed on N4G... particularly when talking about anything related to Xbox.

itsmebryan867d ago

It's sad but, true. It's not just Xbox related. I said "Ghost wire looks interesting. I hope it's good" and got a bunch of downvoted. Smh

Kran867d ago

Sorry to break it to you.

Its not.

porkChop866d ago

I bought it on Steam for $1.50 and I still felt ripped off.

Gamer79866d ago

It's not bad, a bit janky though.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 866d ago
Thegr81867d ago

I’m sorry but this is pathetically bad. I defend Xbox sometimes but what is this crap??? Lol

roadkillers867d ago

“Just get Gamepass and stfu” - my sentiments exactly. What’s the point of game for gold now.

gerbintosh867d ago

Can't have GWG looking good when they are pushing game pass. Eventually people will get tired of the garbage games and switch

babadivad866d ago

The only good thing about Games with Gold is you own the games forever even if you discontinue paying for live. You don't have to worry about it being cycled out like you do with GP. You actually own it.

dilbig5866d ago


You only keep the 360 games.

peppeaccardo867d ago

Plain and simple this is how they push people into Gamepass ... one turd after another on GWG !!

porkChop866d ago

Broken Sword is cool, but the rest are pretty garbage offerings.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 866d ago
Orchard867d ago

Another terrible month.

They should either improve it or just kill it already and tell people GamePass is where you go to get games via subscription.

gangsta_red867d ago (Edited 867d ago )

GWG hasn't been a factor since GP has been available, it's almost insulting now

Teflon02867d ago

Just cancel it at this point, don't think anyone will even care, saves ms money and everyone basically uses gamepass now anyways

sparky77867d ago

Exactly just let it die and save some money for Game Pass deals.

It shocks me every month that they can still find games that I have never heard of before.

jznrpg866d ago

Or they could offer better games

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