
The Walking Dead Season 2 – Episodes 3-5 – Better Late Than Neverdead- Gameondaily Review

"There’s tardy and there’s slower than an asthmatic slug with type 2 diabetes. This probably makes this review worth about as much as handbag full of vomit, but as I played it I may as well write it"

Ed from Gameondaily reviews The Walking Dead Season 2, Episodes 3-5.

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The Walking Dead: The Final Season’s Player Base Down 80% Compared to Peak in 2013

GitHyp: "While the expensive licensed properties made it easy for their games to garner attention on popular gaming news sites, we were always shocked with how few gamers actually played Telltale’s games… especially when analyzing their player counts and comparing to Steam’s most played games."

DragonbornZ2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

As hard as it was, I planned on waiting to buy it till all the episodes were out.
Probably should've just bought the season and waited.

Tross2076d ago (Edited 2076d ago )

Except, that's up in the air, and has even been delisted from digital storefronts. I hope it does get completed, but be thankful you don't have to wait and hope you will get what you paid for, as some gamers clearly do. If I had to guess, I think Telltale will find someone to help finish the last season, but it's not a certainty.

letsa_go2076d ago

Their games looked like low budget indie titles. Why did they have such a huge staff? No wonder they went bankrupt. Sounds like mismanagement!

subtenko2076d ago

*plays trendy music and gets on horse saddle* Because we here at telltale games have the best games like exciting walking dead, this is the future, everybodys doing it! give us youre money :D

lodossrage2076d ago

Can't say this for certain. But my theory is that word has gotten around that the series may not get finished. That in itself will drive people away

Rachel_Alucard2076d ago

No, everything they released past season 1 did nowhere near those same numbers. Season 2 did ok but sold only a quarter of what season 1 did. Their games have all been financial failures outside of Season 1 and minecraft.

diesoft2076d ago

I always enjoyed these games but I just don't rush out and get everything brand new. I don't have the money and I have a huge backlog as it is, so it's a shame it had to go down like that. Sadly, if management was that inept that they couldn't make a successful studio stay in business then they never had a chance. I can't imagine how infuriated I'd be if I poured the extreme hours the talented programmers, artists, etc., put into their games and just get dropped one day out of the blue, like, "Sorry, we sucked at business. Bye!"

wheatley2076d ago

Stop making the same game then. Oh wait...

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9 Heart-Wrenching Moments in Telltale’s The Walking Dead that Still Have Us Messed Up

Twinfinite: It be super obvious from the title, but just in case, MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING for the first three seasons of Telltale’s The Walking Dead, ahoy. Without further ado though, here are the most emotional, and heart-breaking moments in the TWD Telltale franchise to-date.

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