
PS4 Getting New “Tactical Assault Commander” Keyboard/Mouse Controller Combo from Hori

Quite a while ago, Hori released the Tactical Assault Commander 3 keyboard and mouse controller for PS3. Looks like a PS4 version is coming, as revealed by a listing on Amazon Japan.

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Tsar4ever013238d ago

Wow, haven't seen this before, or maybe I did, but it didn't really catch my attention. Interesting kit, but the price is very off putting.

NobleRed3238d ago

Does this really work with the ps4? I had a splitfish and the mouse controls were not like gaming with a mouse on pc.

Abriael3238d ago

Of course they're not exactly the same. These work by emulating mouse controls with controller inputs. It's more precise and effective than a controller if you're used to mouse and KB, but it can't be exactly as precise as a mouse on PC.

It's probably better with the PS4 than the old splitfish on PS3 though (I had one too), because the DualShock 4 is much more precise, so there's more room to emulate a mouse semi-correctly.

rainslacker3238d ago

Does it support the touchpad controls to emulate mouse movements in games which use it....the few that support it for such purposes at least?

Also...are there really that many games which have a mouse type interface on the PS4? Outside of some MMO's which have versions on the PC, I'm not aware of any.

SlightlyRetarted3238d ago

How well these work nowadays? I tested 2 of these about 5 years ago and was not impressed.

Abriael3238d ago

No idea. I never tried one on PS4. I'll probably get to try this one at TGS (or maybe even at Gamescom). I'll let ya'll know.

andibandit3238d ago

Does the mouse work in FPS games?

InTheZoneAC3238d ago

there's already a ridiculous amount of aim assist, do you really want a mouse?

Abriael3238d ago

Some are just used to the mouse, regardless of advantages. Personally, I feel much more natural with the mouse, because that's how I started many years ago.

I prefer the analog stick for movement, though, so the ideal controller for me would be a hybrid with left analog stick and mouse.

FlexLuger3238d ago

"I prefer the analog stick for movement, though, so the ideal controller for me would be a hybrid with left analog stick and mouse"

Why has nobody invented this yet? That would be awesome.

Anomander3238d ago (Edited 3238d ago )

@Abriael "Some are just used to the mouse, regardless of advantages. Personally, I feel much more natural with the mouse, because that's how I started many years ago.

I prefer the analog stick for movement, though, so the ideal controller for me would be a hybrid with left analog stick and mouse."
I totally agree with you on this. I would love to see something that used a stick for movement and the mouse for aiming. Though I like the other keys for functions for Use, jump, sprint and crouch. I usually map a grenade button to my mouse and melee.

andibandit3237d ago

No, I dont want a mouse, I was wondering if it would bring an unfair advantage.

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Kerppamaister1306d ago

Sony, your turn to get on board.