
Fallout Shelter review | Good Game

Fallout Shelter is a fun distraction and the 2D on 3D art style is great, but it probably won't hold your attention for that long.


The Best Offline Games for iPhone and iPad

Let's take a step back into the good old days when Wi-Fi and data were nothing to worry about and look at the very Best Offline iPhone Games.

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Fallout Shelter's Lack Of Ending Makes Perfect Sense

DualShockers writes "Has infinity got you feeling down? From the Penrose Stairs to the π symbol itself, some things just have no end in sight, which can ultimately lead to apathy, or even full-out rage. Human brains aren’t designed to naturally think too far outside a book-ended reality of beginnings and endings. Case in point: the spinoff stepchild of the beloved Fallout series, Fallout Shelter."

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Fallout 76 | Celebrate 25 years of Fallout all month long

Raise a glass of Nuka Cola: We’re toasting Fallout’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. anniversary throughout October.

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