
BiT Evolution Review | Gamer Headlines

Have you ever wanted to play a game that encompasses retro stylings that span the timeline of multiple console generations? Well, BiT Evolution does just that. From the monochromatic visual appeal of original Game Boy games, to the more advanced graphics capabilities of the Super Nintendo, BiT Evolution bleeds retro. This isn’t just in appearances, either. The game will remind you about days of old, sitting in front of the television in your pajamas, to hit you with the nostalgia.

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Nostalgic Fatigue: Has the Retro Homage Worn out its Welcome?

The indie scene has become increasingly guilty of succumbing to one of its most prominent tropes that has begun to grow tiresome - retro gaming homages.

the_massive2319d ago

Pixel art is infinitely less expensive to produce than hi-rez hand painted (look at cuphead) or 3d. It's probably 90% of the reason.

yeahokwhatever2319d ago

I think it's a combination of cheapness and lack of imagination.

camel_toad2319d ago

I'm glad to hear people are finally starting to get tired of it. I grew up with an Atari and NES and everything that followed. This graphics of that era were the best they could do back then and it was great, but to intentionally make stuff that looks like something you scrapped off the bottom of your shoe? No thanks. Making games ugly somehow became endearing and a fad - bleh.

vladstad2319d ago

retro graphics arent the problem its bad art and gameplay.

TheOttomatic912318d ago

Depends on the quality of the game if the game uses a retro style and adds nothing then yes but if it does that and add new mechanics the it doesn’t really matter.

Chaos_Order2318d ago

Yeah, I think the problem is there are so many indie games out there where "it's retro!" is the only selling point, and not interesting new ideas, polished gameplay etc. Games like Braid, Super Meat Boy and Undertale succeeded because they were high quality games that felt unique, not just because they had a retro vibe.


BiT Evolution Review | NGN

What was once old is new again. At least, this seems to be the case in the modern era of gaming. As the industry continues to push the technological boundaries of graphics, horsepower, and scope, many developers and gamers alike are backpedalling a bit, and rediscovering a certain nostalgic charm many classic games of the 70s, 80s, and 90s held. It is a charm that many modern games cannot seem to recapture. This has given rise to a renaissance of modern games that take on a retro graphical and gameplay style.

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Bit Evolution review - ChristCenteredGamer

BiT starts off as an Atari 2600 esque sphere that can bounce on some enemies, but not all of them. His goal in each level is to collect the twenty pixels scattered within and make it to the end in one piece. There is no death in this game but if BiT touches a deadly foe, he is sent to the code realm where he must find a portal to get back to the main world. Trips to the code realm are required if you want to collect the pixels within it.

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