
Multiplayer’s latest trend: Avoiding other players

For players who don’t like spending their nights reading about how to get better at something, multiplayer games like League of Legends or Street Fighter IV can sound a little daunting. But as multiplayer games continue make themselves accessible to a wider audience, they’re starting to try something new: distancing players from each other.

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RpgSama3200d ago

I don't like competitive multiplayer anymore because with work and life in general I don't have the time to get moderately good at something instead of being one of the lasts in any given match making my team lose score.

I enjoy this Multiplayer but not really and PvE type of games (not Evolve).

user99502793200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

I'm the opposite. I find that shooters are easy to jump in and out of without much thought. I work full time and have other obligations, so when I do game usually I play a few rounds of all my favorite online multiplayer games.

A game like TW3 I cant even bring myself to continue playing. Too much of a time sink for the sake of a story I dont much care for.

Jump into the metro underground and splatter the walls with blood for an hour or so. Solid therapy at the end of the day.

3200d ago
Somebody3200d ago

Same here. I'm not very competitive so I seldom play online. During my occasional time playing online I usually hang back and support my team mates. There are other online games that are not competitive like Day Z but the horror stories of people just outright murder you from the start kept me away from it.

I agree that shooters are the easiest form of mp games to jump into but they have lost their luster somewhat. I have played Counterstrike LAN parties regularly and then to Battlefield Bad Company 2. After that shooters felt too repetitive.

Again, I agree that TW3 is a giant time sink but in a good way. I can stop and then continue where I left off-the game is still there waiting for me. In contrast multiplayer games require much more tedious dedication than a singleplayer. The jump-in-and-play type of games get too boring quickly while the competitive ones will make you feel like a newbie every time you log in after a long hiatus.

Crowserk3200d ago

For you sure, everyone's different however.

Some people can sink in 3-4 hours after work/school a day to practice their muscle memory in lets say a FPS, or work out their schedule with a team of 4 other friends in a MOBA match to really get down some good practice.

It's more or less dedication - you can literally achieve everything as long as you believe. <sloth_dreams.jpg>

lipton1013200d ago

I like DayZ. If you feel like playing / gearing up alone, head to the middle of the map. If you're feeling mischievous or heroic, head to the coast for some solid pvp mayhem.

PersonMan3200d ago

I usually like to jump into something and play a few matches. I'm not one to go and try to meet other players and work with them.

TeamLeaptrade3200d ago

My thing is I only play with the friends I already have, but I do happen to meet new people, but it's pretty rare that I'm out of a party chat.

Paytaa3200d ago

I've been switching on and off between Halo MCC and The Witcher 3 and I work 50 hours a week, go to the gym, go out with friends, etc. It allows my time with The Witcher for example to make the most out of my purchase since it takes a long time. Halo is my go to "pick up and play" game since it's like embedded in my blood so even with all of that going on in my life a game like Halo 5 will still be amazing on the multiplayer front for me.


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