
F1 2015 on PC is a broken mess

VVV: "Since its launch the PC version of F1 2015 in particular has suffered from a number of bugs which has angered many fans. Codemasters have responded by releasing patches which fixed many issues including crashes, multiplayer problems and replay camera oddities along with many more issues. From our first look gameplay it was clear to see that F1 2015 for the PC still had a plethora of issues."

airforcex3241d ago

Wait a few months and get it on Steam (at a discount). Problem solved!

FastRedPonyCar3241d ago

A PC game shipping broken on release? SURELY you jest!

bumnut3240d ago

anyone surprised by this? Codemasters don't make working games these days!


Grab F1 2015 for free and keep it forever

PC gamers should hurry up and take advantage of this great new freebie before the time runs out.

Sillicur2272d ago

Adding this to backlog, because why not! :)

Crazyglues2272d ago

oh they need to make this free on PS4 too... Let us get it as a PlayStation Plus free game...


F1 2016 Vs F1 2015 Hungary Comparison video

TeamVVV: "With the release of Codemasters' Hungary hot lap gameplay video for F1 2016 we can't resist the urge to put it up against last year's offering from the talented studio."


F1 2015 vs F1 2016 comparison at the Red Bull Ring

TeamVVV: "With the recent release of the F1 2016 Red Bull Ring hot lap video, we couldn't resist the urge to boot up F1 2015 for a comparison video."