
Blues and Bullets: Episode 1 Review - PC Gaming Enthusiast

Blues and Bullets is a game that might seem hard to recommend on paper. Campy dialogue, unnecessary shooting scenes, linear environments, and wonky animations mar the experience, but underlying it is a vision and tone that’s fully realized in the brooding atmosphere, ominous plot, and brilliant visual composition. And it’s in this full embrace of the noir aesthetic that Blues and Bullets works.

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Digital Flash Discounts with all the prices

P&L write: "Fancy a quick glimpse at all the games on the PSN Flash sale? Well here you go. We’ve painstakingly gone to the trouble of including the UK prices of each of the games to give you a rough idea of the regional pricing. The Digital Flash promotion ends December 1st so you better be quick!"

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blady_man2745d ago

I would have loved to have some psvr games on sale

ps5fanboy2745d ago

Galaga , one of the best classics ever , £1.19? Yes please!
(On a side note, I was a master back then on a few games... )


Blues and Bullets On Standstill, Developers Facing "Difficult Times"

A Crowd of Monsters confirmed today that their noir adventure game Blues and Bullets is seeing delayed releases due to "difficult times" within the studio.

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Goldenarmz2807d ago

I was going to buy this, think ill wait to see if it gets finished. Not gonna buy Ep 1 and 2 and not be able to finish. This sucks, game looks great.

Iltapalanyymi2807d ago (Edited 2807d ago )

PHEW the rumours about cancellation were too much for my heart. glad it still somewhat alive. love the game


Blues and Bullets Cancelled

To my big regret, sources have told me that the development for further episodes from Blues and Bullets are completely cancelled.

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Iltapalanyymi2809d ago

no way. this was one of my favorites this year. so sad to see it go.

Kribwalker2809d ago

Weak, really enjoyed episode one, it took them forever for episode two so I was waiting for episode 3 to be close before I bought it so I could play through both back to back

MilkMan2809d ago

This is disappointing on many levels. I loved the first two episodes and I thought for sure it would find its audience with games like the TellTale series of games and Life is Strange how could it not find it mark?
In another point of view, I had ordered the season pass assuming we would get regular episodes. Why wouldn't I think there would be regular episodes? I loved what I played, and IF what this article says is true then perhaps they can refund the used portion of the money or a fraction of it.
I am very disappointed at this news. I was looking forward to playing in this universe again. Maybe some publisher can resurrect them. TT I'm looking at you.

Automatic792809d ago

This is definitely disappointing loved the first two episodes. Wow what a waste of an excellent game. Here is hopping they bring it back. MS add this to your portfolio and development. Excellent game.

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