
Let's Play Skies of Arcadia: (3) Meeting Big Boss

Stu at Sushimonster85 writes 'Returning home to find their home destroyed by the Valuan Empire, Vyse and Aika set out to rescue everyone. Things don’t quite accordingto plan when their ship is destroyed by a giant Air Whale (just go with it). Luckily, Big Boss, fresh from MGS, is lurking near by to save us. He is a bit grump, but so would you be if you worked for Konami that long.'

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A Look Back at the Best Dreamcast JRPGs

Beep, Beep. We're broadcasting live from the Dreamcast channel, and today's event is the best JRPGs on the Dreamcast.

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shinoff2183183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

Good picks but could've used some links to trailers also or screenshots

Relientk77182d ago

Grandia II and Skies of Arcadia are amazing.

RaiderNation755d ago (Edited 755d ago )

Gunstar Heroes was made by Treasure. I'm not sure if that IP actually belongs to Sega. If it does, the ONLY modern day developer that I think would do that game justice is Housemarque. Maybe Sega could collaborate with Sony to let them make a modern day Gunstar Heroes. I definitely think Shinobi and Afterburner need modern day remakes though.

I feel like there are stronger Sega IP's than some of the ones that were listed such as...

Vector Man
Comix Zone
Virtual On
Ranger X
Jet Set Radio
Eternal Champions

sourOG755d ago

A new eternal champions would be sick

TimelessDbz755d ago

Phantasy star Online 1 and Phantasy star universe.

Mopes754d ago

Sadly I think that is unlikely because of Phantasy Star Online 2

FlavorLav01755d ago

Totally agreed. That’s a good start. Here’s a few more I think would covert well.

Virtua Fighter
Fighting Vipers
Sonic Adventure
Altered Beast
Shenmue (properly supported)

sourOG755d ago

Condemned criminal origins!

Snookies12755d ago

Amazing series, wish more people had known about it back in the day!

sourOG755d ago

Probably still my favorite horror game of all time. I’ve been into that kind of shit my whole life so I don’t scare easy but condemned got me. When you’re looking down a hallway and see people peaking out. The heart was kicking lmao.

I need to play it again. I played a year or 2 ago and it still held up. Graphics are obviously dated but just the premise. Like pulling pipes off of the wall and shit. You don’t see that anymore. I’d take the same game with a new can of paint, it still feels good. Multiplat remaster do it. I don’t think criminal origins ever came to PlayStation.

ZelTroidVania755d ago

As hard as it was, the Shinobi remake that came out on PS2 was decent. But yes, a new remake would be great. Always loved that series.

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The 12 Most Underrated Sega Dreamcast Games

The Sega Dreamcast was a system that had some really cool and innovative games. However, the console never had as much widespread appeal as the PS2 or Xbox.

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Jiub837d ago

I would play a seaman remake today. No doubt.

Longie_long837d ago

We encourage all gamers to enjoy playing with their seaman.

phoenixwing837d ago

I think outtrigger is really underrated as a game for the dreamcast. It was quite good for the time.

Shuckylad837d ago

If I could take two consoles with me into the after life it would be the Snes and dreamcast.

Jiub837d ago

I can get behind SNES, but Dreamcast? I'm not saying you're wrong, but I need an explanation

ApocalypseShadow837d ago (Edited 837d ago )

Dreamcast was like an arcade console in the home. As Sega produced many games and brought them over. Third parties released their arcade fighters on the console and they were arcade perfect or better like Soul Calibur. Back when games were about instant fun because they had to be to draw you in.

Every console we play today is more about length of a game and added side missions or fluff to lengthen the game than arcade as many of the games aren't arcade like. There are arcade like games there. Especially fighters. But these consoles don't have the same feel as an arcade company that made an arcade like machine. Dreamcast was the end of an era as most gamers play at home, most console games don't release in the arcade and multiplayer is through an online connection that kills that in person social gathering.

Gamers like myself that grew up on arcades, can tell the difference from popping tokens and nickels and quarters at arcades and just pressing start with a controller. Dreamcast had that feeling. It had a short life but it sure left an impression. Which is why I have two units to make sure. Because it's soul never dies(Soul Calibur)

ApocalypseShadow837d ago (Edited 837d ago )

I'm not sure if my explanation below fits why you like Dreamcast. But that's how I felt about it. Even today, there are no light gun games anymore. And today's TVs don't even support them. I have to keep a CRT TV just to keep light gun gaming alive.

And online is okay. But it's like playing poker in person compared to over the internet with a no name and no face opponent. The game is the same but you don't get the poker face looks, the body movement, the physical cards or chips. Dreamcast had that arcade feel and local, multiplayer fun.

CR7JUVE1897837d ago

Dreamcast is far and away my favorite console of all time.

Bathory666837d ago

If you like survival horror, i highly recommend D2. It’s really cool. Reminiscent of deadly premonition. Great atmosphere and music. Super campy and cheesy but unique. Just emulate it.

837d ago