
Forza Motorsport 6 Is a Game 10 Years In The Making, Says Dan Greenawalt

Turn 10 has been refining its Forza Motorsport series for ages, since the game first made its debut on the original Xbox, before enjoying multiple instalments on Xbox 360, with an equally popular spin-off in Forza Horizon.

Now on Xbox One, Forza has been pushed to another level, and Forza Motorsport 6 promises to be the most ambitious racer Turn 10 has made yet, adding oft-requested features like dynamic weather with rainy races and night racing.

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Yi-Long3206d ago

I really wished they would have brought back that huge Japanese mountain, as well as more original fictional tracks...

cfc783205d ago

The Fujimi Kaido track was awesome and would of made for a brutal 24 player race,hopefully we get it back at some point.

DragonKing813205d ago (Edited 3205d ago )

@Yi-Long I know right

Kiwi663205d ago

That would be awesome especially for drifting

Sureshot3205d ago

It takes time to groom the king of sim racers.

2pacalypsenow3205d ago ShowReplies(4)
NeverHeavyMan3205d ago ShowReplies(3)
3205d ago Replies(7)
user99502793205d ago

Can Dan Greenawalt just have my babies already?

Kiwi663205d ago (Edited 3205d ago )

You could then say they're your "Mini" greenawalts

Masterofwiiu3ds3205d ago

I kind of wish they never released Forza 5 (it was obviously rushed for the release of the Xbone), and just released this complete version of the game with this new version they are talking about. Now I have to buy it again to get the version they were really working (10 years) to complete.

3205d ago Replies(2)
user99502793205d ago (Edited 3205d ago )

I've heard this a few times, impossible to disagree more. I have played f5 for a couple hundred hours and still race online regularly. Without a track racer on my Xbox it wouldn't be the same. In spite of the flack forza 5 took for downgrades, imo its still an amazing racer and a blast to play online.

And now we get Forza 6, which, by comparison, is going to literally melt faces. When they day 10 years to make, forza 5 is a huge part of that equation. All the track scanning and absolutely incredible car models they did for forza 5 will be a big part of forza 6. If you don't see it as a big upgrade no real reason to buy 6, but for me all the new tracks cars coat of polish features weather ECT ECT make this an insane upgrade from 5.

I just don't like when people disparage 5, because i know how great it is. For a first entry on launch day of a new grn, hard to nit pick. Just enjoy!

butchertroll3205d ago (Edited 3205d ago )

"adding oft-requested features like dynamic weather with rainy races and night racing"

But game DOESN'T have dynamic weather and night races with rain.

otherZinc3205d ago


I agree completely with your assessment of Forza Motorsport 5!

With all the talk & hype of 1080p 60fps & the most powerful console. Forza Motorsport 5 released at launch doing 1080p 60fps Locked! There still isn't ONE AAA Exclusive Game released from the XBOX ONEs main competitor.

To have photorealistic cars racing 4 Wide down a straightaway at The Indianapolis Motor Speedway without dropping a Single Frame Per Second is incredible!

I still play Forza Motorsport 5 to this day. I have about 12 races to go before I complete every race on the game.

Dan Greenwalt & his Turn 10 Team are to be commended! I'll be there on September 15th for my copy of Forza Motorsport 6.

Imortus_san3205d ago

If they never released Forza 5 a Game that plays better, as more content and bette framerate them DriveClub and Project Cars, them what the well would the fans of driving games be playing until Forza Horizion 2 hit the shelves and Forza 6.

Masterofwiiu3ds3205d ago

Forza 4.

I'm not going to drag this out, as I agree that Forza 5 had really solid gameplay. No arguments there. But it cut too many corners. It dropped cars off the roster. It dropped tracks.

And getting back on topic for this actual video, it's somewhat insulting to see them talk about Forza 6 as the game they were really working really hard on all along. When I buy a game, especially a AAA game, I expect it to have really great support and love. But when they basically say 5 WASN'T the game they were laboring on because 6 is the version they have been working on for 10 years...I don't know. Leaves a negative feeling with me.

Masterchief_thegoat3205d ago

hater gonna hate.. forza 6 hand down gonna be best racing game of 2015

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How Forza Motorsport is bringing Drive To Survive's high-octane thrills to Xbox

Having outgrown its Gran Turismo rivalry, Forza Motorsport is looking to redefine racing games in glorious high fidelity for Xbox Series X and S.

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darkrider719d ago

I think forza horizon is now number one on the forza games. That franchise took the number one spot on racing on Microsoft machines. I think they should go next to forza rally, because there a huge hole on that area of racing. A full forza rally would be great. I think normal racing game already hit the ceiling.

Obscure_Observer719d ago

"A full forza rally would be great. I think normal racing game already hit the ceiling."

The new Forza Motorsport marks a return to it´s simulator roots. Turn 10 is not aiming at Gran Turismo anymore. They´re aiming at Assetto Corsa and other full SIM racing games.

darkrider719d ago

What simulator roots? It was always an arcade racer.

PitbullMonster719d ago

It took Turn10 8 games to implement tire and fuel management and now they are aiming for assetto corsa?

Knushwood Butt718d ago

'Rewind button' and 'simulator roots' don't sit well in the same sentence.

Flawlessmic718d ago (Edited 718d ago )


Id ask u if u were joking but sadly i know ur being legit, what a shock.

Like pitbullmonster said it took 8 games just get tyre and fuel management in the game and somehow its leaped gt and when did gt fall behind the other sim racers lol

U could try to be a little more subtle when making fan boyish comments.

Guaranteed u havent even played the latest gt or assetto corso so likely have no idea what ur actually talking about.

Anyways back to the op, im glad motorsport is coming back exactly as is with a new physics system and revamped graphics, id take this all day over a rally game.

If they want to make a tally game then sure thatd be nice but not at the expense of motorsport

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 718d ago
EvertonFC719d ago

Forza rally could be awesome, not sure why you're disagrees

darkrider719d ago

I think so, but that's just an idea.

Obscure_Observer719d ago (Edited 719d ago )

"Forza rally could be awesome"

Personally, I don´t think Xbox needs another *Forza* title since Microsoft already has one of the best Rally IPs in the genre.


Orchard719d ago

This game looks absolutely insane visually. I'm wondering what framerate it'll run at with RT enabled. Obviously, there will be 120hz and 60hz modes, but with what level of detail & RT is the question.

ABizzel1719d ago

I'd assume 60fps still, but the resolution is likely dynamic just like it was in Forza Horizon, with 1/2 or 1/4 resolution raytracing which is apparent from the trailer. Allegedly what was shown was a combination of PC max settings and Series X targets, so we'll have to wait and see.

120Hz mode would be cool, but I'm not sure they'll do it, and if so it'll likely only be Series X. So I'd say:

Series X: Native 4K@60fps basically Max Settings / Dynamic 4K@60fps w. Raytracing (1440p - 4K)
Series S: Native 1440p@60fps High Settings / Dynamic 1080p@60fps w. Raytracing (720p - 1080p)

--Onilink--719d ago

I really doubt they will do raytracing in 60fps mode, hopefully im wrong, but I just dont see it happening.
30fps RT mode
60fps performance mode without RT

Im not even sure there will be RT at all on Series S

ABizzel1718d ago (Edited 718d ago )


The Series X should be able to do it without question, it's more of a question of how far down will the resolution have to drop when Reflections are at their most. A map with Rain, Puddles, multiple cars, and sunshine is going to be the stress point for the game, and we'll see if fps take the hit, or resolutions takes a nose dive in such as section. The resolution of reflections look 1080p on Series X because there was a good amount of aliasing going on, so I see Dynamic 4K with drops down to 1440p higher or lower depending on the map, time of day, weather conditions, number of cars on screen, and number of reflections.

The Series S is the one I question, because 1080p reflections while having aliasing is okay and not as noticeable while playing, so if the Series S uses quarter resolution we're looking at 540p reflections or lower and that's going to be very noticeable. But they said RT for Series consoles, but the didn't specify to what degree, aka used cars salesmen tactics, so it could very well be RT is in the PC version, and SX version, but it's RT shadows on the SS.

It would be a HUGE fail if they drop fps to 30fps for Raytracing in the SX version, but the Series S might have no choice in order to keep a high enough resolution. We'll see in 2023 I guess.

Army_of_Darkness718d ago (Edited 718d ago )

As a PlayStation only gamer, I have to admit that this new Forza game looks a generation ahead of GT7! And the water effects! Omg! Insanely photo realistic! Well done turn 10, well done.

dandm7171718d ago

does anyone remembers Rallisport challenge 20 years ago - that game was some rally racing with great graphics too


Top 10 Rarest Cars in Forza History

KeenGamer: "See the top 10 rarest cars to ever appear in Forza history! Thousands of cars have been featured in Forza since launch and only a handful of them have been really difficult to obtain or, in current state, impossible to drive around with. Although they were once obtainable, it's only for a limited time and, most times, for a certain price."

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MasterChief36241225d ago

I thought this was going to be about the rarest and most valuable cars in the game, based on real life manufacture numbers and value.


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