
Metal Gear Solid 5: It is time to admit Hideo Kojima is a terrible writer

For being wacky, strange and indulging in smug, post-modern humour, Hideo Kojima is lauded in the gaming industry as a pioneer. But he's a terrible writer. For every rehashed philosophical ponder he airlifts into his scripts, there's a convoluted plot-line, reams of sexist rubbish, a twist just for the sake of having one.

Play the Metal Gear Solid series 10 times then sit down and try to recount, in detail, the story. Try to explain the contradictions and the myriad non-sequiturs. Attempt to describe, with a straight face, the fact that in Metal Gear Solid 2 Revolver Ocelot's mind is controlled by a grafted-on arm, but then in Metal Gear Solid 4 it's explained that actually he'd hypnotised himself to make it look like the arm was in control of his mind, so that government spies wouldn't think he was a threat.

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DarkOcelet3186d ago

"Metal Gear Solid 4 is the worst of them, and the most poorly written game I've ever played."

" Watch the scene where Johnny tells Meryl he loves her while fighting off the Outer Haven troops, or the wedding sequence at the end, or the epilogue where Big Boss returns to try and explain the entire series' plot "

I just played MGS4 one month ago and i honestly don't know wtf to say to the author of this article. I don't hate criticism but calling Kojima's writing garbage is plain effin stupid. I wont defend Kojima, all i can say is that millions have enjoyed the series for what it is and it is one of the very few games where i had tears at the end. The dialogue between Snake and Big Boss was one of the best i have seen in my life. Just a father and son talk. It was damn perfect.

Nitrowolf23186d ago (Edited 3186d ago )

Here's the thing. I won't defend him to death or anything, an dI'll agree there has been a ton of questionable writing in MGS, but exactly like you said.
" millions have enjoyed the series for what it is and it is one of the very few games where i had tears at the end."

The games not perfect when it comes to writing, but holyshit this guy seem to miss the points here and there.

So here;s the thing about the whole Liquid possesses Ocelot in MGS2.
The responses in this forum explains it

Yea, MGS is confusing, but if you put pieces together it fits. The story is epic when it is, and at the same time isn't suppose to be completely serious.

DarkOcelet3186d ago

Yeah, i know that Ocelot is the Boss's and Sorrow's son.

I love Ocelot's character so much hence the reason i got the name DarkOcelet. MGS isnt confusing, it just wants you to have an open mind and accept the weird stuff that happens in its world.

freshslicepizza3186d ago

kojima has a huge following and they will eat up whatever he puts out there. maybe this is just a difference in culture thing

bouzebbal3186d ago

"Metal Gear Solid 4 is the worst of them, and the most poorly written game I've ever played"
Witness this folks, COD and FIFA are better written then MGS4.
Get out of here.....


Name Last Name3186d ago (Edited 3186d ago )

WTF this guy is just clueless about the story. As you can see in MGS4's last battle, Ocelot replaced his WHOLE arm with a bionic one so that he couldn't be controlled anymore by liquid's hand (which happened because Ocelot is The Sorrow's son and has some of his medium powers).

XBLSkull3186d ago

Article speaks the truth. Kojima fanboys everywhere will disagree. I've only played 2 and 4 but the writing and stories are ridiculous.

breakpad3186d ago (Edited 3186d ago )

i say that Kojima always included in his games metaphysical and paranormal phenomena ...with MGS 4 tried to explain all these with realistic excuses (nanomachines , Ai , Hypnotizing etc) for unknown idiotic reason...IMO MGS4 was poorly written not because was convuluted but because Kojima (probably listening oother members of his team) tried to realistic explain the metaphysical nature(and one of the most loved and intriguing aspect of the series) of MGS... smthing like when Lucas tried to explain Jedis in Episode 1 ...otherwise author of this article is completely clueless biased and unintelligent ...

3186d ago
Revengeance3186d ago


If you only played 2 and 4 you shouldn't even be talking. Leave this to the people that have played all the games actually know what the story is about.

XBLSkull3186d ago

Sorry but there is no way the story and writing is so great in MGS 1 and 3 that it makes up for the two that I have played, and while I can't say for sure I almost guarantee it is more of the same.

pinkcrocodile753185d ago

Sorry dude, I've played they from MGS2 onward and like a lot of Video Games, the writing is spectacularly rubbish.

It's true what they say, "Those that can't write, teach and those that can't teach write for video games".

I read on average 4 to 5 novels a month so I take pride in being able to discern quality from drivel. The one thing that is clear is that video game writers are failed novelists with only a few exceptions, Rhianna Pratchett and Chris Avellone among them.

It's not Hieo's fault, he's a director / dev whose doing too many things. Next time get a professional in and leave them alone to develop a decent narrative, back story and progression arch

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3185d ago
equal_youth3186d ago (Edited 3186d ago )

As a writer myself i dare everybody who agrees with this to write a story on the same scale as kojima. then we can talk again. criticism is easy, being creative on the other hand...

I should add that english isn't my main language.

asmith23063186d ago

That's dialogue. Not the same as story.

kneon3186d ago

The dialog in most video games is so cheesy that they should come with a warning for those that are lactose intolerant.

JackVagina3186d ago

Ooo a MGS4 fan! here let me link this to you http://i.imgur.com/PeC5DYj....

I'm sorry.

Jokes aside MGS4 is my second favorite MGS game (behind 3) and i thought BB showing up was epic.

DarkOcelet3186d ago

MGS3 is my favorite too. Big Boss and Boss relationship and the whole game was beautiful.

LightofDarkness3186d ago

I agree, even though it had its issues 4 was a great game to play (not so much to watch). Three had the balance the best so far, but sounds like 5 will top it.

Flo-con3186d ago

"I wont defend Kojima, all i can say is that millions have enjoyed the series for what it is and it is one of the very few games where i had tears at the end."

Millions enjoy soap operas... That's not really a good argument.

(I'm not saying that Kojima's writing sucks btw)

Palitera3186d ago

The only thing that reliefs the current state of game blogging (this is not even close to journalism) is how stupid and mad readers are on an obvious troll article.


So much naivety. No wonder the industry is how it is today. So easy to fool these people...

-Foxtrot3186d ago

As a writer myself I think people enjoy the Universe he's created not the dialogue or in *some* parts the story.

When people say he's the best writer ever thats where I have the problem but there isn't really anything wrong with it like it's "awful" I just think people give him a little too much credit.

Lets be honest the overall story is so complicated and I honestly think the reason why there is so many games explaining parts of the story is because he's had to because of what he's wrote in the games set in the present.

Anyway his games aren't awful and his writing isn't but his writing isn't amazing either which most people like to think.

The Universe he's created with the setting, tone, characters, all the stuff about war, soldiers, Metal Gear etc that's what people like the most in my opinion

joeorc3186d ago

@ Foxtrot

"Lets be honest the overall story is so complicated and I honestly think the reason why there is so many games explaining parts of the story is because he's had to because of what he's wrote in the games set in the present."

Remember this: nothing in war is ever really straightforward!

Psychology is used in war just as much as sending men and women to areas of support to be set as bait for an attack against those supports , just so as to gauge the opponents strength in that section.

Its dirty, its evil and by the onset its never show to be straightforward except in its objective. But knowing the objectives is those that are in leadership's and even than, you may only see just one objective.

The fact kojima wrote it this way I'd say is exactly why its such a popular series, because only this series in computer console gaming has come close to the real concepts on how a war is ran..its never what you see being how the series is ran, its the plots and strategic ploy and play that is used during the operations.

During this series you find out things about the characters and some opposition character's , many Influence's in kojimas style in writing can be seen taken from Flemming's works. Or from characters that are made designed larger than life like elrics saga leading up to hawkmoon: the eternal soldier.

The idea is of things that are hidden in a war that is the real parody's of tragic day to date life of a real soldiers existence to have it bend, and break to the orders of someone else..always someone else.

Thats what kojima was going for and guess what being a former soldier myself he gets it, he has a tongues and cheek methodology in the series because war in all its shape on the battle field is not very pretty especially from the men and women who are inside such a military Machine.

That are just seen by the people in charge as a asset. The leadership's have a tough choice and its Always the soldier who many times get the "this cog is broken" get another. By the leadership's in charge.

Its plans within plans and we are just soldiers under Kojimas objectives, now are we good soldiers following the orders trying not to gum up the machine or are we soldiers that than want to be the leadership the ones making the designed objectives for others to follow.

To have to bend, and some times break just to completely finish the objective your given.

Putting your self in the shoes of the soldier is not just handing a virtual gun and equipment, but also putting yourself in the rule of being the lever for someone else's objective , no matter how much it may not seem is a good objective.

n4rc3186d ago

i dunno... the story is pretty out there.. i get what the author is trying to say...i think.. but goes a little overboard..

Gozer3186d ago

Myself, I agree with the author of this piece. I have thought Kojima is a terrible writer for well over a decade now. This isn't to say that his games aren't fun, his writing is just awful. Try comparing his stories to any acclaimed plot driven shows, movies, games, or books.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3185d ago
Nitrowolf23186d ago

A lot of the stuff that happened earlier in MGS is retcon with every new iteration.

"Tell me about how, in the last five minutes of Metal Gear Solid, the colonel pops up on the radio to say everything – the entire terrorist action – was the American Secretary of Defence "acting alone," and how that plot thread is never mentioned in the series again. "

This guy even Play MGS? Well by the looks of it, yeah it does, but it's clear that they can't grasp the whole reason behind that

Sure, MGS doesn't have the perfect writing, I get it. But the story in reality isn't that tough to follow when you just barebone it, and in truth a lot of people enjoy it which a lot of gmes just fail to do

TLG19913186d ago

I would say its absolutely perfect writing. if you strip it right down it is straight forward enough to follow, at the same time there are many vague areas and side plots and twists that let the fans discuss.

Keyword there is "discuss" if you give something to people they can talk about and fill in the gaps it creates a wonderful group of followers.

the same kind of thing star wars has done, there is plenty to be explained and plenty to happen but if you strip it down its a simple story, but the fans can imagine new plots and side plots and fillers all day long and talk about it.

Letsplayhalo3186d ago

Kojima is an icon, the industry admits that. May be the author should too.

n4rc3186d ago

no doubt... but cmon, the guy wears many hats.. watch the credits and his name pops up like 20 times..

he is an icon and he makes iconic games... doesnt mean he has to be perfect in everything.. his writing is pretty (trying to think of the right word here) convoluted..

dont think hes as bad as the author makes him out to be... but he does make some valid points

Letsplayhalo3186d ago

I agree, but that doesn't mean we should call him a bad writer, he is good and I am excited to see what he doesn next.

Professor_K3186d ago (Edited 3186d ago )

guys an attention graving edgelord. i dont get the hype about him. Even after playing most mgs games, hes an o ok writer but dam do people like to blow him out of proportion for something dozens of unspoken developers have done over and over.

ginsunuva3186d ago

All praise Kojima! Any criticism is satanic and punishable by death.

Salooh3186d ago

There is a fine line between love and hate.

Please have some love author. Be cool !! :>

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3186d ago
TheCelestial3186d ago

People often call in stupid what they don't understand.

I'm sure the author of the article thinks G. R. R. Martin and Tolkien as terrible writers as well.

TLG19913186d ago

i was thinking that myself but didn't want to say it.

His article does seem to be focused around plots he doesn't understand so im going to go with that one.

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The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies

The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies, as of September 2023.

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Nyxus197d ago

Now we'll have to see how much the Master Collection will add to those numbers.

Number1TailzFan197d ago

Too bad it was a lazy release. They could've updated the visuals and everything. Missed opportunity.

Stanjara197d ago

...and yet, they couldn't give more respect and effort into the collection.
What a terrible company.

Minute Man 721197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

Are they counting every game?

Edit: they did

Nyxus197d ago

Yes, these are total lifetime sales of the entire series.

ApocalypseShadow197d ago

.... mostly with the help of PlayStation.

Michiel1989196d ago

Get that Sony tramp stamp while you're at it. No one asked


Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain Review

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is another rollercoaster of a game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Here's what to expect and why you need to experience it.

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CrimsonWing69213d ago

Yea I don’t get why they’re allowing old reviews to be posted here. Someone did one on Soul Reaver and I got so excited thinking there was some stealth release of an HD Remaster, but no… it’s just someone who had a slow day posted an old review…

Cacabunga213d ago

I liked the game but for me it felt somehow like a military simulator rather than a proper MGS.. i got bored of that

micdagoat19213d ago

I do wish they would remaster all the soul reavers

micdagoat19213d ago

it was done this morning though

goldwyncq213d ago

The author was in a coma for 9 years and didn't get to play the game when it released.

Chocoburger213d ago

This review arrived just in time for launch. Perfect timing!

RupeeHoarder213d ago

Amazing how bad this game looks already. We keep acting like this gen doesn't feel like an update but I think we're starting to see it.

YourMommySpoils213d ago

Looks better than Starfield, Cyberpunk and most recent games out. Still fine.

RupeeHoarder213d ago

It most certainly does not lol.

andy85213d ago

Have you player Cyberpunk since the first day? It's absolutely stunning now

213d ago
1nsomniac213d ago

One of the worst games ever made. Absolute overhyped trash!

Snowb420213d ago

The gameplay was great. It was the tacked on open world and repetitive missions that messed the game up.

Shane Kim213d ago

The game started really strong in that hospital, but after a couple of hours I wondered if it was even an mgs game I was playing.

KyRo212d ago

The hospital section was the only bit that felt like a MGS game.

MGS4 was the ending for me. I totally ignore the fact 5 exists. It didn't need to exist tbh

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