
Phil Spencer On Xbox Long-Term Strategy: More First Party Titles & Fewer Third Party Deals

As you probably know, Phil Spencer will take to the stage in Gamescom and introduce the world to several upcoming Xbox One games such as ScaleBound, Crackdown and the highly anticipated Quantum Break. All of this is less than a week away but that doesn’t mean the head of Microsoft’s gaming division is taking it easy right now.

TheGreatGamer3223d ago

Dropping deals like the COD dlc and instead focusing on first party games is a good move

Abash3223d ago

Microsoft didn't "drop" any deal, in fact MS responded to Activision switching the deal to PS4 by saying "We saw it coming".

Whether Phil Spencer truly wants to focus less on third party deals, the fact of the matter is that publishers want to make those deals on the more popular console. You know where the money is, it's just business. That's why so many of them have gone to the PS4 in the past year

MCTJim3223d ago

He said “we were expecting the announcement” and that more people still play Call of Duty games on the Xbox platform.

3223d ago
Pogmathoin3223d ago

BS.... Even when 360 launched, Sony was dominant..... Sony are paying for these deals... Sony are doing what made MS successful last time.... MS may start acting like Sony... Its a cycle... Get over this holier than though Sony bolloxs... They want your dollar.... It seems you lot giver the more than that.... Damn sailors...

3223d ago
Rookie_Monster3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )


"the fact of the matter is that publishers want to make those deals on the more popular console."

Then how do you explain MS still has marketing deals for Madden with a Madden Bundle incoming?

Satyre283223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

@Abash.. You are so wrong its not even funny lol. I love how you guys think that just because the PS4 has more sales companies are just gonna give them exclusive rights to DLC etc. Is that why Fallout probably the biggest game of this year and probably going to be one of the best games this entire generation has marketing rights with the Xbox? Its about money, stop being such a dumb ignorant fanboy and realize that money is king in this world, Sony has to pay just as much as MS does for this deals.

NeoGamer2323223d ago

That is bs. The publishers will make the deals with whoever offers them the best overall financial compensation.

It is business. Console sales r only one part of the compensation.

dkp233223d ago

If ms wanted the deal they could hav it. Sony doesn't outbid ms in anything

donthate3223d ago


I think MS saw the consistent decline of Call of Duty, they decided to drop that turd and focus on quality games instead.

I'm glad MS did too as we are seeing a steady stream of first party/second party exclusive games and massive amount of features coming to Xbox One.

Money, resources and talent well spent!!! :D

AngelicIceDiamond3223d ago

If MS put in their first party the same way they put in third party last gen then it will be damn near marathon of games from MS.

Gazondaily3223d ago


How do you know Sony didn't approach Activision with money? How do you know the switch wasnt mutual? Microsoft deciding that the deal ran its course?

freshslicepizza3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

what phil spencer elaborates on is the troubling aspect of this industry. he talks about cross buy where you purchase one piece of software that allows you to play it on various devices.

this should be the common goal, to get people to play games on as many devices as possible. some people act like the more xbox games go to the pc the less interesting the xbox is. that isn't true at all because you are looking at it from the perspective that exclusives somehow make your experience better. it doesn't. why would gears of war going to the pc somehow make your previous enjoyment on the xbox worse? what it does is allows easier access so that more people can enjoy the games.

and if people just want to play games on the pc there wouldn't be a console market is not correct at all. but there is a healthy console market and it's not to do with exclusive games, it's because some people like playing games on an all-in-one box for a decent price. just like how some people still like playing portable devices for their gaming. the market is there for all to survive and exclusive deals don't need to be there to keep the market going. so there really is no need to exclude others

GameNameFame3223d ago

Bigger emphasis on first party. Yet, there are weaker compared to last gen.

Sony has been buying first party devs. MS is barely replacing devs that have left. and replacing with lower quality ones too.

Paying for timed exclusivity. Paying devs temporary. like TR, Dead Rising, Ryse, Titanfall, Scalebound and SO MUCH MORE.

THat doesnt sound like long term first party. That sounds like last gen MS, we will have good exclusives for 1-2 years and stop renewing deals.

BubbsyKong3223d ago

Actually if you look at steam sales its gone their... :p and gues whos replacing the steam machein? Microsoft.. When DayZ amd Ark Survival Evolved hit the xbone LMAO its gunna be a game changer. I LOVE both consoles as I always state but IMO xbox is the only console bringing true next gen featurez with cross platform builds and total intagration of all their systems and games to come, where the ps4 is a ps3 with better graphics and party chat.

Why o why3223d ago

Sony fans have been saying this for years.......we're trolling, Phil says it and its glee time. Wtf

It was always about internal games that cant be taken away... 3rd party games are the icing on the cakes.....first party, your foundations and legacy

poor_cus_of_games3223d ago

Yeah bubbys never played a ps4 before with that very stupid comment "where the ps4 is a ps3 with better graphics and party chat"

Haru3223d ago


Sony has a exclusive deal for Star wars too just like Call of duty, you didn't really think that EA would let their big holiday money maker be associated with the less popular console did you? xbone has less than half install base of PS4

dirkdady3223d ago

Wrong, it's all about opportunity cost. When 360 was more popular in America activision could be happy with $20 million (arbitrary number) to exclusive DLC for a month. However since the ps4 is 2:1 to Xbox 1 the opportunity cost is significantly higher for MS meaning the price could be now $40 million (arbitrary number) for activision to even consider going with Xbox.

With Sony proving with destiny activision sees a win-win in partnering with Sony on COD and probably offered them a much lower price tag on exclusivity.

Death3223d ago


Where are you getting your 2:1 numbers for America? In North America the two consoles are pretty close.

TheXgamerLive3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Wrong. MS chose to not push for a new deal. Do you think MS didn't have the funds lol. They did as expected and as spoken per Phil. This was a decision made last year and that joke post your refearing to was NOT an official statement as to anything. Seriously small minded fanboys like yourself can't handle ANYTHING pro MS ya just gotta whine don't ya. Well enjoy the games and stop winning. Its all good for every gamer right now.

r2oB3223d ago

@ death

He said the Xbox 360 was more popular in America, which made it easier to get deals. He is saying now the PS4 is leading 2:1 (worldwide), I'd be more expensive for Microsoft to obtain those same types of deals.

@ BubsyKong

Most of what you said makes Xbox One feel more next gen, Sony gamers have been experiencing for a while. Cross buy, cross play, cross save, remote play, same network streaming, are all features PS4 gamers are familiar with.

Seafort3222d ago


Microsoft isn't replacing the steam machine as there is nothing to replace yet. They still have to prove themselves to PC gamers that they actually want to support the PC platform instead of trying to force us to use the Xbox Live crap on Windows 10. (I've already removed the Xbox app on my PC).

DayZ and ARK are still PC exclusives till they launch on consoles sometime next year. You do realise that PS4 are getting these games too right?

I don't really want cross platform play with Xbox gamers as we are totally different players and want different things. Microsoft tried cross platform on Xbox360 but they removed it in the end as it gave KB/M PC gamers an unfair advantage over the gamepad.

Pogmathoin3222d ago

After the disaster that was the X1 announcement, if you made a list of things that should change at MS, correcting many things, you would have a big list. And there was, and one by one, MS has made positive changes.. Each one has been met with more negative thrash from Sony Fanboys.... First party is the big thing on this, Sony fans always complained how 3rd party deals is bad for the industry, but now MS are making positive moves on first party, and Sony fans gloat about 3rd party deals.... Which has led to this mental image of Sony fan boys....


Why o why3222d ago


Ms and the x1 are definitely a more gamer friendly entity now. What you've misconstrued is that many fans outside of ms bemoaned their lack of first party courage. They relied heavily on 3rd parties. We've seen that for 2 generations straight. Phil is doing the right thing and addressing what many 'fanboys' were in denial about. Take the flack and those downplaying should ease up and give credit for what phil plans to do. Time will tell if ms can last a whole gen and take a few more risks. Lets see how it goes before we chastise or celebrate

jebabcock3222d ago

Lets take a closer look at MS actions because from what I am seeing, they are blatantly throwing in the towel with the X1... Not throwing the towel in for the Xbox brand or gaming, but Definitely for the X1.

MS is actually trying to shift towards PC gaming and away from console. All their recent efforts point to this... Hololens/VR/Real Cloud enhanced gaming and pretty much every new technology they are working on is being pushed heavily for pc with little to no mention of even a possibility of X1 compatibility. DX12 is primarily directed at PC gaming. Who the hell wants to stream a console game to a PC? Stream a PC game to a console? that would have been awesome and made sense. A system that allows me to play my pc games in my living room easily! cool! MS wants you back in front of your PC though so getting you to play your console games from your PC is a no brainer from their perspective. With the 360 they almost completely stopped making games for the PC and had at least timed exclusive MS games on the 360 first. With the X1 now the big deal is that X1 games will release simultaneously on the PC. The push for their apis used to be port your PC games to the 360 with ease. Now it is Port your X1 games to PC with ease.
Complete abandonment of the kinect is wierd if you are aggressively supporting a console. It was supposed to be the crowning piece of the system. Now nothing pretty much uses it and it doesn't even get any real mention at E3.

They want to focus back on making PC games(Phil's statement about shifting back to first party games). They want a piece of the STEAM pie, and they are ultimately already hedging their bets with the X1. All the cues are there. As a game developer for the PC, 3rd party alliances don't make much sense anymore do they?

Will there be another Console generation? possibly not. It is hard to say. If that is true, then a large chunk of gamers may likely flood back to PC. MS is poising itself to be ready for that next Gen. Nintendo is doing the same thing but with a shift to mobile device compatibility.

The only company that seems to be actively making new Technology for their current console is Sony with Morpheus..

Just note that pretty much every X1 exclusive will be on PC likely day 1 from here on out. So when MS is saying that they are supporting the X1... I suspect that it is more likely that you will be getting polished PC ports from here on out.

It is amazing how Phil spins this to sound like the X1 is getting the attention it needs though. Ultimately, Its not bad for gaming, its just bad for X1 console owners...

I suspect within a year or so, once Windows 10 takes off which I am assuming it will, GWG will start offering PC games and stop giving x360 games.

Watch for a lot of focus on the xbox app and store labeled as integration with Windows 10 with accessibility to PC game purchases as well as X1 purchases.

ShowanW3222d ago (Edited 3222d ago )

$$$ talks over sales...

Its easy to see it was a bidding war... but Microsoft chose not to bid.

U honestly think Sony having more sales can top the check Microsoft can write.

Microsoft has enough capital to purchase all of Sony.

So to think miniscule console sales tops $$$ is naïve

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
StrayaKNT3223d ago

Yeah cod deal is a waste of time and money the whole world knows it's a multiplat and most people including me would rather play It with the Xbox one controller anyway. Smart deal dropping that and picking up fallout 4 marketing rights as fallout will be one of the biggest games this year.

I'm also very happy they are focusing on first party games as their games in the past two years have been on another level and things from here are only looking better and better.

christocolus3223d ago

It's the best strategy and I'm sure they learnt their lesson with Ryse. Owning their IPs is the best way forward and Xbox already got a killer 2016 lineup.MS already got a great fighting game (Killer Instinct) but they've got enough time to develop their own third person action adventure game. I wouldn't mind a third person Perfect Dark game or a brand new ip. Xbox needs more games in the Survival horror, Action/Fantasy Adventure, Platforming, Hack n Slash and Rpg (Western&Japanese) genres. They have new studios like Decisive games, LXP etc but they could open even more. if Phil is serious about developing and owning their own IP then they can easily do this with the support of the new CEO.

pivotplease3223d ago

I wouldn't say it was a trade-off to begin with.MS had rights and timed exclusivity with Fallout 3 as well. Remember Operation Anchorage or whatever?

SpaceRanger3223d ago

You see...this is why I've yet to get an Xbox one.

MS have this bad habit of thinking you can only have one or the other. That quality vs quantity argument has no substance because it's possible to have both. They capitalized on 3rd party from the middle to late of last gen. and were trumped my the competition who had WAY more first party support. Now the third party deals have flipped to the competition who APREADY focuses heavily on first party. MS has big franchises that are hits! But they use them so often without any refresh of new IPs.

My opinion:
I'd rather game all year long and have BOTH quantity and quality. I don't need a company telling me that they want to choose one or the other for one part of the year. Maybe they'll convince me one day. But for now, I'm fine with both other consoles of the competition.

shiva13223d ago

I would rather play Halo 5 for one full year or more if the quality is like Halo 3. Dont need COD, BF or any thing else. I will buy all DLC at premium price if they can have that quality. I dont need 100 games spending $1000 and end of day thinkwhat a waste of time and effort from me and company or the game looks like last year version or the graphics are ripped off from some other game.....

Man give me one game and i will be occupied till their next best IP is out.

Gazondaily3223d ago

"You see...this is why I've yet to get an Xbox one. "

What a load of bull. So they focus on first party titles and youre 'upset' that they focus as much on striking deals with third parties? Tired of seeing such fake concern trolling.

Death3223d ago

Make us a list of first party games on the PS4. We are heading into the third holiday season of the next gen and Sony hasn't delivered first party titles like they have in the past. Even Sony says they are lacking in this aspect. If you read their quarterly reports and letters to investors they believe the road to increased profitability is with enhanced services such as PSNow and PSVue.

pivotplease3223d ago

It's not that they don't exist at all though. The first party titles are coming. We've already had a solid amount but obviously not as many as the PS3 was delivering at some points. I was expecting Uncharted 4 and a few new games for this year but it looks like 2016 will be the big year. Although this year is still shaping up to be better than 2014. Fallout 4, Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, and Persona 5? That is a stellar lineup that especially caters to someone like me.

r2oB3222d ago (Edited 3222d ago )

@ Death

As per your request for a list of first party games.

Sony first party games released:
KZ Shadowfall
Infamous SS
MLB 14
MLB 15
GoW 3 RE
Total - 9

Uncharted Collection
Uncharted 4
Tomorrow Children
Every bodies gone to rapture
The last guardian
Total - 8

Microsoft first party games released:
Forza 5
Forza Horizon 2
Killer instinct
Total - 4

Forza 6
halo 5
Gears 4
Gears UE
Sea of Thieves
Fable Legends
Rare collection
Total - 7

EDIT: feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Ezz20133222d ago


You will only list 1st party exclusives or all Ps4 exclusives ?!

Because you left games like Bloodborne and others.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3223d ago

Focusing on first party games is exactly what they need to do, but they also need to take more risks by creating more new IPs to attract new players to the console.

OpieWinston3223d ago

They've got an treasure trove of Old IPs. When you're sitting on all those possible games, creating new IPs isn't smart.

They can attract new players by just bringing back Rare games.

medman3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Finally, a reply that makes sense. Kudos.

pivotplease3223d ago

Maybe this is blasphemous but I almost wish that Gears became a new franchise utilizing the same engine and gameplay. It looks like a reboot which is fresh in itself but it doesn't look nearly as good as say if you took the characters into a more visceral environment with higher stakes (no armour, etc.). Maybe something like what ND did with the transition from Uncharted to Last of Us. I think it would have been as successful if not more than what they are trying to do now.

miyamoto3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Or... Xbox is going the way of Nintendo... and PlayStation 4 is just being .... PlayStation.
PlayStation "Crash-ed" the Nintendo vs Sega rivalry with more than 200 third party developers on board back in 1994 and its back to that form again after the PS3.

Microsoft should know this fact- that the PS4 manage to outsell the XB1 even with scarce 1st party exclusives.

Another good example to follow is the Xbox 360- it has good 3rd Party support via ease of game development than PS3.

Next time, MS and Nintendo should consult 3rd party developers when doing R&D for their next consoles just like what MArk Cerny did with designing the PS4.

Zeref3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

We haven't seen the result of them having no AAA exclusives this year yet. Holidays are going to be interesting indeed. Is Microsoft going to take the US back? It looks very likely.

joab7773223d ago

It wasn't working anymore, just costing money. I'm actually wondering why Sony got it. They already had more CoD players playing.
I am still waiting for the xbone equivalent of Mass Effect. When ot happens, I will have to buy one.

richardmmorales3223d ago

Them already having more CoD players playing is probably why they got it.

medman3223d ago

Yeah, don't forget Bioshock and Gears. Those were huge for xbox. That isn't going to happen this time around though. Microsoft had more than a years headstart on the ps3, so those deals were much easier to make.

CantBeStopped3223d ago

"Dropping deals" is a nice way to spin losing partnerships.

MRMagoo1233223d ago

exactly, the xbone fanboys can thumb down all they want but MS arent choosing to leave third party behind the companies arent asking MS in the first place.

Death3223d ago

Weren't the Playstation fans the ones last gen complaining about money hatting these deals? Now they are spinning it as being a sign of weakness that the Xbox is "losing" these deals to Sony because it is more popular. Microsoft says they are focusing more on first party content instead of spending on third party exclusive content and deals which is exactly what Playstation fans said needed to be done. Now Playstation fans are laughing they aren't throwing money at third parties. Microsoft is fighting a losing battle aren't they?

grumpygamr3223d ago

Microsoft has the hardware tech ignorant/business non understanding/fact lacking/willing to believe anything they hear as long as it agrees with them/rather assume everyone that doesn't is stupid crowd. Now if they can juse get fans that they can be proud of they will be stoked.

All third party exclusives were a fail. They can't get any real third party games anymore cause it would cost way to much to negotiate a deal that will satisfy publishers enough to not make game for the PS4 juggernaut.

lelo2play3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Sony are becoming Microsoft, with more and more 3rd party deals... and Microsoft are becoming Sony, with more 1st party games.
Microsoft lost the multiplatform war (most people will purchase the PS4 version of multiplat games), so Microsoft has no alternative, they have to invest in more 1st party and exclusives to sell consoles.

Gaming world is changing...

richardmmorales3223d ago

So true. The funny thing is Microsoft gets bashed for it and Sony gets praised for it. For Microsoft it's like there dammed if they do and dammed if they don't. While with Sony its the exact opposite. I've been coming to N4G for years but rarely ever sign in or comment. I notice this site seems to be ran by Playstation fans for the most part. Personally though I think Microsoft had the most exclusives for the first half of the Xbox360's life though. Back when they were getting JRPGs. They tried for Japan and still they wouldn't buy the system. It's no wonder this gen they haven't even really tried with Japan.

MRMagoo1233223d ago

Sony have more 1st and third party so no.

grumpygamr3223d ago Show
Magicite3223d ago

-In other words, MS will give up on wasting money for useless 3rd party deals, that bring them more loss, than profit.

-And we will see Halo and Forza every year...oh wait, we already do.

FlexLuger3223d ago

Been busy giving yourself bubbles, I see...Dimitri.

"And we will see Halo and Forza every year...oh wait, we already do."

Riiiight. And we see recore, crackdown, scalebound, quantum break, below, inside and ashen every year right? SSOD and ori are games that Xbox players play every year...Oh...wait...

Veneno3222d ago (Edited 3222d ago )

As with any company that really truly wants to succeed after struggling, the situation will get worse before it gets better. MS is changing its strategy completely. They have to cut losses with what doesn't work and put more investment in new strategies, which may not show signs of success right away, but they must see to it that they tried something different before scrapping it all over again.

I hope Phil and MS are smart enough to know this, because as we've seen ever since MS came into the console scene that they are only into making the quick buck instead of crafting their own identity in the industry, which is what is really needed for longevity.

Im not sold on X1 yet but I'm still anxious to see what Ms has planned for new exclusives coming up, whether new IP or revival of older ones. I just want something new to look forward to all the time which is what we should all expect from a big gaming company. It's only fair.

medman3223d ago

Give me a break. Microsoft has no choice. The ps4 is cleaning up in sales, so 3rd party deals become prohibitively expensive. No developer is going to want to miss out on the growing ps4 install base, and the money Microsoft would have to spend to make that happens grows by the day. Stop giving credit where in reality there is no other option. Unbelievable.

TheCommentator3223d ago

Prohibitally expensive... MS has enough cash to BUY SONY, lol.

MS is doing what they feel is most important for their success while Sony sits on their success and forgets that there is a holiday this year that needs 1st party. Why is it okay for Sony to forget about this year, like MS did last year, and make it's E3 about next year and beyond anyways? Whatever, because after Gamescom MS will have next year in the bag too.

dragon823223d ago

If Microsoft could just stroll up and buy Sony they would have already. That is what Microsoft does. It has been this way since the beginning.

grumpygamr3223d ago

Microsoft may have enough money to buy Sony, weird, I wonder why they didn't spend it making a console that can do 1080p graphics without smoking.

medman3222d ago

Right...Microsoft has plenty of money...is that why they continue to layoff workers by the thousands??? LOL...you people are so stupid.

TheCommentator3222d ago

It's a good thing Sony has been wildly successful over the last decade or they might have had to sell of their PC and phone divisions to get their stock out of the gutter... oh, they did have to sell them? At least their TV's are still selling well... oh, they almost had to sell that too?

Kaz sure knows how to run a business though... wait, what? Ken Kutaragi and several other former Sony execs have talked about voting him out of his position? Mman, is there anything that is actually a success at Sony that is not the Playstation? Well, I think they have a successful real estate branch in Japan...

Sorry I was being so stupid medman. Sony clearly hasn't needed to address any problems of their own recently, and MS obviously has no money lying around to invest in buying out companies(cough Mojang, cough Nokia).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
kaizokuspy3223d ago


MS doesn't have unlimited money. They spent 7 bill on Nokia and pretty much had to write that off as a loss and 2 billion on mojang which they haven't recovered from yet, also the SE timed deal which isn't going to pay what it needs to recuperate their loss on acquiring times exclusivity. MS doesn't have a blank check. With windows 10 and dx12 around the corner, those are the primary accounts that need to succeed in the short term of things to spur long term growth. It's crazy that gamers don't look at companies as a whole and assume they have all this unlimited money when they dont. MS is hurting and on the right path to recovery to pull a profit off their xbox division, but losing third party deals hurt, but I could be wrong. However many like me who switched from 360 to ps4 last gen didn't re buy cod for our ps4 bc black ops 3 is just around the corner. However in the same breath, so is fallout 4, one piece pirate warriors 3, battlefront 2, just a lot of stuff is coming. I'm overwhelmed, fucking games >:)

christocolus3223d ago

"My strategy is more around our own first-party franchises, and investing in franchises that we own, and probably fewer exclusive deals for third-party content," he said. "I want to have strong third-party relations, but paying for many third-party exclusives isn't our long-term strategy."

Awesome news. I have a feeling we will get a western rpg announcement at Gamescom from one of their studios,most likely from Twisted Pixel ,LionHead or Lift. TP had some artwork hidden away in their last game on Xbox One (Lococycle) and MS trademarked the title "Eden Falls" the game is rumored to be in development and Lionhead and Lift might be collaborating on it..

SuicideKing3223d ago

Defintely a good move, especially what you want to hear as a multiple console owner.
Really good interview Phil just seems "real" I guess is how I would put it. Good to hear from him and I am looking forward to Gamescom!

Ch1d0r13223d ago

Why does it have to be one or the other, doing both is best for business. Some companies do both pretty good.

AngeliclceDiamond3222d ago

best deal ever made in gaming history

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
Haru3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

It's only logical since most 3rd party developers side with Sony now because they have 2x bigger instal base Microsoft has no choice but to rely on first party games, pretty much like PS3 was last gen

lastking953223d ago

It has nothing to do with sales lead. If MS offer them 2x as much as Sony they'd be idiots to pass it up. If Microsoft doesn't make an offer they're obviously going to turn to Sony. Tomb Raider would be exclusive on ps4 for a year if sales played a role.

Aenea3223d ago

Honestly, I think both plays a part.

We have no idea how such deals are really made and what it consists of, maybe it's partly a bunch of cash upfront and partly a per copy of the game deal thing. Who knows exactly.

Even if it's only a bunch of money upfront, am sure the one who can sell more copies is going to provide a higher profit.

With COD that was Xbox last gen, now it might be PS4.

Honestly though I still hate all that exclusive 3rd party crap...

richardmmorales3223d ago

And last gen majority just complained when Microsoft did have these same exclusive deals in place. But now that Sony does it, it's okay. At least that's what seems to be the consensus around here and almost any other site.

Revolver_X_3223d ago

Tomb Raider is the case of Square backing the wrong horse. Square will come to regret that deal.

Haru3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Paying 2x as much would be stupid because not only they wouldn't be able to make a profit anymore but because they would lose money too, you have to understand that doesn't matter how many billions Microsoft has in the end business is business and securing big 3rd party exclusive like call of duty or star wars is very epensive paying double the amount would mean losing money and that wouldn't benifit microsoft in any way,xbox division is already losing money do you really think Microsoft would let Phill throw millions at 3rd party developers for some exclusive content? Rumors said that the exclusive call of duty deal cost Sony around 75 million dollars imagine if Microsoft had to pay 2x times more since they only have half instal base compared to Sony that would be 150 million dollars there is no way in hell Microsoft could afford to pay that much for some exclusive content and not because they don't have enoug money they do but beause it's not worth it and they wouldn't be able to make the money back so why would they paay that much for exclusive marketing deal when they could invest all that money and 3-4 new exclusive aaa games, so I guess what I am trying to say is that doesn't matter how much money Microsoft has in the end they can't afford all those 3rd party deal with half instal base and I wish more people would understant that already..

XabiDaChosenOne3222d ago

What makes you think Microsoft would let the Xbox Division spend that type of money?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
bf0007779663223d ago

Can MS even compete with Sony on first party

tinynuggins3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

This generation, Absolutely.

3223d ago
3223d ago
XanderZane3223d ago

I think this holiday will prove they can. Even in the Spring of next year, they will have a slew of 1st party games to launch as well. If M$ wants more 3rd party deal, I don't think they would have a problem getting them.

donthate3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )


I think you should ask if Sony can even compete with MS right now, let alone next year. MS has plenty more to announce early next week at Gamescom!

With Sony spending their cash on third party, I'm actually concerned if they are actually going to bring that many exclusives moving forward. Let's face it, vast majority of Sony's announced stuff at E3 is third party or not released for a long time. Even Shenmue 3 hasn't even started production yet, and is likely to be a smaller digital title.

richardmmorales3223d ago

Of course they can. Neither has released much this year. Microsoft has more coming out this year than Sony does. And the argument that Sony doesn't push for Holiday releases when they do. Thing is a lot of those games that they put for Holiday release have been getting delayed until early Spring of the following year. Have noticed that for a while now with Sony.

MRMagoo1233223d ago


Sony have released more games already than MS will by the end of the year. facts are hard mmmkay

FlexLuger3223d ago

"that has nothing to do with anything Sony is doing. Why are you comparing them?"

Its just his insecurity. He is just trying to hide the fact that come the fall, when Xbox owners are enjoying their AAA exclusives, he will only be enjoying the same third party games as the rest of us and a couple of remakes.

Ill take halo 5, alone over anything PS4 has exclusive wise this holiday alone...and thats before FM6, TR and gigantic... late summer games like rare replay, gears remaster,smite and elite. indies like inside, Ashen,Cuphead and below. And of course the 2016 games..and surprise announcements at gamescon. Xbox one owners have a lot to look forward to.

And then there is the W10 update and that sexy elite controller.

kaizokuspy3223d ago

Yes ms can compete. It's going to heat up once games start utilizing unreal engine 4. Be ready, most of MS greatest arsenal is to hit after the dx12 dash update and the games that follow I expect to be amazing.

JasonKCK3222d ago

"Sony have released more games already than MS will by the end of the year. facts are hard mmmkay" What kind of games, and what does this have to do with Sony?

Why do you guys always have to bring up Sony in anything MS, Nintendo, or PC related? Are you guys that insecure?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3222d ago
Ashlen3223d ago (Edited 3223d ago )

Seems like a good idea to me.

I'm pretty sure this statement is brought about more by the Tomb Raider situation than CoD however.

I mean their funding a game that is most likely going to end up selling better on PS4 in the end just due to PS4 volume. Also Tomb Raider is comparatively more popular in Europe where PS4 just dominates.

3223d ago Replies(1)
04STIBluByU3223d ago

Now I know why people like this man! He has the right mindset with more 1st party. Finally someone at MS gets this. Good on you Phil!

Aenea3223d ago

Exactly, the more excellent 1st party games the more likely it is people want to buy an Xbox One. It's really easy if you think about it.

I'm a gamer, I like games, but have been with PS since the first one, but you can bet your ass I will get an Xbox One to put next to my PS4 when more and more great exclusives come out for the X1!

Veneno3222d ago

Yes! Yes! Yes! What I wish for is for MS to make more and more exclusive, 1st Party owned exclusives so that they can craft an identity for themselves like all the great console makers have done in the past. Nintendos games feel like Nintendo. Sony games feel like Sony. Sega games feel like Sega. MS is not quite at thjs point yet but I know with hard work they can get there.

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10 Biggest Xbox Mistakes of All Time (So Far)

The Xbox brand has done a lot of good over the years, but their various blunders are pretty wild to look back on in their magnitude.

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piroh4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Ironically number 9 can save them at this point (releasing games on multiple platforms)

ChasterMies2d ago

By “save them” you mean make more profit for Microsoft. Xbox will still be a dying hardware platform.

OtterX3d ago

You could add the naming scheme for the consoles, it just confuses customers. I know they wanted to avoid traditional numbering bc it would always be lower than their competitor, but this whole 360 then One then Series thing is confusing af. Imagine a Soccer Mom trying to figure this stuff out. I still mistakenly call the Series X the One from time to time on accident.

RNTody3d ago

Don't forget about the Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox Series X! Good luck to Soccer moms around the world.

S2Killinit2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

They did that on purpose to confuse and direct attention away from the generational numbering.

MS doesn’t like reminding people that they joined the industry after others had already been involved in gaming.

For instance, they called the xbox “360” to combat PlayStation “3” because they wanted to seem like “more” than “3”, so instead of xbox 2, they opted for xbox 360. Also this had the additional benefit of selling consoles to uninformed parents who might purchase a “360” instead of a “3” by mistake, or because they thought 360 was more than 3. Kind of a disingenuous move.

They have been continuing with their confusing naming patterns for pretty much the same reasons. Frankly, it fits with who and what they are as a brand.

FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago

I can understand their reasoning, but whoever came up with that naming scheme should be fired, bad naming schemes have killed consoles (I'm pretty sure it was the major reason for the downfall of the WiiU). They should have had unqiue names like Nintendo and Sega have had for their consoles, far less confusing for the consumer.

Cacabunga3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Phil Spencer is the worst that has happened to Xbox.
They built a respectable brand up to Xbox one. Then this guy took over and things became a joke

Reaper22_3d ago

He still has his job. Something you can't say about Jim Ryan.

Cacabunga3d ago

Both bad execs. One is on job and one thankfully retired.

FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I didn't like either person, both people damaged their respective brands and produced worse outcomes, but Phil did save the Xbox brand from being retired by Microsoft. Although in hindsight, he should have just let it die, rather than languish in limbo like it is now.

Rainbowcookie1d 14h ago

Yeah but the one that was "bad" didn't even affect sales.

bunt-custardly2d ago

Phil Spencer was also on the team back when 360 was around, alongside Shane Kim, Peter Moore etc. I think the damage that did the most harm was the Don Mattrick "Always Online" console (ahead of its time basically). They handed Sony and Nintendo a free-pass when that was revealed. It went downhill from there. Then the corporate machine went into full swing to try and recover. They have to a degree as a games company for the masses, and less so for the core gamer. Outside USA, the Xbox brand does not sell as well as Japanese based consoles (citation needed).

Cacabunga2d ago

Want a decision maker. The always online and TV plans was a disaster yes, but they caught up by announcing 1st party games that gamers actually kept the hype going.. until this moron took over and introduced the PC day one release.. e all know where that ended..

S2Killinit2d ago

I dont think they were ever a respectable brand, not since the beginning, when their goal was never to be involved and share in the gaming space. I think the OG xbox was an exception because MS as a brand was still getting its foot in and so the people behind that were people of the gaming industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago

The 360 was the brand in its prime though, everything went downhill towards the end of that generation. Its staple games like Halo, Forza and Gears are what kept the console relevant and afloat for so long.

MaximusPrime_3d ago

Really good video.

I remember the days with RRoD was big news on here, N4G.

Microsoft had it turbulence number of years.

Looking at the success of Sea of Thieves despite being 6 years old, time to release Halo, Forza horizon 4 & 5 on PS5. It'll help their revenue

shinoff21833d ago (Edited 3d ago )

2 of the 4 games they did already sold really well. So it's definitely going down. Idk about halo or forza but I feel those studios they've bought in the last 5 years, their coming

ChasterMies2d ago

I found this video painful to watch. Can someone list them out?

Top 10 for me from are:
1. 2013 reveal presentation
2. Bundling Kinect 2 with Xbox One
3. RRoD or why rushing to market with hardware is always a bad idea.
4. Buying studios only to close them.
5. Ads on the Home Screen
6. Letting Halo die.
7. Letting Geard of War die.
8. Every console name
9. Charging for Xbox Live on Xbox 360 when Sony let PS3 players play online for free.
10. Cancelling release of OG Xbox games after the Xbox 360 launched.

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Microsoft to Add Copilot AI to Video Games

Microsoft recently revealed its plans to incorporate Copilot directly into video games, with Minecraft being the first showcased example.

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Fishy Fingers7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

F*** AI

"Hey Copilot, what's a good meme to prove I dislike AI".... https://giphy.com/clips/sou...

Einhander19727d ago

Two trillion dollar company that just can't wait to put as many people possible out of work as fast as possible.

It feels like every single thing they do is making gaming worse and destroying the industry.

7d ago
7d ago
7d ago
darthv726d ago

....you know it takes people to program the AI.... right? It isnt like it is sentient. We haven't reach skynet level of situation or anywhere close to the matrix just yet.

That's next Thursday.

Einhander19726d ago (Edited 6d ago )

It takes a people to program the AI then that AI is used for who knows how many games eliminating countless jobs which only grows as AI is used for more and more game creation functions.

What you're saying is so ridiculously short sighted and truly larking any kind of understanding and foresight.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6d ago
CaptainFaisal7d ago

Why all the hate? Im actually excited about this! Always wanted this kind of immersion, and an AI companion with me all the time helping me out knowing the status of my skills/inventory/progress and giving me tips on the best approach or how to craft something specific is game changing for the industry.

Hate all you want about AI, but this is just the start and I can see the potential already. You wont be complaining in the next 5-10 years about this, but rather complain if a game hasn’t implemented it.

MrDead7d ago

Yes we can't wait for the work of others to be used without the need to pay them so that MS can profit even more from the people they fire.

I_am_Batman7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

There is no chance I'd ever use something like this, especially if it's not part of the core game design, but a layer on top of it. It's way too much handholding. Many games already feel like busy work, because they don't let the player figure things out on their own. Having a real-time interactive guide defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place in my opinion.

If this were to become the standard like you predict, we'll see more and more video games get away with bad design, because people will just be used to ask for help from the AI companion anyway.

Number1TailzFan7d ago

Well Nintendo don't need this with some of their games these days, with invincible characters, items, easy bosses etc.. they do the hand holding built in

helicoptergirl7d ago

Takes "hand holding" in games to a whole new level.

BlackDoomAx6d ago

Because human nature xD Almost every new technology had these kind of comments.

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Activision team is opening a new game studio in Poland 'Elsewhere Entertainment' to build new AAA IP

Microsoft's Activision subsidiary announced today that it is opening a new game development studio to take advantage of the huge talent pool growing in Poland. It'll be the second Activision studio based in the region, joining Infinity Ward Krakow, although this studio is, in fact, not working on Call of Duty.

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Psychonaut8511d ago

They’re not working on Call of Duty? Give it time.