
Xbox One Has A Stronger CPU Than PS4 - Ark: Survival Evolved Developer

But PS4's better GPU balances it out, says Jesse Rapczak, founder of Studio Wildcard.

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IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3219d ago

The Xbox One CPU is not game changing or significantly faster, but the base specs say it is faster.

RocketScienceLvlStuf3219d ago

There is nothing that "balances" the two hardware.

Xbones' cpu is slightly clocked higher. PS4's gpu is much stronger and is built for gpu compute which will alleviate the workload on the cpu when it starts to be used.

Xbone is a 1.31 TF machine. PS4 is 1.84tf. The numbers don't lie and neither do all the games which run significantly better.

OldDude3219d ago

"PS4's gpu is much stronger"...

Both are low end PC GPU's, neither are strong. I get a kick out of anyone thinking that this generations game systems are powerful, they are good values for the money and thats about as far as it goes. Neither is better than a middle of the road PC.

DragonKnight3219d ago

OldDude: Find a console that matches the performance of the PS4 and Xbox One. We're talking about consoles, not PC. No one cares about low, middle, or high end PC cards so do stop trying to insert that talking point every time console tech is being discussed. Whenever PC gamers do this, they sound ridiculously insecure.

GameNameFame3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

LOL. X1 has barely/negligibly faster CPU while PS4 destroys in GPU.

How about actual numbers? Benchmark? Lol. Game engine benchmark score was:

PS4: 1698
Xbox One: 943

Lol. Kinda sad when you really bring both SPEC and BENCHMARK numbers. Yes. It looks alot better on paper and actually PERFORMS a lot better too.



LeCreuset3219d ago

There's also nothing about the hardware being balanced in the developer's comment:

"That’s not to say that it runs better on the Xbox or PlayStation, but the PlayStation having a little bit more powerful GPU is offset by the fact that our game requires a lot of CPU to run well. It’s kind of a balance between the two right now for different reasons."

Gamingbolt takes a comment about a specific game, Ark, and tries to make it seem like he's saying the hardware is equal in general:

"However, it’s interesting to note that Jesse acknowledges that PS4 does indeed have a better GPU which kind of balances everything out between the two consoles."

I_am_Batman3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

"Xbones' cpu is slightly clocked higher. PS4's gpu is much stronger and is built for gpu compute which will alleviate the workload on the cpu when it starts to be used."

GPU compute has been used from the start. Even Resogun (launch title) has been using it. Obviously devs will utilize it more heavily down the line as they'll try to use the PS4 to it's full potential.

freshslicepizza3219d ago

"Whenever PC gamers do this, they sound ridiculously insecure."

yet all the years of debate over how many trees or grass a game has in comparison to the xbox and playstation is not insecurity? both the ps4 and xbox one are rather weak this generation to that of what's possible on the pc. both companies decided to take a rather reserved entry into this generation which is even more unsatisfying considering the last one was way too long.

it is well documented over the years that the loudest and most obnoxious group is not the pc but rather the xbox and playstation camps. and many also possess insecure attitudes.

as for the ps4 and xbox one and which is stronger the proof in in the games. most if not all ps4 games have so far performed or did something better. that is because the ps4 overall is the more advanced system. yes the xbox one has made significant gains with the removal of kinect, allowing one extra core and possibly dx12 but the games will speak for themselves and so far the ps4 is winning in performance.

3-4-53219d ago

PS4's GPU isn't " much stronger" than XB1's.

If it was, we'd see the obviously difference.

It's slightly stronger, hence why the graphics are only slightly better on certain occasions.

Why do people like you have to exaggerate the truth ?

Why not just tell it like it is ?

Volkama3219d ago

@I_Am_Batman, actually according to AMD a few months ago there were a total of 3 PS4 games actually using the ACEs for asynchronous compute. Infamous, another first party game I forget, and (most unexpectedly and perhaps most interestingly) Battlefield Hardline.

The PS4 has room to grow. How much the One will fall behind when that happens remains to be seen.

u4one3219d ago

you're forgetting the kinect reserve which puts it to 1.4. still not a huge difference. the wii u is 0.3 TF for comparison.

RocketScienceLvlStuf3219d ago


You are completely wrong about that. All the freeing up the kinnect reserve does is allow it to use more of it's potential. It doesn't increase the hardware.

Xbone was 1.26tf. Then they over clocked the CPU which brought it to 1.31

ABizzel13219d ago

Why are you people even up in arms, as soon as I saw the title I knew it was a Gamingbolt flame-bait article.

DragonKnight3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

@saltybread: You understand that you made a non-argument right? When an Xbox gamer or a PS gamer talks about how their console of preference performs, in any way, better than the other competing consoles, that's an apples to apples comparison. It's expected and essentially it is an industry wide level playing field because consoles are all closed systems. You can be guaranteed that if your Xbox console has a game with better grass textures than the game's PS version, then every Xbox console has those same better grass textures.

This means that a PS fanboy or an Xbox fanboy going to articles of competing consoles and bringing this stuff up, while being trolls, is completely legitimate.

However when you PC gamers, who have different hardware and an open system, have to come into discussions regarding objectively different hardware of closed systems and bring in your terms and how you equate hardware power, etc... you are arguing apples to oranges and come off as needing validation for your heightened expenditures.

It's like a group of people who all own a budget car talking about their cars when a guy who owns a Viper comes in and starts saying how their engines are all low end engines and starts mocking them for it because he has a Viper and they don't. There's no legitimate reason for doing it, it's all about the various complexes. Superiority complex, validation complex, etc.. PC gamers exude these complexes immensely every time they have to enter a console tech discussion and insert what they think of the power of console tech.

"both the ps4 and xbox one are rather weak this generation to that of what's possible on the pc. both companies decided to take a rather reserved entry into this generation which is even more unsatisfying considering the last one was way too long."

Who here, besides PC gamers, actually gives a damn about what the PC can do compared to consoles? If anyone here cared, wouldn't they be PC gamers and not be talking about the consoles and how they stack up against each other? See this is what I'm talking about. What reason was there for you to bring up what the consoles can do relative to the PC? Is this a PC article? And unsatisfying to whom? You don't own an Xbox One or a PS4, you're unqualified to make claims that the consoles are unsatisfying. 20+ Million and 13+ million PS4 and Xbox One owners, respectively, disagree with you.

"it is well documented over the years that the loudest and most obnoxious group is not the pc but rather the xbox and playstation camps. and many also possess insecure attitudes."

LOL! No. Not by a long shot. Not even close. PC gamers eclipse all other fanbases in obnoxious and loud behavior. I love how you say "well documented" and provide nothing to back that statement up as well. Classic.

donthate3219d ago

The bang for your buck is where you are limited.

If your game is GPU limited, then PS4 is better. If your game is CPU limited, Xbox One is better.

Either way, it is negligible difference either way it swings.

I would look elsewhere for this sad discussion, because PC p!sses all over consoles.

Yet I game on consoles! :)

freshslicepizza3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

"It's expected and essentially it is an industry wide level playing field because consoles are all closed systems. You can be guaranteed that if your Xbox console has a game with better grass textures than the game's PS version, then every Xbox console has those same better grass textures."

closed or not gamers can also use the pc as a method to debate how a game can look and play. is vinyl and cd not acceptable in discussing the sound quality between apples streaming service and spotify? of course it is because the media itself is essentially the same. you actually think there is a separate bathroom at ubisoft for the pc developers who cannot use the ps4 and xbox one developers bathroom?

"This means that a PS fanboy or an Xbox fanboy going to articles of competing consoles and bringing this stuff up, while being trolls, is completely legitimate."

so is the pc, it's a scale on the game and how it performs so that the consumer can decide which suits their needs best.

the witcher 3 is the witcher 3 and the makers of that game try and sell it to various platforms. i'm sorry if your preferred platform does not provide the best possible experience.

"It's like a group of people who all own a budget car talking..."

car magazines will discuss prices, fuel economy and performance. it is all a scale for consumers to decide what is in their budget and needs. you still use a scale to compare.

"Who here, besides PC gamers, actually gives a damn about what the PC can do compared to consoles? If anyone here cared, wouldn't they be PC gamers and not be talking about the consoles and how they stack up against each other? See this is what I'm talking about. What reason was there for you to bring up what the consoles can do relative to the PC?"

because it is a topic discussing cpu's. the cpu's are often compared to the equivalent to what is available on the pc market. once again it is about scale and performance. do you read everyone the riot act who talks about the ps4 in xbox one articles? i doubt it even if there is nothing about the ps4 being discussed. so why is it ok to CONSTANTLY be barraged by playstation and xbox fans who feud about everything even if the topic is not even discussing their platform but the pc is somehow taboo? i tell you why, it's because the elitist console owners cannot stand having things put into perspective. this is why i said those sides are the most vocal and obnoxious, they seem to have the biggest rivalry and it's been like that for many years.

"Is this a PC article? And unsatisfying to whom? You don't own an Xbox One or a PS4, you're unqualified to make claims that the consoles are unsatisfying. 20+ Million and 13+ million PS4 and Xbox One owners, respectfully, disagree with you."

and what about the hundreds of millions who haven't gotten one yet? obviously so far it isn't satisfying enough yet is it?

"I love how you say "well documented" and provide nothing to back that statement up as well. Classic."

anyone who spends any amount of time here can easily see this for themselves.

frostypants3219d ago

@3-4-5: "If it was, we'd see the obviously difference. It's slightly stronger, hence why the graphics are only slightly better on certain occasions. "

We've seen lots of PS4 1080p vs. One 900p games, and 1080p is toughly 50% more pixels to push than 900p. You may not be able to see much difference on whatever TV you have, but it takes a lot more horsepower.

Dark_king3219d ago

@donthate Not really, When it come to just the CPU sure but the PS4 can also use the GPU to compute also.Though this is hardly used at this point.An takes work to use.Also cant be used always for sure as it does require resources to be unused to be able to use.(4gig of ram being used by the CPU and another 4 the GPU leaves it unable to be used)

solidboss073219d ago

Exactly, both machines are GPU-centric and the PS4 is quite a bit superior. In raw Teraflops, and in the pathways and bandwidth also.
Not a big deal, but the stupid assertions made in the 'article' tediously demand answering. Yawn.

IamTylerDurden13219d ago

RocketScienceLvlStuf is absolutely correct, look up the numbers and benchmark tests, look at all the multiplatform games that have righer framerate and/or resolution on PS4. The CPU difference is so slight and the GPU difference is immense. We have known this, nothing new...

I love how pc enthusiasts clamour how BOTH console are equivalent to low end pc's, yet games like The Order, Uncharted 4, and Horizon Zero Dawn are being produced, even Ryse. The Order doesn't have low end pc visuals. Even inFAMOUS looked gorgeous.

Wait until GoW 4, tlou 2, and Gran Turismo 7 and tell me how unimpressive the visuals are on PS4.

DragonKnight3219d ago

@saltybread: "closed or not..."

Another non-argument. You can't equate music with games because although the media is the same, the manner in which it is made is vastly different. Music is recorded and then mastered, it is then put on the various forms of media it comes in. The codecs are what makes it different. Music is not made with the specific intent on being a specific quality for a specific device, it is made to be at the best possible quality it can be and then recorded on to devices that change that quality. And in a discussion where the cpus and gpus of CONSOLES are being compared, PC has no place. Just like in a discussion of the different levels of sound quality between a generic mp3 player and an iPod, CD sound quality has no place in the discussion. Apples to apples salty, not apples to oranges. And nice strawman at the end there.

"so is the pc,..."

No, no.... no. See, as usual you miss the point. When the subject is "what is the best version of The Witcher 3" then it is legitimate for a PC gamer to say "the PC version." When the subject is "what version, between the PS4 and Xbox One, is the best version of The Witcher 3" then a PC gamer has no business interjecting. See, if people wanted to know about the PC version, they wouldn't be looking in a console article/debate for answers to their question. When a PC gamer comes into a console article, it's to show off and brag. You're just trying to argue for your right to act like an a$$.

"car magazines will discuss prices, fuel economy and performance. it is all a scale for consumers to decide what is in their budget and needs. you still use a scale to compare."

At this point I think you're blind to any point anyone ever makes because every time you talk about anything you're always trying to shift the subject, trying to move it to an area where what you're saying isn't complete horse manure because you've now changed it to the subject you want to discuss where your point makes sense rather than the topic at hand. So allow me to redirect you back to the topic at hand. In this instance, car magazines are completely irrelevant because the group of people are talking about THEIR budget cars when along comes the Viper owner bragging about his experience with his car. See those people aren't interested in what car manufacturers are trying to sell to the general populous, they're interested in what they have and what their experience is with it. They don't have Vipers, so the Viper owner is just trying to feel good about himself by bragging about a car none of the rest of them own. Now do try to stay on point.

"and what about the hundreds of millions who haven't gotten one yet? obviously so far it isn't satisfying enough yet is it?"

Oh yay, another logical fallacy. Is it your contention that the consoles will not be satisfactory until 7+ billion people own them? I guess PC is unsatisfactory as well, as there are hundreds of millions of people who don't have those either. I also like how you evade the fact that you don't own either console and yet still think you can judge whether or not they are satisfying.

"anyone who spends any amount of time here can easily see this for themselves."

Translation: I just talked sh*t with nothing to back it up and hope people will just take my word for it.


BallsEye3219d ago

It is? Then where is the 50% difference? Funny, cause recently XO games run smoother at same resolution as ps4 version without having problems with Anisotropic Filtering (Witcher? Assassins Creed?). Sure ps4 might be faster in some aspects, but it looses in other. Delusional are the ones that claim ps4 is some kind of wonder machine and destroy XO in every way.

RocketScienceLvlStuf3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )


Wither 3 runs at the same resolution?

There is nothing worse than a misinformed xbox fanboy trying to make a point.

I think that some are so delusional that they truly believe the things they say.

And how many times do you need to be told that the difference between 900p and 1080p is nearly 50%

Facts and xbox fanboys do not mix.

Mr Pumblechook3219d ago

Another week another blog article trying to convince us that the XBO is the most powerful console.

XBLSkull3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )


"We've seen lots of PS4 1080p vs. One 900p games, and 1080p is toughly 50% more pixels to push than 900p. You may not be able to see much difference on whatever TV you have, but it takes a lot more horsepower."

So what you are getting at is that the PS4 is 50% more powerful, but you may not be able to see much difference? You are saying a 50% on-paper-advantage doesn't mean much in real world application.

I have to agree with you. For the supposed 50% power difference fanboys constantly throw out, the games are looking very close to each other, with the PS4 generally looking just a tad sharper. The games don't even come close to what I would consider looking 50% better.

Kind of a pointless article though, we have known since day 1 the Xbox had the slightly better CPU performance. Didn't they free up a core for use also somewhat recently? Maybe that made it more of a significant difference than just the clock speed but I don't know.

Locknuts3219d ago

The numbers also don't tell the whole story. Depends entirely on whether your game is CPU or GPU dependent, at least according to the actual dev in this article.

AndrewLB3219d ago


You know quite well that the benchmark you posted has nothing to do with overall system performance. It's a benchmark that is targeted at GPU memory performance, which is the PS4's biggest advantage.

PS4's GPU is only 500 gflops (maximum theoretical) faster than Xbone which sounds like a lot compared to previous generation consoles, but it was considered low end graphics technology when it was released, being comparable to a $110 PC graphics card (the chip alone would probably cost around $30 if you could buy it without the rest of the card)

Both console manufacturers dropped the ball this generation and released consoles so embarrassing that both Sony and Microsoft have Parity clauses in their licensing agreements that devs are required to abide by.

And the problem with GPU compute is the more CPU tasks the GPU takes on, the less cycles the GPU has for rendering graphics. This is why a lot of PC gamers with nVidia cards will buy a sceond less powerful card for a dedicated GPU compute processor for PHysX, CUDA, etc.

"However when you PC gamers, who have different hardware and an open system, have to come into discussions regarding objectively different hardware of closed systems and bring in your terms and how you equate hardware power, etc... you are arguing apples to oranges and come off as needing validation for your heightened expenditures. "

@ Dragon

Don't be a hypocrite. All you PS4 guys do all day is crap on Xboners. Then when the PCMR shows up to crap on the Sony peasantry, you get all upset. If you're going to dish it out, you'd better learn to take it.

"LOL! No. Not by a long shot. Not even close. PC gamers eclipse all other fanbases in obnoxious and loud behavior. I love how you say "well documented" and provide nothing to back that statement up as well. Classic."

You just proved his point. Excellent work!

starchild3219d ago


You can talk crap about PC gamers all you want but I hope you realize how absurdly insecure you console fanboys sound. Just look at these comments, it's incredible how much some of you care about this stuff. It's clear who the truly insecure ones are.

slasaru013219d ago

Here a dev says: "but the PlayStation having a little bit more powerful GPU". Nothing about "much stronger", oh believe me, he would say that, because it's trendy to shit on Xbox and MS and PS4 got more consoles sold and all.

DragonKnight3219d ago

@AndrewLB: Oh do go on Xbox fanboy, I love seeing how far beyond your head the point is.

@starchild: And yet here you are, proudly wearing your insecurity by trying to use a "Console Gamers Too™" argument.

An xbox fanboy only coming to PC gamer's defense because of a "common enemy" strategy and the second PC gamer proving my point.

Revolver_X_3219d ago

Just absolute ridiculous stuff. Get a console to play with friends or play your favorite exclusives. You wanna brag about specs? Get a damn PC.

mandingo3219d ago

Significantly better? Come on? We both know you are wrong

dantesparda3219d ago


Ironically none fo the games you said (Witcher and ACU0 have AF issues on the PS4 and TW3 runs at a higher res on the PS4 and ACU runs about the same on PS4 as on X1 since the 1.04 patch. And TW3 now runs the same as the PS4 version (locking down to 20fps).

And @ Dragonknight

Isnt it funny how they claim to be PC fanboys but always come running to the X1's rescue. That's been the strategy of a lot of these MS fanboys this gen. You never see them get upset when its the other way around.

@ slasaru

No they don't! Devs never bad mouth either system. Where have you been? You're jumpy if you think that.

Benchm4rk3219d ago

Before i even clicked on this article i knew 2 things were guaranteed..

1) This was a gamingbolt article
2) GameNameFame would be here posting links to the same cinemablend articles that he has posted a hundred times already lol.

reallyNow3218d ago

@OldDude "Stronger" is a relative term. Use your brain.

Azzanation3218d ago

One topic I hate debating on, especially those who have no idea what there talking about. X1 CPU is more faster and we aren't just talking about those 150mhz more per core, we are talking about having 1 extra CPU core which makes a bigger difference on top of the faster cores.

PS4 6 cores running 1.6ghz
XB1 7 cores running 1.75ghz

The PS4s GPU isn't that much more powerful then the X1s either. From launch the PS4 has 40% more power, after Kinect its dropped to 30% and from all the updates including DX12 and Win 10, we are probably looking at 20% and less.

The PS4 will improve over time but the X1 is having major improvements something the PS4 has already gone though. Its already using its primary API and its ram to its full potential. X1 isn't using there main API yet and its ESram is still being figured out.

If you believe that these systems have a big gap between them because one has a slightly more powerful GPU then your clearly mistaking. You need a balance of both CPU and GPU to achieve superior graphics then the other. Which is why PS4 does 1080p and the X1 has slightly better frame rate etc.

Even Sucker Punch admitted the PS4 has a CPU bottleneck.

MS are working on ways to solve the CPU bottlenecks this gen with DX12 which was built with XB1 in mind. You cant just build an API around the system if it was never design to work with it. That's what gives you limitations.

VJGenova3218d ago

And my 980ti SLI has 11.2 Tflops. So ... there's that ...

GameNameFame3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )


LOL. Please X1 does not have 1 extra core. MS letting dev use the core when it is not running OS/voice stuff. So most of the time, devs cannot use it.

-That benchmark 1700 vs 950 includes the CPU update. and look how small of difference it made.

-Also, please gap didnt get reduced from 40 percent to 30 percent... 40 percent was not even account for Kinect GPU usage to begin with. Meaning gap was already at 50 percent if you are calculating available GPU. 40 percent refers to TOTAL hardware GPU.

It is really sad the misinformation these desperate fans are feeding themselves with.



Lol. What? Go look at the source.

Benchmark was ran on both CPU and GPU both.

Nice desperate attempt though. That 500 gflop is 40 percent more than what x1 has. Whopping 40 percent.

Even accounting for very slightly faster x1 cpu, PS4 takes laps around x1 as clearly proven by benchmark. 1700 vs 950.

DarXyde3218d ago


While specs do affect what is possible for the generation, bear in mind that the specs are close enough that the odds of staggering differences are low. That aside, PlayStation and PlayStation 2 were weaker than the competition yet still managed to be the definitive consoles to own during their generations. I cannot say for sure where it started, but the bickering over specs is silly. Specs don't matter if developers either aim for parity or poorly optimize one version (or even both). Resident Evil Revelations 2 is a testament to that. Additionally, the weaker-spec'd platform (in this case, Xbox One) could be poorly optimized and make the PS4 look much more powerful than it really is.

All specs determine is potential. Go where the games are. For me, that's PS4. For you, it may be PC or Xbox One.

badz1493218d ago

LoL gotta love xbone fanboys basically saying 50% difference doesn't matter because them can't tell. Seriously guys, just because you're ignorant, doesn't mean the differences aren't there!

blomman793218d ago

Are you for real? Not every game runs better i on ps4

eliasg3218d ago

In case you missed the news lately, plenty of new games announced at 1080p on Xbox One. The game changer for Microsofts console and the generation is the architecture and directX 12.

BeefCurtains3218d ago

I agree, a slightly faster CPU can never "balance" out differences in GPU. This is a silly conparison.

MrCrimson3218d ago

Planetside 2 will likely run better on the XB1 then. Game is cpu bound to hell.

umair_s513218d ago

honestly, neither machines are night and day better than the other

Yetter3218d ago

the numbers don't lie, the XB1s CPU is a modified version of the jaguar. While the PS4 CPU does 4 ops per core per cycle, the XB1 CPU does 6 ops per core per cycle. And because the XB1 is also running a faster clockspeed,thats even more operations per second. On top of that the BUS has been beefed up on the XB1 to allow 30Gb/s of bandwidth while the PS4 CPU is fed at about 20Gb/s.

Its all well documented, you should look it up

_-EDMIX-_3217d ago


"Both are low end PC GPU's, neither are strong"

Both have strong GPUs. Period.

The issue with using a PC comparison is that its not even exclusively supported, ie how many PC games do yo see list the highest caliber PC GPU's as MANDATORY, MINIMUM to play a game?

Thus...being used is not the same as being exclusively made with and used.

That is like saying I'm playing the best version off FFVII because I put it in a PS3...

Consider the PS3 is not just making it turn into the FFVII remake.

The reality is....is the PS3's hardware some how making FFVII do something that is beyond a SUPPORTED PS3 game?

It isn't....why? Because it wasn't MADE FOR PS3, it merely PLAYS on PS3.

I own and build a PC EVERY GEN, and still buy a next gen console every gen.

I game on both and very much understand that having a beast GPU means very little without exclusive support.

By that stupid concept, ALL PC GAMING is "low end" because non of em have NASA level GPUs on board.

Thus...they are all um..."low" lol.

Consider....those NASA GPUs are not supported by any video game.

Well...the highest GPU to DATE isn't requried to play ANY VIDEO GAME PERIOD, ZERO publisher nor game developer has ever made a game that stated, we need 4 way SLI JUST to run.

Your kidding yourself if you legit thank that means something is um..."high end" or "low end' at the end of the day, what other people buy has nothing to do with what is in PS4 and XONE, it has EVERYTHING to do with WHAT was supported. Period.

Its why zero game on PC currently looks like the Order and requires some 4 way crossfire set up to run.

It might be um..."low" by comparison, but technically speaking anything on PC gaming currently is um "low" to any super computer at NASA.

That that silly comment about um "low" with a grain of salt, it means nothing if that those PC specs are not even mandatory to play the game.

What is "high" or "low" in PC gaming really has to do with what is required to run the game, thats it.

The specs or should i say raw performance of PS4 and XONE where not something that was mandatory on PC games. They are only now because they need something to port to on PC, without PS4 and XONE, you would not see those specs rise. They rise to make do for the console ports. If PS4 and XONE where really that weak, you would't see specs rise, they would technically stay the same if its believed they are um..."low" specs.

3215d ago
+ Show (45) more repliesLast reply 3215d ago
fr0sty3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

This dude is stating a well known fact, the bone's cpu is clocked 15% higher (or 8%, forgot which). However, it ignores the extra gpu cores ps4 has that do gpgpu tasks which offload tasks from the cpu, and offer a larger than 15% power advantage in return. So, even at cpu-type tasks, ps4 is still more powerful.

You fanboys can disagree all you want (though I doubt any of you know what you are talking about enough to reply with a counter-point), but as said above, the numbers and games don't lie.

donthate3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

Only certain type of tasks can be done on the GPU, and it isn't without overhead and issues i.e. there are lots of limitations. You can't just drop any CPU load onto the GPU. If you could, it wouldn't be a GPU.

At this stage it is nowhere near a replacement for lack of CPU.

>but as said above, the numbers and games don't lie.

There are some games that do perform better on the Xbox One than PS4. So no, the numbers and games don't lie unless you are the PS3 that had much better specs than Xbox 360, but resulted in crappy results. /s

Personally I would care more about where my friends are, what games I can play on it, how the online gaming network is supported, and what features are coming.

In short, it is the overal gaming experience and I don't let a few pixels ruin it and neither should you!

grumpygamr3219d ago

Microsoft raised the cpu speed as a reaction to the fact that the PS4 hardware is superior by a lot. More smoke and mirrors that the hardware and software illiterate Xbox fanboys eat up.

dantesparda3219d ago


Its a 9% percent difference (on the CPU speeds between these two systems), but isn't it funny how MS fans always think that the PS4's 50% GPU advantage is nothing and no big deal and 1080p being 44% higher than 900p along with usually higher framerates is no big deal. Yet think that 9% CPU difference is so impressive? Its hypocrisy at its best and talk about disingenuous.

And don't people know that most modern day games are far more GPU reliant then they are CPU reliant hence why both systems where made with better GPUs than their really weak CPUs? thus GPU performance/power is far more important than CPU power in most modern games. Heck, even the Wii U was designed that way.

MysticStrummer3218d ago

"isn't it funny how MS fans always think that the PS4's 50% GPU advantage is nothing and no big deal and 1080p being 44% higher than 900p along with usually higher framerates is no big deal. Yet think that 9% CPU difference is so impressive?"


rainslacker3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )


True, only certain types of tasks can be offloaded to the GPU, however, those tasks make up more than half of what goes into game code today. In addition, those tasks offloaded to the GPU give a much more significant gain to performance than the increased clock of the CPU to CPU processes, so if tasks stay on the CPU, efficiency is lost because the developer isn't utilizing all the power available to them.

That's why GPU compute has been a thing since near the beginning of last gen when it became a design of how these systems performed. The PS3 took a different approach by allowing the GPU to offload tasks onto the SPE's in the CPU, because they were even more efficient as these tasks.

Given the rather insignificant difference between the CPU's clocks and processing abilities, the significant gain of processing more through GPU compute will be much more noticeable in the long run when you process that stuff on a faster GPU.

GPU isn't some foreign concept to game developers, it's been heavily utilized for almost a decade now. CPU's were always the bottleneck on any system designed around gaming, including PC's, which is why they pretty much abandoned going through the CPU for gaming purposes a long time ago.

fr0sty3218d ago


You are correct about not all tasks being able to be offloaded onto the GPU, however many of the most processor intensive tasks can be, and since the difference in CPU speed is only 9% (thanks dante), the added 50% (yes, I'm aware the 2 metrics are not equal) should still be enough to offset the differences with room to spare.

It isn't just the additional shader cores, but also the improved GPGPU funtionality, such as 64 compute queues as opposed to Xbox One's 16, that give PS4 a solid compute advantage. This means many of the GPU computable tasks that Xbox One's GPU can't handle, PS4's can. On Xbox One, those tasks would need to be offloaded onto the CPU or scrapped all together.

GPGPUs work best on parallel tasks, applying the same instructions to many pieces of data. Physics, AI, audio, these are things that can be done with GPU compute. There are limitations that make it not as good as a CPU, but you can still free up a lot more than 9% of your CPU resources by using the GPU for compute, especially when you have 50% more GPU cores to work with and 6 additional ACE's.

PS4's GPU was designed to maximize compute performance, and that is why you're not seeing developers complain about that 9% slower clock speed on the CPU.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3218d ago
Tsar4ever013219d ago

How the hell they going to say, it's stronger than ps4's when both consoles are using the same exact Jaguar APU, Xbone's APU is clocked higher than ps4's which does not really translate to stronger, it means it's just faster. This article is misleading anyway, Of coarse it's from GAMINGBOLT, should've known.

Death3217d ago

The Xbox One APU runs faster. The CPU also has access to CPU specific DDR3 memory. Microsoft focused on the CPU side of the APU and supplements the GPU with eSram to try to speed up GPU functions that are limited by the DDR3 which boosts CPU functions.

Sony opted for the opposite solution. They use graphics ram (GDDR5) which boosts GPU functions, but isn't ideal for CPU calculations. To boost the CPU bottleneck the GPU can be used to offload some CPU functions.

What some fans can't seem to grasp is neither machine has unlimited resources. For CPU heavy games that need to use the PS4 GPU to offload CPU functions, the amount of calculations the GPU can do for graphics is decreased. These are the kind of games where the two systems "balance out". On games that focus on GPU the PS4 has an advantage.

Pogmathoin3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

Article says X1 has slightly better CPU..... PS4 has slightly better GPU.... Xbox has ddr, PS has gddr.... X1 has esram..... Yet, looking at the first people commenting here, rally the troops, full defence mode..... DragonKnight, not usual for you to get offensive like that.... Surprised....

joeorc3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Really its not defense mode, its pointing out the flawed idea that go how the Xbox one and ps4 are = footing!

I have noticed ever since this generation the cycle last generation was the PS3 was only strong on paper, not in reality..that was going on all last generation, than when Sony's Api and SDK matured it than moved to ..well I s only really strong in a few case's with the xbox360 having the over all better design.

Now look at how this generation has gone, before it was there was no way Sony would be able to release a system more powerful than Microsoft.

What happened?

Well it is.more powerful ,and with directX12, the cloud, and windows 10 the experience on the Xbox one will just be that better than Sony.

Its this Sony has to prove to everyone that it can , while Microsoft is always done such..IE: Microsoft always delivering while Sony is always under delivering.

The blunt truth now is the "Greatness Awaits" is now being used to Mock Sony and its playstation Fans, but what is ironic is has that not or should end the case with DirectX12, and the cloud, and the wait the Xbox install base has had to wait for those enhancements to the Xbox one already?

Even more, what happens when Vulkan Api Matures to be used on the PS4? I always hear on here PS4/will not use Vulkan, well where or who say Sony would exclude Developers or publishers from Vulkan?

Sony's PS4 Hardware is already Vulkan Compliance, so there has been no word from Sony excluding the Vulkan Api.

Many would again Say with Sony you are always waiting for good games while.Microsoft is we can game with good Games right now.. Trying to direct the argument that there is really few quality games on the PS4 vs the Xbox one, than when next year rolls around its the same thing, because Sony always delays those games while Microsoft still has more games people want to play..its not always put that way , but it is almost always implied by gamers on this and other forums including the gamer media, never mind the fact Sony and its 3rd party publishers has released more games for the playstation4 than Microsoft has with its 3rd party publishers has for the Xbox one.

The ironic thing is, just like last generation the gaming centric website's its always been the same, to tear down the perceptions of plastation and bolster the perception's about the Xbox as a platform, but this is mainly about Mainly English speaking gamers and Media to bolster Xbox over Playstation, Mainly because that is the only real place that Xbox as a platform really has a market for.

Which is understood, but the fact this is so clear as day, and yet people try to act like its not and play the victims card is rather telling, if the platform would have a more world wide appealing perception you would not have to do this..

Thus Nintendo and Sony both has a more world wide appealing platform, and trying to change the perception of those platforms to bolster a platform can net you a good chance for mind share in your strongest market, but other markets may in fact see through the PR crap being said..just a number of Observations, I have seen in the game centric forums and media.

Pogmathoin3218d ago

Joeorc, your way was very well done.... Looking at the others, it was nothing else more than trolling.... Looking at there history will show you that....

brich2333219d ago

I like how you state a fact and it gets all the disagress.

PistolsAtDawn3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

Either way the consoles are so close in power that the end products are never that different. People love to point to the differences in paper specs (only to fuel fanboy wars really)..."this CPU is more powerful" "this GPU is more powerful" ...at the end of the day, the products on the screen are almost always identical and all that talk of XX% more powerful disappears like a fart in the wind. There hasn't been a single game this gen that you could tell the difference in a blind test....I've don the tests myself. They say your TV (even with identical specs) makes a bigger difference than the consoles.

Consoles are cheap PCs for a reason....I love consoles, but arguing about which one is stronger is like arguing who is the smarter retard. For consoles, it's not so much about power when they are this close, but about functionality.

parentsbasement3219d ago

You were doing really good there until you used the "r" word....

3218d ago
PistolsAtDawn3218d ago

@big-finger I'm glad you brought that up. I personally did the test in my own home on a 65" Samsung LED TV...and purposely picked out that game demo to test it on being as it represents the biggest difference in res (I also did Ghosts).

The problem is you're thinking 1080p vs 720p not 720 up-scaled to 1080...while you can tell differences if you pause and look for them...they are EXTREMELY minor. ...and like I said in a blind test (as if you walked into a room and someone was playing the game) you'd have no clue which version you were looking at.

Don't kid yourself...the marketing hype is just hype. The only thing that has been confirmed by these tests is that this gen we have the smallest noticable difference in end products we have EVER had in console gaming...and it should be the last thing on a long list of things you consider when buying a game.

kraenk123219d ago

It is essentially exactly the same CPU/APU, only that MS slightly increased the clock speed to at least catch up a little bit with the PS4.

ZhukNasimPog3219d ago

Consoles only as good as its games

3219d ago
slasaru013219d ago

The article says "better GPU which kind of balances everything out between the two consoles.
Read more at http://gamingbolt.com/xbox-...

KIND OF balances. This means the gap between the CPUs the same as between the GPUs and still not completely equal. Safe to assume, PS4 CPU runs at 1.3 - 1.4 Ghz. The more the CPU load, the more memory bandwidth is taken from DDR5.

dantesparda3218d ago

Wow, so now the PS4's CPU is 1.3-1.4Ghz? And the memory bandwidth goes down when the CPU uses more bandwidth, even though the CPUs memory bandwidth is capped at ~20GB. You just eating all the fanboy bullcrap, eh?

Jamesx82x3218d ago

Yes XB1 has a stronger CPU, it also has better coherent bandwidth by 33% but that still doesnt change the fact that the PS4 is the more powerful machine.

assdan3218d ago

This is old news. The xbox one is clocked like 10% faster...

Azzanation3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )


Both Consoles have 8 CPU cores however X1 allows the use of there 7th core for game developers while PS4 is still only using 6.

The PS4 was never 50% more powerful, that's just fanboys rounding it out from 40% to 50%.


joeorc3218d ago Show
Azzanation3218d ago Show
dantesparda3218d ago


Its up to 80% of the 7th core, not the whole core and its unreliable as the OS can it back at anytime when it needs it.

"Since October, Microsoft has allowed developers access to 50 to 80 per cent of a seventh processing core "

"However, there's no such thing as a free lunch, and the additional CPU power comes with conditions and trades attached - however, there is the potential for many games to benefit. Firstly, developers need to give up custom, game-specific voice commands in order to access the seventh core at all, while Kinect's infra-red and depth functionality is also disabled. Secondly, the amount of CPU time available to developers varies at any given moment - system-related voice commands ("Xbox record that", "Xbox go to friends") automatically see CPU usage for the seventh core rise to 50 per cent. At the moment, the operating system does not inform the developer how much CPU time is available, so scheduling tasks will be troublesome. This is quite important - voice commands during gameplay will be few and far between, meaning that 80 per cent of the core should be available most of the time. However, right now, developers won't know if and when that allocation will drop. It's a limitation recognised in the documentation, with Microsoft set to address that in a future SDK update."


And SMS used it in PCars for the X1 and the PS4 still performs better and has a 44% higher res than it. So the PS4 is still performing better.

Get your facts right before you start giving false information, its not the whole seventh core its up to 80% which can be lose at any time the OS needs it.

Azzanation3217d ago (Edited 3217d ago )


I have my facts straight. 80% is close enough to a whole core if you round it out. That's around 1ghz more CPU power to play with for heavy CPU bound games.

PS4 only allows 6 cores for devs which runs at a weaker 1.6ghz

1.60ghz x 6 = 9.6ghz (PS4)
1.75ghz x 6 = 10.5ghz (XB1)

Now -20% of 1 core = 1.75 - 20% = 1.4ghz which gives the X1 a total of 11.9ghz of CPU power to play with compared to the PS4s 9.6ghz. That's 2.3ghz more CPU power.

I did the maths for you. With DX12 releasing soon which is suppose to benefit multicore CPUs expect X1 to increase even more in CPU performance. Sorry if you don't like this, but these are facts.

PS4 makes up for its lack of CPU power with its slightly better GPU however GDDR5 ram only works well with the GPU while DDR3 ram works better with the CPU, another edge the X1 has over the PS4s CPU. So expect CPU heavy games to run better on X1 in the future.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3217d ago
Kumomeme3218d ago

stronger clockspeed due to ms forced to increase the clockspeed to close the gap between ps4 as possible..but the gpu still play important role here...not mention those gddr5

Death3217d ago

The GDDR5 is a great asset when using the GPU. When using the CPU to a greater degree that same GDDR5 decreases performance since CPU's work better with DDR memory.

As for higher clock speeds, it's irrelevant how or why they were increased. Microsoft claims the consoles design allowed for overclocking, you say it was a "forced" move. At the end of the day it's a higher clock speed.

Edito3218d ago

Let the games expose the hardware, PS4 as shown many times with games that they hardware is stronger Period...

OCEANGROWNKUSH3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

This is the oldest of old news, this was known before the consoles came out, we also know ps4's gpu is better and can be used to offload cpu computation. We also know that the xb1's esram is a bottleneck no amount of software updates will ever fix.

lipton1013218d ago

Yeah it's like saying myself and my friend Jim, were the same height, weight and have same bmi. Pretty equally matched all around... But my d*ck is just a little bit bigger... Seriously though, that's what these articles are - dick measuring contests that have no impact on our day to day gaming routines or consoles of choice...

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3215d ago
extermin8or3219d ago

It does more than balances it out... I mean look at the games released so far...

OOMagnum3219d ago

That has more to do with api than anything fanboys love to push.

joeorc3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

So when Vulkan matures and it can be used on the PS4 what than?

The blunt truth of the matter is, the trend it seems is to point to the Xbox one really as = hardware and that the PS4 if it does have an advantage is just really a slight advantage, when the truth is that's all Microsoft has to be able to show hardware results vs Hardware results about the performance between the two.

The same was last freaking generation too..the PS3 was only more powerful on "Paper"

The freaking same thing this generation..its the exact same very bullet talking point..and just like last generation, we are going to see how it plays out..want to know how it plays out...it will again play out like last generation.

All over again, well the ps4 is only slightly better in performance. Than it moves to well its only really better in a few cases, well its more powerful but Microsoft has the better over all gaming experience.

It the same d@mn crap

After Uncharted, after Killzone 2/and the ps3/getting so close to the target render it was pretty unreal they could even get that close to it with a system with low ram.

Than you had the point well Microsoft has more unified ram and more powerful GPU...and multi-plats performed on average better on the xbox360 than on the PS3.

So what has freaking changed now?

The Xbox one does not have the highest performance ram , does not have the more powerful GPU and now Multi-Plats perform more than average better on the PS4 than on the Xbox one!

The blunt truth of the matter its going to play out the same as it was last generation, because the higher ups over at Microsoft do not care about the Xbox as a platform, they only care about using it to get the windows OS and directx 12 Api into the living room to be the default OS and Api for developers to make software for consumers entertainment means to a software gate.

To eliminate competition just like they already d@mn near done in The PC industry.

When games are made for PC what OS are they made mainly for? And what Api is mainly Used?

So the fact that the very same company that has a d@mn near monopoly in the PC industry wants to turn the game console market into the very same monopoly where one company gets to dictate what OS games are made for along with one Api and that is used also.
Is there really many top tier AAA games made for any other OS other than windows in the PC market?

because its right now turning the Xbox into a Media Center PC, calling it a game console is quite Amusingly ironic. What's very unsettling is the past 13/founders of the Xbox project have all left Microsoft! SD, Ray, Jay, Seamus.. Etc. Some with over 22/years at Microsoft. Hell even Microsoft stated Xbox is not a core part of The business for Microsoft.

That right there tell's you how Much Microsoft cares about growing the Xbox brand, they don't they only care to use it as a.vector into the living room with Windows 10/and DirectX12..to try to make those the default Os and Api for entertainment software for the li ing room, they tried this already its called a Media Center PC, they are trying the same again with the Xbox ...the Xbox is not the way it was when the founders created it, and that's why they all freaking left..

Death3217d ago


That has to be some of those most unsubstantiated opinions I have seen on n4g. Here is what Microsoft says about the Xbox. http://www.forbes.com/sites...

Using the Xbox "founders" to spin your opinions is ironic at best. http://www.informationweek....

You may also want to take a look at this. https://www.playstationnetw... It appears Sony has similar ambitions to use the living room for something besides gaming. For what it's worth, living rooms and TV's were around long before gaming came around.

p.s. Microsoft has the highest "performance" CPU ram. Sony has the highest performance GPU ram. Microsoft also has the more powerful CPU with Sony having the more powerful GPU. You are being extremely biased by picking out the areas Sony has the advantage while ignoring the rest to make your case.

jobboy3219d ago

yes indeed games run the same on both platfoms....at the same framerate and resolution....lol :)

GrimmQuiorra3219d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this confirmed like...2 years ago?

We're still on this subject? Ooookay :/

Majin-vegeta3219d ago

It's gamingbolt what did you expect?The sad thins is people still give them clicks and will continue doing this until people wise up and not click on them

remixx1163219d ago

Anything to gas them flames huh.

iTechHeads3219d ago

It's GamingBolt dude. It's pretty obvious just from the title.

OT: Aren't the CPUS equal? XBOs is just currently clocked higher and has 1 more core available.

Mega243219d ago

Yes, so it's not really stronger. Both are low-end tablet CPU's. Still to this day can't believe they chose those CPU's over actual PC cpu's.

joeorc3218d ago (Edited 3218d ago )

Not even that Mark Cerney stated you could use all 8 CPU cores, this whole only use 6 core thing came about because a game engine in one of Sony's studios really as only using 6 cores for its game. That does not exclude other such 1st party development teams from Using 7 or the 8 the core's for its game..not all of the core has to be used entirely for OS purpose, if certain functions that are more CPU centric is not going to be needed for such a game.

Or something designed less CPU demanding but more GPU demanding instead.

Thus GP/GPU centric.

And even if you are still only going to be using 6 cores for a game you could in effect only use 4 or two.or hell even 1 core .depends on what type of game the developer is making

Mega243219d ago

Gamingbolt loves the clicks, and fanboys love anything to start flamewars.

Dee_913218d ago

You know how it goes, put xbox and playstation in the same title and watch the fireworks.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3218d ago
ninsigma3219d ago

Gasming bolt, F off! We already knew this. We knew it from the start of the freakin generation. Did you really write a whole damn article about something we knew just because somebody else said it?? You are the biggest pushers of the damn "console war". It's just always you!

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