
What is Sony’s Secret of Success With PlayStation Brand

TTZ: Sony came, saw and conquered with the original PlayStation 20 years ago and are still standing strong. What is it's recipe for success?

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TeeKay3218d ago

its a combination of innovation, market sensibility and knowing what your audience wants imo.

SniperControl3218d ago

Spot on, these things have and will continue to make Sony the greatest console and game maker ever.

suckingeggs3217d ago

Not dropping Its current gen console for Its next gen console...

I can name two gaming companies that have done this

Why o why3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Sonys gaming ethos and track record vs others gaming ethoi and track records.

No abandonment or minimalistic approaches but willing to take far more risks.

breakpad3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

the secret sauce behind Sony ...is simply one word Japan ....Videogames , you like it or not are visual art and in visual arts, Japanese (and generally Asian as ethnicity ) are artisans with natural talent in it

Griever3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

I think the reason for Playstation's success is variety. Playstation offers the most diverse lineup of games in the industry. All other consoles lean towards one or two genres so only the fans of those genres buy them. For example, Xbox leans towards shooters and racers. Nintendo consoles lean toward platformers and family oriented games. Playstation offers the most genres of games on a single console in the gaming industry so gamers of all tastes and preferences buy them. As a result, Playstation home consoles get the most number of sales each generation (well except for the last gen where Wii was the leader).

donthate3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

I disagree with that, because we all saw what the PS3 delivered. It wasn't what consumers wanted, and they revolted and moved to the Xbox 360.

Personally, I would say Sony's success was the CD-ROM drive in the original PS1 and polygons i.e. 3D worlds. That was huge at the time, and they dominated the gaming industry for two whole generations. When I say dominated, I mean like utterly destroy everyone else. It wasn't just a monopoly, it was a total monopoly.

A lot of people are nostalgic about this, just the same way people are nostalgic about Nintendo/Mario. They grew up with the Playstation, and have fond memories of it. They want that to still be around.

That is Sony's strenght that they have an exceedingly strong brand all over the world. Even the massive disaster of PS3 was overcome, and I really do not think anyone else could have overcome something like that.

Ironically the 3rd console curse affected MS too with Xbox One in a very similar position, and they are now recovering too. However, MS do not have as strong brand as Sony do in most other parts of the world other than UK/US.

SniperControl3217d ago


"I disagree with that, because we all saw what the PS3 delivered. It wasn't what consumers wanted, and they revoled and moved to the Xbox 360"

That's why the PS3 outsold the 360 in the end even with the year head start the 360 had.

The PS3 bought pioneering technology to consoles and the masses, a Blu-ray player, a HDMI port, Bluetooth connectivity, a powerful CPU, Eyetoy, Move.

You are living in fantasy land my friend.

AngelicIceDiamond3217d ago

The games, innovation, superior Smart buissness sense and their straightforward nature when it comes to delivering what the fans want.

breakpad3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

@ donthate...hey "donthate" donthate Sony because your a bit blind with your X360-disastrous-for-gaming-era ...
PS4 current course we all hoped that it would be followed by PS3 back then ...but lazy developers bored to exploit the PS3 beast and jumped off the train on the X1.5(x360) forcing all the game market nearly change to an ugly westernized-simplified place for teens (see COD, GearoWar Capcom-Lostplanet3, DMC...Square -FFXIII..Kojima-MGR although MGR it was still good,)
Fortunately Sony managed to turn things around ,insisting on quality and here it is crushing competition again

Ezz20133217d ago


Is that why Ps3 outsold Xbox360 ?!

Plz change your name to something else
it doesn't match your comments

TrollityTroll3217d ago

"I disagree with that, because we all saw what the PS3 delivered. It wasn't what consumers wanted, and they revolted and moved to the Xbox 360. "

And the PS4 is massively outselling the XB1 while the XB1 is selling at pretty much the same rate as the PS3.
So ... will you stand by the same comment above in reference to the XB1 then? I doubt it ...

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3217d ago
chrisx3217d ago

I wonder what life would be like without Sony. Thank heavens for them and the PS brand

tmh35933217d ago ShowReplies(2)
gosukyomomma3217d ago

Yep the uniqueness of the games and diversity of games is what makes me keep returning to the playstation brand. So much choice and all top quality too. sony exclusives really do show how much extra care and attention they put into their games

remixx1163217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

Exactly, Sony has always been about diversity and quality in its games and it has always been about gaming first. Hell even the ps3 which was advertised as an everything box fell back on games and succeeded in the end.

This is the "gaming" industry and Sony has always topped the "gaming" part pretty well.

chaosx3217d ago

and going up against competition that were lead by a bunch of ass hats on release with a PR team that tore them apart.

Azzanation3217d ago

I agree with everything but innovation. Sony's track record for innovation has been actually taking other companies ideas eg Vita, PS camera, Trophys, PS Move are all direct ideas from there opposition and thats only naming a couple, I could add Rumble Packs, HDD and even there own games like Jak X and PS allstars etc. Sony are the best out of the 3 who can read the market and ill give them credit for that.

JackStraw3217d ago

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

Azzanation3217d ago

I am not against companies improving on other companies ideas, I do disapprove those who claim them being innovative and not respecting the original companies ideas in the first place. Its not really innovating its more improving.

3-4-53217d ago

PS4 has sold well based on " Greatness Awaits " but a good portion of that Greatness still needs to be delivered.

* PS2 = Gave everybody everything you could want.

PS3 = struggled and then found it's way very late in it's life.

PS4 = Sold well based on the fixes and improvements from PS3 to Ps4, and also it being the most powerful combined with brand loyalty.

PS4 hasn't delivered yet like PS2 did, but it does seem to be on that track.

PS4 got a HUGE media push in it's favor and that definitely has factored into some sales, like how the Wii did.

I'd say by the end of 2016 PS4 probably will have really started to be GREAT, where as right now it's kind of a " Well it seems like it will be great "

It's still probably the "best" option for a lot of gamers, but I wouldn't say it's delivered anything that is truly above and beyond the XB1.

I believe it has the potential to Be great, but it's still working it's way there.

It does have a nice advantage over XB1 in that it gets more favorable articles spread around the web, so that helps keep it in the mind of people that it's still on top.

I don't think PS4 is THAT much greater than the XB1 at this current point in time, but it's future outlook does seem that it will maintain it's lead throughout the duration of this gen.

PS4 has a nice lead and I don't see it losing that.

PS4 has more RPG's and especially more JRPG's.

JRPG's sell consoles/handhelds....they just do.

JackStraw3217d ago

What are you even talking about? Little to nothing of what you said is relevant. You're just talking.

3216d ago
strike1013216d ago

competitors mistake and failures

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3216d ago
GribbleGrunger3218d ago

A proven history for quality and diversity.

Brazz3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

this! The history of the playstation brand! A console which has a rhythm of releases during the entire generation, with Ps4 selling well, we can be sure that we have the variety, rhythm and quality of games we've had in previous generations, and not a console that is completely forgotten at the end of generation (looking at you Xbox / Xbox 360)

3217d ago
Spotie3217d ago

Outsourced cross-gen games and multiplats don't count.

Azzanation3217d ago

If MS stopped supporting the 360 they wouldn't have bothered releasing FH2, Titanfall and Tomb Raider on it.

WelkinCole3217d ago

Yeah their track record of quality is unmatched. It is the main tenant in their brand and why it is unrivaled everywhere. They support their console the full span and they do their own thing

The other thing most people also forget is that Sony always push the envelope of gaming as a media.

You will always see them highlight niche/non mainstream games like flowwer or ICO or the Indies this gen.

To them PS is more than just a business.

You can never go wrong with a PS console.

hiredhelp3218d ago

All of the above plus there not affraid to ask what people want,They take blame not blame the consumer there overall a open honist committed gaming company and I think that shows.

FallenAngel19843218d ago

PlayStation's greatest strengths as brand is offering the most diversity for the broadest demographic both mainstream and niche, supporting platforms with content years after its successor releases, pushing the boundaries of formats and hardware, willingness to adapt and expand upon market trends, and most importantly trying to offer the best value on a platform for as long as possible.

iceman063217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )

THIS...was well said! Seriously, no fanboy nonsense, just an honest evaluation. +Bubs

italiangamer3218d ago

If it wasn't for Sony, people would still look at videogames as a kids/nerds hobby and it wouldn't be nowhere near as big as it is today. They ushered the 3D era of videogames that we enjoy today.

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