
GamersPlatform: Siren: Blood Curse Episode 4 Review

GamersPlatform Writes:

"As new characters are introduced in each episode, it's still unclear what their true purposes are! Why does Saiga want to kill Miyako? Is Howard doing the right thing in helping her? With Miyako and Howard able to escape the swamp, what dangers await them? What happened to Sam? These questions will be revealed in this episode!"

*Review might contain spoilers. Episode summaries will be available July 30, 2008.

Full review after the jump!

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Bombibomb5791d ago

Why not just purchase the full game, finish the whole thing and THEN review it?

sonarus5791d ago

lol was just going to make that comment

avacadosnorkel5790d ago

you can play it for 100+ hours and have nightmares for life from this game that makes the devil look like Willy Wonka.

Tmac5790d ago

Yeah seriously, need to buy the whole thing and review it and not... review per episode.

Milky5790d ago

I love this game, blu-ray import = amazing.


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8 Best Horror Game Remakes

If you're going to relive a nightmare, you might as well do it right.

One thing that's been prevalent now more than ever is video game remakes. Dormant series like Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, and System Shock aren't first getting brand-new sequels but remakes of the classic entries. Horror titles are no exception, with the recent Resident Evil, Dead Space, and Silent Hill remakes.

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SimpleSlave443d ago

If Castlevania is there as an Horror Game then Demon's Souls should be there as well.

Also, you might want to add Shadow of the Colossus there too. Where you play as a mass murdering genocidal maniac on a warpath.


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