
Like Your Sh** And Be Proud (But Try to Understand That Not Everyone Has to Like It)

"So, it's happened. A game that serves a somewhat small but very passionate fan base has come out. The underwhelming game has been met with indifference from the mass market and a critical bloodbath.

"There is nothing wrong with liking something that's not popular. Moreover, there's no magic rule that says things being popular makes them inherently better than other things. So why is the fanbase getting so defensive and uppity? Relax. Every single one of us likes games that most people don't. Conversely, every single one of us hates games that a lot of people love. So what? Does it matter?" -GR

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knifefight3207d ago

I like Nier and that one got critically hammered. Ain't no shame in liking what you like.

Summons753207d ago

That's a bit different. Nier got hit for no reason whereas Godzilla has a lot of problems. But there isn't anything wrong with liking it still. Heck, I love terrible movies that really have no good redeeming factors there are a few games like that too.

Bass_fisherman3207d ago

Its not diferent at all, games need generic design gameplay formulas otherwise the media wont like it. Just because a game uses outdated or simply diferent ways of gameplay that take a bigger learning curve people start imediatly complaining about it.

Godzilla game represents the tone and feel of the classics movies perfectly IMO, the reason why people buy games is because they like them not because everyone is playing them, at least thats the way i see it.

rainslacker3206d ago

I don't think it's much different. Some people like different things, and I think we could all name at least one game where the subject matter matter made the game tolerable or not so bad or even good. Heck, movie adaptation games have run off this premise for the longest time....although I'm not sure that's really a great example to illustrate my point.

medman3207d ago

I liked The Order:1886 (as did many others) and that game was no critical darling.

Lamboomington3207d ago

If you liked it, then it's great !

here on n4g, almost every review below 7 was either passed off as "clickbaiting", "bashing for no reason" "xbone fanboy" "conspiracy against PS4" "just because no multiplayer"
(none of which were actually true)

It's not just first party exclusives. Talk about the Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight.
Any review below 8 and it's the same damn thing. Call out the reviewer for one or the other thing. Gamespots review of Arkham Knight ? My word, should have seen the reaction.

People can like what they like, but on any popular game, you have this circle-jerking and fanboyism build up as a part of this "I like this game even though critics bash it" thing. That's the annoying bit.

'Like what you like' needs to go both ways. So many people need to understand that it means others can not like it and provide an opinion. Sometimes it just so happens that those others are professional reviewers.

Nothing wrong with liking any game, as long as you enjoy it, then awesome.

3-4-53207d ago

I played plenty of "bad to ok" games when I was a kid and I found a way to enjoy all of them.

Even the ones that sucked, you admitted it sucked and then tried to find a game within a game that made it not suck and that usually worked.

Also I've learned this.

Being "into" a certain type of genre at the time you play a game is huge. If I'm not into or wanting to play a FPS game right now, then none of them will be that appealing.
If I am, then even the lesser ones seem more appealing.

Hoffmann3207d ago

I liked Rise of the Robots and peaople still laugh at me because of it.

I will never ever sell my snes copy and remove it from the living room.

ROTR is a hidden gem.

mydyingparadiselost3207d ago (Edited 3207d ago )

You're a RotR fan!?! HAHAHHHAAAHAHAHAAA!!!
(I beat MK 1 with every character... on the gameboy... Also owned and extensively used a Tiger RZone)

Hoffmann3207d ago (Edited 3207d ago )

Real men beat Supervisor with every character! (Oh fuck..there was just one!)

Bass_fisherman3207d ago (Edited 3207d ago )

Well said. The media still label games like DNF for being bad and the sheep still coment about it around the internet about how "bad" it was for no reason, good games bad games...all that matters is what you want.

3207d ago Replies(1)
ZaWarudo3207d ago

I enjoyed Superman 64...

Nah, just joking.

I find the HyperDimension Neptunia games fun. That series always seems to get low scores from the critics, but to hell with them! I be neppin' all day!

FullmetalRoyale3207d ago

Playing that Rebirth 1 on Vita(my first experience with the series). I like games with great stories, but I also appreciate a game that is just fun. Fun to play, fun to listen to, whatever. I've played for about seven hours, almost all of which I have just spend grinding. I enjoy the combo turn based battle system. It's perfect when I either don't have a lot of time, or attention to spare.
I'll definitely be getting the others down the road.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3207d ago

I enjoyed Lair. Hope for another game like it with less glitches and better mission structure.

Right now i'm enjoying color guardians. Reminds me a lot of Crash Bandicoot but they're actually nothing a like.

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