
U.S. Eating Disorder Website Dangerously Shames Thin Game Characters

"You may have woken up to this particular item being shared around on social media this morning. The US eating disorder help-website, bulimia.com, released an article into the internet where they have gone through and edited existing video-game characters into a more “realistic” representation of how they believe a woman should look. Take note that it was only women that were edited, leading us to believe that only women can have eating disorders, which is probably not the case. At most, I fear that blatant agenda pushing and fear-mongering is now entering the mental health field." - Attack On Gaming

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Chaosdreams3225d ago

Long article (but a decent read.)

The website is obviously just pushing an agenda. Fear. If you're skinny, it's time to join the overweight club. Jokes aside (they really are pushing an agenda, or are stupid) I find it silly how in a world with many issues, people take this sort of approach.

Video games do not reflect and represent realism to the fullest extent, it's art, and art is shaped in whichever way the creator desires in its prospective field (some cases it could be more realistic, but it's all on genre.)

Crimzon3225d ago

Sad to see a website like that shaming anyone who doesn't fit their idea of "realistic" women. Making people feel uncomfortable about their own bodies is a terrible thing, whether it be what they consider to be too large or too small. What kind of message is it sending to girls and women that they're not big enough?

Aery3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

The real problem is that people, in these days, are too lazy and eat unhealthy food.
Except for people with real health problems that may have more difficulty in achieving a decent healthy status (or that may be unable to do it at all), being healthy and with a decent body shape doesn't require too much effort.

To have a very healthy lifestyle and body may be harder, but in the end it's only a matter of good will.

Ps I know, this sounds pretty obvious, but a lot of people have the tendency to not listen to.

Viper73225d ago

Jamies food revolution is a great watch and it pin points pretty well whats wrong with what people eat and are thought to eat.

I was literally disgusted seeing schools offer stuff like Pizzas, Hamburgers, nuggets and flavored milk (flavored milk... really?.... REALLY?) in schools. If kids learn to eat that shit how will they ever learn to eat proper food. It's literally same as feeding them only candies.

I always thought the food in our schools in Finland where bad but at least they offered real food, maybe not from the highest quality ingredients but still real food.

donwel3225d ago

One image I saw earlier was the GTAV girl (the blonde one with the ifruit phone) which is based on a real woman, Shelby Welinder I believe her name is. And these people are essentially saying that Shelby doesn't exist.
I can't help but feel that if they worked out a bit they wouldn't be so angry.

DragonKnight3225d ago

The real issue here is that the game characters aren't real people. They aren't meant to represent any real people. How many women are tournament fighters? How many women fight monsters? How many women are tomb raiders that may have to fight demons?

This is why agenda driven critique is not legitimate.

Loktai3225d ago

They should go after SD style Anime next...



Its rediculous to think these "realistic" women would be physically fit enough to perform even a portion of the tasks presented to the in game characters.

The world is filled with unhealthy processed junk food. "Dieting" simply means eating healthy and avoiding the delicious delicious junk food. I know plenty of rail thin people who couldnt gain a pound if they tried, how is it fair to say these people arent "real" and to shame them only to feel better about yourself? Typical bully mentality these social justice types use.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3225d ago
Anthotis3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

There's loads of girls who have been blessed with and/or worked hard to achieve the mouth watering perfection of DoA character's bodies, for example.

The only people who should feel ashamed are those who are unhealthy and out of shape, alongside the people who defend and promote their repulsive laziness.

Transporter473225d ago

Your statement is insensitive, and it also generalizes people who have an eating disorder.

pompombrum3225d ago

Nope, his statement is pretty much true. Those who spend all their time moaning about perceived unfair body standards would be far better off focusing their attention on promoting healthier standards of living.. ignorance is bliss I guess.

Transporter473225d ago


Why are you also generalizing people. You do know that people who have eating disorders don't choose to have them. It is something they struggle with everyday. FYI by everyday I mean EVERYDAY ALL DAY. They are called disorders for a reason. It's not a light switch that you can flicker on and off. How many people with eating disorders have you helped? I'm going to assume 0 because you don't know anything about them.

It's easy to be a jerk, but ignorance is a bliss isn't it.

pompombrum3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

Well what percentage of the world's population actually actually suffer from eating disorders? I think it's a fair generalization to be fair. If we factored in every single disorder/mental health issue into everything, we'd all be staring at walls watching paint dry... until the walls started talking, then we wouldn't even be able to do that.

Baka-akaB3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

But likewise , why stigmatise and call unnatural people who are actually like that ? A few of those associations and like minded people are prone to question the realism and truth behind those figures , or what they think they did do achieve those .

I mean look at that Helena remodel from the thumbnail . She is really that irrealistic ? They actually don't know people close to that , and gotta "photoshop her into reality" ? Really , her out of the whole DOA cast ?

I'm sorry that some people have a disorder and can't actually help it . But artist arent going either to conform to visions what "should be" a normal and average body to alleviate some people's sensibility .

Even when it's a totally irrealistic rendition , there is a little thing called artistic license . Not all artists are pushing for any kind of realism

Transporter473225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

@aiBreeze, @Baka-akab

Do you want statistics? Here are some.


The question is do you actually care? If you do please read some information about it.


Baka-akaB3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

F*ck statistics and assumptions . Did you even read my post ? Anyway ... i'm actually a bit concerned by this on the reverse and less problematic spectrum .

I'm quite skinny and naturally , and i'm talking tall "scarecrow" , as some would love to joke . I could eat the most disgusting stuff like those pizza with hotdog crusts and still remain slim . Maybe even because of some health related deficiency .

Still the same way fat people can't all be accused of being lazy slob that did nothing about their state ... it's tiresome to have people act as if you're constantly on diets , unhealthy regimen or bulimic , if you're skinny .

The whole problem is people pushing their opinions and agendas down other people's throat . There are people with actual issues , they deserve help and treatment , doesnt mean everyone else gotta suffer and be treated as such with blanket assumptions and concerns riffe with falsehood or hypocrisy .

pompombrum3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

Some of those statistics are absolutely absurd.

91% of women surveyed on a college campus had attempted to control their weight through dieting. 22% dieted “often” or “always.”5

I have been "dieting" for the last 3 years in an attempt to ensure I maintain a healthy weight, does this mean I suffer from an eating disorder?

Transporter, I'm sorry if you or someone close to you suffers from an eating disorder but ultimately, the way forward on such a subject isn't by moaning about how characters are portrayed in video games, it isn't by making people feel good about themselves whatever their size, it's by educating and promoting a healthier standard of living.

People with disorders need help but ultimately I'd bet so many cases of people developing them could have been avoided if they were better educated. Like the misconception of the term "dieting" in those statistics as if it's to signify someone is starving themselves as opposed to eating healthy.

LeCreuset3225d ago


You all are being way too defensive and missing an important point: target audience. This is on a website targeting bulimics, the overwhelming percentage being women from "developed" countries. The writer of this piece doesn't even get it:

"Who cares if they’re fat or thin, so long as the suffers of bulimia are actually healthy in the end. Isn’t that the most important thing here?"

Who cares? The bulimics the bulimics website is targeting. This is targeted at people with an eating disorder who are so obsessed with meeting that standard that they purge to attain it. This includes athletes. This isn't about telling someone sitting on the couch all day long stuffing nachos in her mouth while watching Maury that she doesn't have to be active.

Baka-akaB3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )


Again what bother's me is the tendency from some of those sites to depect picture as Helena's here as unnatural . Even if unwillingly , that's one of the messages they are sending here .

They could actually pick better exemple by far imo , to educate people about the disorder .

Their work is about making people accept themselves as they are (without excess of course) , , instead of making themselves ill to achieve irrealist goals or to make up for personal issues , and i dont think that kind of stuff and campaign achieve it .

Hell we could be ignoring the Helena picture , for GTA V they basically , down the page , uses a virtual but mostly accurate depiction of an existing model and counter balance it with a "realistic" rendition of how she should look . When the original picture already mimick photos from the real model spoofed by GTA V . I don't see that as an healthy campaign model

insomnium23225d ago



68.8% of adults are overweight or obese. Almost 70% of the entire population 20 and up and that's not counting bulimia --> only overweight and obesity. No kids involved in this too and we all know how fat kids these days are.

Your link gave an estimated 30 million people with eating disorders.

Even if we take those numbers at face value there are like what? houndreds of millions of people in the US alone who are overweight or obese and they do not have an eating disorder. What's your excuse for them? They are the majority even with these calculations.

I'm sick and tired of all these politically correct BS crusaders like yourself always coming into discussions where you are not wanted with your effing BS statistics.

Someone's statement on the internet is insensitive? So effing what? I as sure as s*it can and will offend anyone and everyone who spews this leftist feminist propaganda BS. Happy to offend!

IIC0mPLeXII3225d ago

Eating a lot isn't a disorder it's being a fat ass

LeCreuset3225d ago


The argument isn't that she's unnatural. It's that video games and other media don't present a realistic representation of the female body that accurately reflects the society of most bulimics.

No disrespect intended but I have to put this bluntly: It's not about you. People have to stop doing that. This is about helping bulimics by debunking their misconceptions of the idolized image they try to achieve through unhealthy purging.


"I have been 'dieting' for the last 3 years in an attempt to ensure I maintain a healthy weight, does this mean I suffer from an eating disorder?"

It means you're engaged in a horribly inefficient exercise. Stop "dieting," and change your diet. One is a short term change, but the other is a life change. If you indeed read the stats, you'll see dieting often results in the weight coming back. Which segues to the bulimia point.

The point being made isn't that all dieters are unhealthy. But dieting is a quick fix (as opposed to the aforementioned changing one's diet) that for some leads to other unhealthy quick fixes. Many dieters may not be bulimic but many bulimics probably dieted. Get the difference?

Gohadouken3225d ago

Obviously i'm not an expert . But i'm not sure that using pics of sometimes "normal" looking characters , as opposed to suspiciously skinny ... and then proceed to render them "as they should realistically be" is something you should do to educate clearly impressionable people with a mental disorder like anorexia and bulimia .

None of the extremes are good , and are clearly a choice with consequences .

PS : I'm also chuckling a bit when you notice that all of the remodeled characters got reduced breasts , even those that are a farcry from pornstar level of abnormality .

the "artist" behind the remodeling seems to have a complex there

Baka-akaB3225d ago


I kinda understand your point and stance actually , i just disagree and don't see it that way . It can't be both way , you can't show one character and how it "should" be , and then proceed to say that it's not about them being "unnaturally" depicted in the first place . It can easily be interpreted that way by fragile people

There can be other kind of positive reinforcements than dealing with virtual characters . Hell they probably usually show already women well in their skin and feeling and looking pretty with their average weight or figure .

Again they took once , and i suppose by accident , the videogame image of an existing being , to picture how she would or should realistically look . Without even knowing , the circumstance of how she got her look , that's iffy imo

LeCreuset3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )


"It can easily be interpreted that way by fragile people."

Is that said from your experience dealing with bulimics? That's not to be smart, but one of the things we have to take into account is that maybe we don't have experience dealing with bulimics comparable to the people whose methods for dealing with them we're trying to criticize. Most of us are probably just gamers who saw an article about games, but a lot of opinion has strayed into the realm of lecturing on how to treat bulimics, something people shouldn't be doing if they don't really have experience in that area.

"There can be other kind of positive reinforcements than dealing with virtual characters . Hell they probably usually show already women well in their skin and feeling and looking pretty with their average weight or figure."

Maybe they do. Again, we're coming at this through a narrow window. The only familiarity we have is from them saying something about video games. We don't know what all they do.

"Without even knowing , the circumstance of how she got her look , that's iffy imo."

It's not about them knowing or not knowing the circumstances. It's about the bulimics who set that as a standard without consideration for how she got that way.

Anyone who works out routinely can tell you that a big problem getting people into the gym is their fear of how they'll be perceived by others and how they measure up to other people in the gym. They've already set a standard for how they should look, which their body may not be capable of easily achieving, before they've even stepped into a gym! They don't take into consideration how long that person with the physique they want trains, at what intensity they train, age factors, biological factors, or even if the person is cutting corners (figure it out) to get there. All they know is that's the look they want. Now imagine how much pressure there is going to be on a person with a mental disorder pushing them to achieve that look and the unhealthy paths it can lead them down to achieve it. Maybe the method employed in the article will make more sense.

Baka-akaB3225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

"Is that said from your experience dealing with bulimics?"

Not that i even got to justify myself here , but actually yeah , i've known at least one person suffering from it . And it doesnt make me an expert either

In my humble opinion , reinventing cartoon images as reality is isnt necessarily helping those suffering from it , and is ripe for ridicule from those on the outside looking in , as you've seen here and elsewhere . It's not a win-win scenario .

Especially when you pick examples that arent strikingly far from the norm for healthy female bodies , if at all . Even more so , when for the third time they use their "realistic ray" on an actual rendition of an existing person .

Sure the sentiment behind it might be that they have to first learn that they can be like the girls on the right and be fine , and have them love themselves instead . But I just think it's poorly thought out here .

Also you forget that the original bulimia site directly attacks videogame developpers and asks them to depict real women . It goes above and beyond the goal you attribute them , and show an actual underlying issue and intent there , with its author . It is in no way just an article meant for just bulimic people .

LeCreuset3225d ago

"Not that i even got to justify myself here , but actually yeah , i've known at least one people suffering from it."

I didn't place a demand on you to justify yourself. That was for your own consideration. Knowing someone with a disease is fine. I know someone with MS. That doesn't equate to me having any considerable experience dealing with MS. As I said, "maybe we don't have experience dealing with bulimics comparable to the people whose methods for dealing with them we're trying to criticize." Key word "comparable." Only you know if you have comparable experience. I'm not demanding you prove it, just asking that you keep that in mind when forming your criticisms. Is this article the only time you've talked about bulimia today, this week, this month? Again, that's for your own digestion.

"Also you forget that the site the article directly addresses videogame developers and asks them to depict real women."

There's a difference between talking to and talking about.

"If video game creators are going to pride themselves on accurate digital representations, then it’s time for them to get real about women."

Audience is key. This isn't for you. This is on a bulimia website. I don't think there's a serious argument to be made that women in video games are an accurate representation of women in general, especially when you consider if they reflect their target markets. These are the images bulimics are deluged with that inform their standards and expectations. I could offer up a defense for why developers engage in these portrayals. I could make some counterpoints to the article. IF it weren't targeted at existing and potential bulimics! Audience is key.

Gohadouken3225d ago

Even with its intended audience in mind , i also think it's mediocre .

It's basically trying to use positive reinforcement via highly dubious imagery and set of ideas .Basically it's acting like "let's them make them feel good and love themselves first , we'll worry about fix the false crap we said later , conséquences be damned" .

And yeah i too think that the page actually shows that it got a bone of sort to pick with games first and primarily , rather than being inspiring for bullimics

DragonKnight3225d ago

Anthotis and aiBreeze: The issue of weight is never as simple as "eat healthy" and "exercise" or you're just lazy and that's why you're overweight. There are a myriad of factors involved, and yes for some people laziness and poor dietary choices does contribute, but to generalize that it's most people that are like that is just ignorant.

There are genetics. A pre-disposition to gaining and maintaining more or less weight. My brother-in-law has a heightened metabolism that pretty much prevents him from gaining weight no matter what he eats. Likewise there are people who try their hardest not to gain weight and yet still do.

There are hormonal issues. In men, low testosterone count inhibits weight loss and muscle gain. No matter how much you exercise, if your testosterone levels are too low, you will not replace your body fat with muscle. That has nothing to do with laziness or diet.

There are glandular issues. The thyroid gland especially. Overactive or underactive thyroid glands have an immense impact on whether you gain or lose weight.

There are environmental and economical factors which should be self-evident. Even in a first world country like the U.S., poverty still exists and poor people will not have access to the always more expensive "healthy" foods. "Junk" food is always much less expensive and easier to obtain than any other kind of food.

So to generalize in the way you have invites people to generalize about you, and it also completely ignores so many different factors in people's lives.

And no, no one should be shamed about anything. Do you think it's a good day when people think they have the right to go around insulting you for your appearance? We live in a world where we are supposed to be accepting of things like homosexuality and transgenderism but you think it's ok to shame someone because they may be bigger or smaller than some arbitrary health standard based on awful science? How does that make sense.

Halo2ODST23225d ago (Edited 3225d ago )

@AiBreeze I don't think you and others are ignorant to this issue, just that your view is blurred. Eating disorders are just people eating too much & getting fat OR eating less, & vomiting to lose weight, the actual cases of eating disorders directly relate to mental health. I for one have a eating disorder, I don't eat too much, or vomit, I just barely eat anything, eating disorders affect your awareness a lot, I could go 6 hours without eating anything & not even notice, multiple days with only having one meal (nothing to do with money btw) & not feel hungry. People who are fat (in general, not to do with medical issues causing that) don't have eating disorders, they lack self control & self responsibility, people who *Choose* to eat tiny & vomit (not bulima) have are really sensitive to what society thinks of them, & are heavily insecure, they don't have eating disorders, they are doing that out of their own interest.

Death3225d ago

I'm not sure how eating disorders and video games are related. If you are using video games as a reference to what your body should look like, you have much bigger issues. Using women as the example is sexist. How many men look the same as men portrayed in video games? Last time I looked in the mirror I wasn't 6'3" 200lbs with 0% body fat. I can also separate fantasy from reality so the portrayal of men in games hasn't affected me.

As for bulimia.com adding weight to these video game characters, how does that affect women that are thinner? Do they need to increase their weight to be more real? Everyone has a unique body and not everyone fits into a cookie cutter body type. To say people shouldn't be thin is just as bad as saying people shouldn't be thick.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3225d ago
LeCreuset3225d ago

Methinks you don't even know what bulimia is. It's precisely the shame you say they should have causing them to purge after eating.

HammadTheBeast3225d ago

You say that media enforces and unhealthy image of people, but what exactly is a healthy image? Why do we have to condense a whole bunch of body types into one generic, average, "healthy" body just for the minor population who is facing eating disorders?

If we're talking fitness, a lot of the bodies from DoA are possible and are "realistic" bodies in the sense that they can be had without being dangerously unhealthy.

LeCreuset3225d ago

Come on, people. Now you're just putting forward and agreeing with comments that put forward arguments I never made. You just wrote a whole post predicated on countering an argument I never made.

What I have said is "these are the images bulimics are deluged with that inform their standards and expectations." While trying to live up to media imagery that passes the rare off as the norm may influence unhealthy behavior by people trying to attain that standard, I never came close to saying "the media enforces an unhealthy image of people."

"If we're talking fitness, a lot of the bodies from DoA are possible and are 'realistic' bodies in the sense that they can be had without being dangerously unhealthy."

I stay in the gym, so I know what's possible. I don't think of myself as being unhealthy at all, but my image is not a realistic representation of the norm. Someone pressured to pursue that image may take unhealthy shortcuts to achieve it, especially if they don't understand that it is very difficult for certain people to achieve certain body types.

"Why do we have to condense a whole bunch of body types into one generic, average, 'healthy' body just for the minor population who is facing eating disorders?"

That's the point. We shouldn't. In the minds of bulimics there's one acceptable body type that they must achieve. They think that body type is the norm, though it's not. This is meant to dispel those delusions that the norm is what they've been idolizing and purging themselves to achieve.

LackTrue4K3225d ago

Most gamers must feel ashamed of there looks then,

Death3225d ago

Most gamers are capable of distinguishing fantasy from reality. Emphasis on most.

ThunderPulse3225d ago

Some dumb asses that don't wanna get off the couch are just jealous.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3225d ago
ravinash3225d ago

Usually the girls as they are portrayed in the games are very active, so in keeping with how they would look, they would look more like a sporty physic rather than someone who sits in an office all day.

If you want to look at unrealistic expectations, just look at the magazines with photo shopped images of model and articles saying how fat someone looks.

3225d ago
fallacious3225d ago

sit in an office all day? the type of people who would write these kinds of things are probably people who sit in their lounger all day drinking mountain dew and eating chips while taking a dump in their diapers.

wheresmymonkey3225d ago

this whole little rabbit hole is kind of fun for me. the site is pushing an agenda. Its so pro GG it's hilarious.

LIkewise the belimia site is obviously trying to push a message that game characters don't refelct reality. Which i guess isn't a bad idea, but at the same time, replacing them with the average tells me that the average american is overwieght. So maybe they should be trying to say hey america you need to do a little more exercise but don't feel pressured to look like these women.

OokuChicken3225d ago

What does GamerGate have to do with eating disorders?

terminallyCapricious3225d ago

It has nothing to do with eating disorders.

And what America needs to do is understand that people can look like anything and thats fine but just because you're uncomfortable with the way you look doesn't mean that you should dictate how creative minds make their craft.

Does this mean that shooters should have fat men running with guns? No.

Again this applies only to women, because the extreme liberal/sjw/anti-GamerGate side only wants to push this "world vs. women" agenda when thats not the case.

You want more body types? Go ahead. But I've been starting to see this "eye for an eye" mentality. Dont put others down because your uncomfortable. You claim to be "body positive? Prove it. Show love for the thin ones as well as all the others.

ravinash3225d ago

"Does this mean that shooters should have fat men running with guns?"

They would make for easier targets.

Death3225d ago

As I get older I need bigger, slower targets when playing fps. Bring on the double cheese burgers and Mountain Dew.

Summons753225d ago

*Faceplam* excuse me while I leave the planet since the stupid people won't...

Seriously, it's bad enough shaming people who work out to be a healthy weight or shaming the people who have an eating disorder and need HELP. But how much of a life do you not have if you are going to go after fictional character. When did being overweight become the okay and being healthy is a crime? Also this "reverse photoshop" just turned Helena into a fat person. It's one extreme or another with society today....

insomnium23225d ago

Yeah we should all go on a fat diet that makes us fatter than hell. Nevermind the health problems it brings cause we certainly don't want to offend anyone...

Halo2ODST23225d ago

"*Faceplam* excuse me while I leave the planet since the stupid people won't..."
Funny +1Bubble

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1555d ago