
From Software's classic RPG, King's Field ll, is re-releasing on PS3, PSP and Vita

King's Field ll has been rated for re-release on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita.

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Summons753269d ago

Psnow then....heaven forbid Sony allows us to redownload anything we bought digitally on PS3...

nucky643269d ago

from what I've read, we'll be able to dload journey for free when it comes to ps4 - provided it was purchased on ps3. it's been a while so maybe this has/will change.

TWB3269d ago (Edited 3269d ago )

Oh but they would first have to emulate the PS1 games on the PS4 and we all know that doesn't tickle their fancy.

BTW, has the first Kings Field game already been added ? If I ever get around playing them I would prefer to play them all.

yewles13269d ago


bradleejones3269d ago

I wonder if it is remastered.Kings Field was awesome, but the graphics are way, way out of date now. Awesome they are re-releasing either way!

Skate-AK3269d ago

Sure it is just a PS1 classic.

bradleejones3268d ago

@ skate. Hey, I can hope.

Summons753269d ago

Dark Souls fans.....be wary this game is truly difficult like Demon's Souls and Bloodborne good but for anyone who has gotten into the recent games.

nucky643269d ago

yup - and the traps are diabolical

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