ThisisXbox interviews Neverwinter’s Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer

KrisWB from ThisisXbox writes "We were recently invited to interview Rob Overmeyer, Executive Producer on Neverwinter for Xbox One.

This is Xbox (TiX): When you aren’t busy working, and you are enjoying free time playing Neverwinter yourself, what race and class are you? Which is your favourite?

Rob Overmeyer (RO): I play all the time! My main is a Halfling GWF currently 2.7k on PC and a Halfling TR climbing the ranks on Xbox. I really like the GWF in group play and while I may not top the DPS charts I have been able to pull out a win in several dungeons after seeing most of the party go down. As for Xbox, although it’s a bit FotM to run a TR as my go to for PvP. I’m not running perma or anything but I like catching a cleric out of position and giving them a surprise. I also like the stealth-battle gameplay that can play out once in a while at a CP. Backcapping to find yourself in a 1v1 with another TR can be a lot of fun."

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Cryptic Studios impacted by layoffs

Cryptic Studios appears to be the latest Embracer-owned company to be impacted by layoffs.

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"Neverwinter: Menzoberranzan" is now available for PC, Xbox, and Playstation

"Cryptic Studios and Gearbox Publishing are today very happy and excited to announce that "Neverwinter: Menzoberranzan" (Neverwinter’s 25th module) is now available for PC (via Steam), Xbox (via the Microsoft, and Playstation via digital stores (as announced at Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons Direct 2023 showcase)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

Viryu433d ago

It's for that online game, correct? I always wanted to see the drows home from Drizzt's books, I've read those years ago, but I never could fully imagine it from text alone. Looks a bit bright compared to what I remember how it was described, but I'm guessing that's for gameplay reasons.


Become the Dragonslayer in Neverwinter on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

Neil writes: "Are you ready to hunt the most epic of dragons? Neverwinter's latest module will have you doing just that."

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