
How to unlock “very high” quality Xbox One streaming in Windows 10

One of the coolest features of Windows 10, if you have an Xbox One, is the ability to stream your console games to your Desktop PC or Laptop, provided they’re on the same network.Unfortunately, the quality's a bit on the shoddy side. Here's how to improve it.

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GavinMannion3198d ago

This is streaming Xbox One to PC.. nothing to do with the master race

Kingthrash3603197d ago

I'm still trying to grasp the point of streaming an xboxone game to pc when you could just play most the games on pc....or your xbox...With a bigger tv..and likely better quality. ..i dunno. If you could stream away from home it would be awsome...but why would this matter if I'm home anyway?

Gazondaily3197d ago


Well the PC has extra features and better dvr options and for me, when the TV is busy, to be able to stream to other devices is a big bonus.

mhunterjr3197d ago (Edited 3197d ago )


It allows you to play your Xbox from any room in your house, without moving your Xbox around...

Someone hogging your TV? Stream to your desk top... Don't feel like going to your man cave, stream to your laptop...

It's super convenient, and folks have already figured out how to make it work over the Internet, so that you can play away from home...

BumpFrankie3197d ago (Edited 3197d ago )

What about all of those people who don't have a gaming PC? Also like 99% of the articles about this, it's more useful for when somebody else is using the TV so you can just go to you're bedroom or computer room and easily stream some Halo 5 or Forza 6 to your PC with no hassle. It's really only about convenience.

Baka-akaB3197d ago

There are less people with a good gaming pc that usually assumed here .

Besides with WIn10 involved doesnt it just go beyond PC , and the ability to stream to tablets too ?

And like said above , anytime there is such streaming capability it opens the option of playing remotely from a separate location .

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3197d ago
Th3o3197d ago

Haters where would N4G be without them...

GavinMannion3198d ago

I'm not overly phased about the pixel count to be honest... but those picture are HUGELY different..

Why wouldn't MS allow this by default?

Orbertron3198d ago (Edited 3198d ago )

For the same reason when you buy a PC game, and the settings are not set to auto max settings, they do not know your setup, they give you what works and the option to have it how you want it.

GavinMannion3198d ago

I get it not being auto max.. but having to edit files etc to even enable the option seems odd... should have just been a radio button or something

Th3o3197d ago

You do know game settings that Auto usually generate it according to your hardware category?

If your hardware is more than recommended it usually defaults to max, and if you have min it defaults to min.

They do know your hardware otherwise the game wouldn't launch.

Orbertron3198d ago

I Agree, if there is a high enough demand though the Win10 feedback program, we could see a change fairly soon = 2 to 6 months

B1uBurneR3197d ago

While on the subject of innovation they just updated windows 10 Xbox app.. did y'all know we can watch YouTube.. tv..other apps.but not neflix.. I'm enjoying be able to control my tv and watch live shows from the cable box that goes through the Xbox One and onto my laptop. ...oh and to be able to switch to games instantly -- chilling on the Balcony watching tv : )

Xbonewone320153197d ago (Edited 3197d ago )

This has been implemented so perfectly.

MS are genius.

My 5 year old laptop streams my xbone games flawlessly. There is zero lag, zero stutter.

Amazing job.

feraldrgn3197d ago (Edited 3197d ago )

So like the Wii-U pad off screen play? & the Vita remote play?

Chanogram3197d ago

Is that sarcasm? If so, poorly executed. Not all streaming is equal. Thats like saying a honda civic is like a dodge viper. Well, their both cars, right?

TheUndertaker853197d ago

The difference being the game's not going to be any better by you calling it a Viper or a Honda. Rename it whatever you wish but the package is much the same.

Chanogram3197d ago


Who said anything about the GAME being better? The way you can play it is better (more versatility). The package is NOT the same, thats my entire point. The package with PS4 is streaming to a proprietary device... the pacakge with WiiU is streaming to a proprietary device (if you are withing range of the console in this case).

The package with X1 lets you stream to any windows 10 pc or tablet. The "package" as you call it is exactly what makes them different.

I own a PS4 and Vita, and a Wii U. I've tried all the various streaming. Xbox One offers more versatility when it comes to streaming to other devices. I really dont understand how you can argue that.

You obviously didnt understand my car anaology, so let me just ask you a question. If you were at an auto show, and they unveiled a brand new 750hp supercar, would you raise your hand and say "so it's like a civic?"

TheUndertaker853196d ago (Edited 3196d ago )

Just gonna simplify and say I wouldn't put the engine of a Viper (Hey, same engine right?) in a Honda and attempt to call it a Viper.

Doesn't matter either way. Your analogy is crap. You're directly trying to turn a feature that other systems do and do just the same into an analogy about cars, attempting to make that car a Viper. It's not a Viper. Any low class PC running Windows 10 can do it.

So more or less you're talking about a car. Doesn't really matter the type. Your PC can be a Honda or a Viper or anything in between and as long as it's running Windows 10 it'll run this feature. More interestingly those Honda PCs won't be running "Very High Quality".

Further doesn't the PS4 Remote Play work on more than Vita? Plus plans to expand that further have been laid out?

So to put it simply for you it's not a car but if it was what you're attempting to do is not only put a Viper engine in a Honda and calling it a Viper but putting other engines in like Fiat and still attempting to call it a Viper.

Or maybe we could get past analogies and actually make a point. The Windows 10 streaming of Xbox One works virtually the same as PS4s Remote Play but considering on that end everything is the same outside of the router you know what kind of experience you're going to get. Not to mention the fact that this along with play away from home seem to require extra work and manipulation so clearly doesn't work this way out of the box.

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Microsoft is bringing its Xbox Auto HDR feature to Windows

A new test version of Windows 10 also includes new File Explorer changes.

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XxINFERNUSxX1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

Most PC gamers right now do not have HDR monitors. "as long as you have a compatible HDR monitor" I'm using a 240hz Alienware 1080p GSYNC panel, (AW2518H) while I love it and love the high FPS in games, I'm not buying a new lcd just yet. So for now I just use reshade in all the games I play and enable "fake HDR" 😁 It's pretty good to, not real HDR but close enough for me. 👍

darthv721153d ago

If someone doesnt have an HDR PC monitor, can't they use a HDR supported tv? Most PC cards support HDMI out so I would think that could be one option. It might not have the uber high refresh but I'm sure it could work.

XxINFERNUSxX1153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

Yeah the HDR TV will work over HDMI. I'm using displayport myself but if your just using that connection you can just use a displayport to hdmi adapter since displayport carries audio just like HDMI.

XbladeTeddy1152d ago

"Most PC gamers right now do not have HDR monitors."

Your point? Nothing wrong with Microsoft impementing this. Once you do get a HDR monitor in the future I'm sure you'll be moaning if Microsoft didn't have any support for it on Windows. They're not going to postpone it because XxINFERNUSxX doesn't have the right monitor yet.

CaptainHenry9161153d ago (Edited 1153d ago )

This is great news. I'm about to invest in a new HDMI 2.1 and Display port 2.0 monitor this year I'm looking at you Asus PG32UQ . Perfect timing 👌

1153d ago
Wrex3691153d ago

This is such a cool feature honestly.

Fluke_Skywalker1152d ago

This is good news I hate having to enable HDR manually everytime I play an HDR enabled game. Some games already turn it on automatically but they are very few and far between (Destiny 2 is actually the only one I know of 😅).


Steam vs DS4Windows – Which is best for DualSense On the PC

Now that I've had some time to play with the PS5 DualSense on PC with Steam and DS4Windows, it's time to decide which is best for PC gaming.

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Teflon021257d ago

My issue is that on steam you can modify on a game by game bases as some nave native support and DS4Windows you'd have to turn on and off and the issue with what I'm saying. If it has native support and you use the Steam API or DS4W it'll give you Xbox control prompts so it's more convenient to just run the steam API. Generally games outside of steam make sure to have support unless old. I have both and will only use DS4W if I absolutely have to. It's good but the game by game bases on steam is so much more ideal. Example Games with DS4 native support will allow trackpad support like Ni no Kuni using the track pad. But with DS or Steam activated it puts the trackpad to the share button. So the manual ability to disable it anytime that game starts makes it where that game operates correctly every time

1257d ago
XxINFERNUSxX1257d ago (Edited 1257d ago )

I just use my 360 controller for 3rd person games, like GTA. All FPS games keyboard/mouse. No need for me to spend 70$ on a controller. Plus I like it to just work without any drivers just plug & play like the 360 controller.


Try turning off Windows 10's Game Mode if your games are stuttering or freezing

A growing number of users say Game Mode is causing performance issues in games.

oasdada1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

Wow i just turned off my game mode a few days ago just because.. and i felt sloght performance getting better but i thought maybe it was just me.. and now i read this

godmachine1465d ago

Right , I read this about a week ago and immediately changed it even with a nvidia gpu my fallout 4 with 3d vision stopped hitching almost entirely

starchild1465d ago

Hmm I've been getting microstuttering in games on my relatively new Ryzen 5 3600. But it always goes away once I restart my PC. Very strange. But I think I already have game mode turned off.

Rude-ro1465d ago

Not sure if you can turn it off.
Have to go into task manager and fight it to get it stop running.

Skuletor1464d ago

I turned it off today, was relatively simple. Went to settings, gaming, clicked game mode on the side tab, then toggled it off

Rude-ro1464d ago


Right... but I find it still running when going through the task manager.

traumadisaster1465d ago

Last week I heard of that while trying to figure out audio stuttering on a rd 5700. There seems to be a lot of people having audio crackle and go in and out on amd. It seems like there is an audio conflict with two sources trying to control, I don't know.

monkey6021465d ago

I've been diving into the PC gaming side of things head first since last summer and I have a good grasp of it and I'm comfortable with it all now

But what you've just said is exactly why there'll always be a space for home consoles in the gaming market 😂

traumadisaster1465d ago

True, there can be enough problems to make one think it's not worth it. But overall since the ps360 days playing in HD or even 4k at 60 fps vs the muck of 720p under 30fps, non vsync with awful tearing it makes you figure out the pc. Then when you get steam sales over the years it's really nice. But there is a small percentage of pc horror stories that won't happen on console.

TheColbertinator1465d ago

Did this a year back and apart from less performance hiccups I also got less sound glitches. W10 Game mode is not a very beneficial feature for me.

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