
Rocksteady Batman Arkham Knight “Superman is almost the impossible game to make”

GamerFitNation: During E3 2015 GamerFitnation’s Antwand BlackBible Pearman spoke to Guy Perkins about the new game, out today, Batman: Arkham Knight, the finale to the epic trilogy that Rocksteady Studios has forged since 2009. Why the conclusion to such a great series? Well, according to Perkins, the game was foreseen as a trilogy, and they felt it was time for the series to end. He says this is the high point for the Batman: Arkham series.

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-Foxtrot3241d ago

How though? You could easily construct a plot where a villain drains Superman of his powers. Throughout the game as you do new story missions or gain XP you'll get your powers back piece by piece.

Only problem you would have then is sequels if it did well.

Anyway I'd rather see a shit load of other heroes then Superman for Rocksteady to focus on

BLACKBIBLE3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

A lot of Game Developers feel this way about Superman actually. Check out the video linked below were we asked 20 different developers if they could do it.

SilentNegotiator3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

All they have to do is use the right style of Superman. During certain parts of his history, he was not depicted as being over the top OP.

Look at the DCAU Superman; that was perfect. He had plenty of weaknesses to make fights with enemies tense; he could get knocked around like any other superhero with superstrength, he couldn't handle electricity very well, he would get blinded...Superman doesn't have to be a god and most good writers either don't write him that way or else make an epic story about how he handles having so much power.

JasonKCK3241d ago

Superman does seem like it would be hard to make. That was a cool video.

Hulk vs Superman in a destructible open world.

NewMonday3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

DC Universe Online makes a great template for a superman game

it did the gameplay for a superman based hero perfectly, and Metropolis was big, massive, well realized and open world

UnwanteDreamz3241d ago

Then I think game devs need to start getting out of their comfort zones. I am no writer or game dveloper but I can think of more than one way a Superman game would work. Lvling up and gaining new powers is cool but far from necessary. If this is the issue then it is one that can be solved by not playing it safe.

Ezz20133241d ago

***Rocksteady Batman Arkham Knight “Superman is almost the impossible game to make”***

Almost as impossible to make a good pc port of Batman AK..RIGHT ?!

AliTheSnake13241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

I remembers hearing rumors a while back about them making TMNT game.

Or they can just make a good james bond game.Combine the gameplay of arkham and uncharted.

ShinMaster3241d ago

Take him to space, where he'd be more free to use his powers.
Let him fight Darkside, Zod, Brainiac, etc.

Speaking of space, make a game around the Green Lantern mythos.

zen_hydra3241d ago

The Arkham games already set a precedent of re-imagining the DC universe. It really wouldn't be that big of a departure to portray Supes at his early Golden-Age power level, or go with something like the Justice League/Unlimited incarnation where he isn't much stronger than Wonder Woman and Shazam. Superman doesn't need to be the absolute best at everything (in fact I would argue he shouldn't be the best at any single thing at all). He just needs to have a S-tier combination of powers. A vulnerability to magic also goes a long way to balancing his power.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3241d ago
-Foxtrot3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

Yeah I'd like to see this

An actual Green Arrow game though...not any of that Arrow TV series crap which has changed way too much source material.

Would be nice for more people to see the real Green Arrow portrayed better in a game

Either Green Arrow or like I've said Constantine

SaveFerris3241d ago

Can he be teamed up with Black Canary?

Redinfamy3241d ago

That plot would be pretty interesting to make it work. I would love to see a Flash game

Agent Smith3241d ago

Because a powerless Superman is not Superman. Makes sense for Batman to have the basics like batarangs and grappling hook at the beginning of a game, but more gadgets can be added as the game progresses. Superman's super strength and super speed are stuff that are needed from the start, and those are really the only powers you need for Superman. He has no weapons. Heat vision and ice breath are probably the only real practical stuff he can gain.

-Foxtrot3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

Who said he'd be completely powerless.

Superman being drained would mean they'll be able to stop him being over powered. They'd just pick and choose what powers he'll keep for the player and remove the ones which cause gameplay problems

Besides it's a plot you could most likely see in a TV show.

Evil villain weakens him, Superman stands above all and fights back, gets his powers back, saves the day

Still Superman

NewMonday3241d ago


the don't even need to do that with the new Superman who is basically in Thor's power-level now

Loadedklip3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

If you strip Superman of his power ... then he isn't Superman.

That Metroid-ish gameplay works well for Batman ... but for Superman it would be a cop-out.

Just make it like the recent Earth 2: World's End book released by DC Comics.

Have Darkseid attack the earth with his powerful army. The Parademons would = normal thugs to Superman while the Apokolips New Gods can range from powered thugs to full fledged bosses that can challenge Superman.

A Superman game is definitely not impossible ... it will just take a huge budget and the right talented team to pull it off as even a normal fight with Superman should be epic in scale.

@ Foxtrot ... I understand the hole slightly depowered thing ... the problem is that again it's not SUPERman then. It's a cop-out to make a game playable with a much lesser character.

I want SUPERman and it can be done if you have him fighting Darkseid and the New Gods. Beings that can challenge and beat him without the need of a cop-out.

-Foxtrot3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

"If you strip Superman of his power ... then he isn't Superman. "


Are people not getting this

You aren't stripping him of ALL of his powers, you are just draining them enough so they aren't overpowered.

You'll still have enough strength to move objects that most humans wouldn't be able to

Manage to take a beating and be immune to most attacks, but not enough where you can't be killed or get knocked out

Still be able to use Heat vision, it won't be as powerful...something you can upgrade. Imagine using it in fights....it would be like a quick finisher if the enemies health is low OR would be like a quick stun when fighting

There's so many powers and abilities that Superman has which they could easily pick and choose which ones he keeps and one's he'll have to earn back. Seriously read up on them, there's a ton.

There is plenty to start the game off and still make you feel like a Superhero.

UltraNova3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )


I understand your point about draining him to reduce his powers to a more manageable level but try and understand that would no longer be Superman.

Superman is all about godly power and massive destruction. That's what people want, not a tree hugging peace loving dude in tights, who fakes people into believing his is a goofy reporter by wearing glasses.

Now, its really hard to pull off the level of destructibility and combat mechanics required in order for Sups to be adequately portrait and not feel watered down.

I mean look at how much damage Metropolis took in just a 5 minute brawl between Snyder's Superman and Zod(the closest we ever got to see Sups real power on the silver screen, and it wasn't even close)!

Until they have an engine that can do such level of destructibility and have the necessary combat/flying mechanics they'll never make this game, although I have the feeling that Rocksteady might actually pull it off should they try.

zen_hydra3241d ago

I think the best way to give Superman mechanical character growth isn't for him to discover any of his core powers (he should have those from the start), but a lot of mechanical depth can be plumbed by creative power combinations and stunting. Only experience can teach him all the interesting applications of his super powers, and those are what players can unlock to facilitate a growing power curve.

RiseofScorpio3241d ago

The Flash! Now he would have some good move sets.

ipach3241d ago

i think a superman game could be an adventure strategy game about maintaining your secret identity and protecting your loved ones (with permadeath, xcom style). it's a given that superman can defeat anyone straight up, but he still can't be in two places at the same time... and he still spends his days dressed up and in glasses. it would have to play as a stealth game while in clark kent mode. and you get different endings depending on how you live your life as clark. instead of superman vs. batman, you could have them get married. or you can just decide to leave earth and explore the universe and screw earth over. no man's sky is secretly a superman game.

Lukejrl3241d ago

It sounds so generic your summary a few comments down is exactly what is wrong with alot of games and the creativity. Superman would be a hard character to make where we actually feel the danger.

-Foxtrot3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

Which games aren't generic...I mean really. How many great games are really generic at heart. It's all about the way they create them and how much time and effort they put into them. That's mostly just doubting the abilities of the developer.

"Superman would be a hard character to make where we actually feel the danger"

And having him a little more vulnerable won't be able to do that ¬¬

Imagine when he's drained all these villains and common criminals are told...they wouldn't fear him in the same way and he'd be a huge target.

MrSwankSinatra3241d ago

I'm going to be honest that would be a pretty lame plot. What would even be the point of the game about Superman if his powers are drained? Superman is just not a character that could be applied into video games in this day and age. Draining his powers effectively doesn't make him superman, keeping his powers intact makes him too overpowered for a video game.

DanteVFenris6663241d ago

Or you know make overpowered enemies... You know like the ones he has?

Superman primed is overpowered, a few other version as well. However on a norm basis he is not and gets defeated.

badz1493241d ago

They can't even make a Batman game where Batman is Batman. Their version of Batman is basically Spiderman.

Metallox3241d ago

Er, no, definitely not. The Arkham games really make you feel like you are Batman.

CorndogBurglar3241d ago

You do know who Spider-Man is, right?

Because the last person people think of while playing the Arkham games is Spider-Man.

CorndogBurglar3241d ago

I want an open world, 3rd person cover based Punisher game.

Before missions you can be in his safehouse planning an entry and exit strategy and choose what weapons and gear to take.

Upgradeable weapons and of course the battle van to travel around New York inconspicuously.

I would buy that in a heartbeat.

_-EDMIX-_3241d ago

His character has just too many amazing abilities to the point of brokeness. At one point this man went back in time, can see through walls, ice breath, laser eyes, at one point he could do telepathic mind control and read minds.....yes folks. He can cause amnesia by kissing, he can amazing throw his voice, he can also shape shift lol.


Its a good read and very, very funny. He was just created way, way too powerful to the point where you can't really even write properly to convey a sense of danger with him. All his shortcomings always happen by some sort of happenchance. Oh stand back guys, Lex has some Kryptonite!

Bruhhhh...I would just move the hell out of his way then, get at safe distance and just laser him to death.

To make a compelling Superman game, one needs to actually nerf the powers that even make Superman interesting. I personally don't think it can be done and its why we've yet to see many over the years as much as we've seen cameos of him.

I mean, one can make a Superman game, but clearly the game would have to nerf his powers, have a cooldown etc. Hell, a great idea would be to make one where Lex put some device that blocked the Sun's rays and someone made a device to mimic the sun's radiation to give Superman some of his powers to beat Lex and destroy the device.

oasdada3241d ago

How about a batman vs superman dlc for AK??

rainslacker3241d ago

The comics have him facing enemies that can go against him as equals. Superman isn't invulnerable. Heck, Batman is going up against him in a movie soon, and he's just a regular guy with some cool gadgets....which I guess would play into what you say.

sinspirit3241d ago

That's not creative. It's forcing some generic plot to give an excuse if a story. Why wouldn't the villain just finish him off? Just being for plot holes.

gninja923241d ago

Superman, Prime 1 million, is the best one.

Dspdspes3240d ago

The MOST overpowered of all the versions, mmmmm.

I think, as some have said before me, that the correct villains would make all the difference. Darkseid, Brainiac, Solaris, Yellow lanterns, Doomsday..... and Luthor.

DragoonsScaleLegends3241d ago

Lol a Superman game can be made and is in no way impossible. The hardest part and what I think these developers are really talking about are the funds needed to make a modern Superman game. Plus not only do they have to secure these funds but there has to be a huge audience like the Batman games willing to buy it and no one really knows if there is.

gninja923239d ago

with the man of steel being a solid movie and the new batman and superman and justice league they only need to time the release window properly and the audience will flock to it.

P.S. Prime 1 million should be a future "What-IF" boss fight with all dc characters that got more than 1 comic issue to their name to fight against.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3239d ago
wakeNbake3241d ago

This game is gorgeous, plays great, a true GOTY contender up there with Bloodborne and The Witcher 3.

FallenAngel19843241d ago

Just imagine how Superman would fight mooks. Itd be ridiculous to see normal criminals defeat Superman when you put the controller down. That alone makes a solo game featuring him impossible

SilentNegotiator3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

Who said that the game would have to have him facing common criminals? How often does Superman fight ordinary criminals in the comics?

That's like questioning if a The Flash would work on the basis of him being able to outrun common criminals. Or if a Batman game would work because he's a master at fighting and common criminals are not. Or an Aquaman game because common criminals aren't as good at swimming. Or a Fantastic Four game would work because Mr. Fantastic has a longer reach than common criminals, The Thing has a stronger skin than common criminals, Sue is more invisible than common criminals, and Johnny is more on fire than common criminals.

Superheroes mostly fight super villains. That's why they work.

FallenAngel19843241d ago

Because you have to fill the game with different enemy types. You can't make a superhero game where they solely only fight the supervillians.

SilentNegotiator3241d ago (Edited 3241d ago )

Sueprheroes also deal with their henchmen (which don't have to be ordinary criminals), robots, labyrinths, hordes of villains, etc.

Plus, it's Superman; he can also deal with saving lives (unless it's the Man of Steel version, in which case he will leave everyone to die and kill dozens more in his battle with the villains, lol) and maybe even some Clark Kent missions. I know it didn't work for that one Hulk game, but Clark, having his powers whether he's dressed as Superman or not, would make for more interesting gameplay ideas; maybe stuff where he is trying to save people in subtle ways to avoid giving away his secret identity.

SilentNegotiator3241d ago

Oh, and Mxyzptlk missions. Definitely Mxyzptlk missions.

FallenAngel19843241d ago

It would still take away from the experience to see the Man of Steel get hurt by common enemy types. The whole thing only works in theory, but would utterly fail in execution.

gninja923239d ago

superman returns featured superman with no health bar, instead the city had a health bar, if he allowed the city to get destroyed thats how he lost. , but he never died.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3239d ago
Venomousfatman3241d ago

I definitely wouldnt mind seeing a DC universe related game from them again. Maybe have Batman in a cameo, but focused on a different hero. How about Wonder Woman?

MasterCornholio3241d ago

Well you can always make him fly through thousands of rings.

Show all comments (83)

6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein20d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers19d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long19d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius19d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

Demetrius19d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh


15 Single Player Games That Divided Fans

One way or another, these games provoked strong reactions.

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banger8826d ago

I don't think Days Gone divided fans. For the most part, gamers loved it. It was the reviewers who were divided. Self-loathing racist pieces of shit that took exception to the main character being white. This was a fantastic game, one of the best open-world games I ever played, and I've played them all.

Cacabunga26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Second you on this.. I had absolute blast playing this game!! Memorable!

TLOU 2 I thought was utter s***.. I still haven’t finished it and stopped about halfway (apparently).

It wasn’t fans divided around The Order, it was a period where xbox fanboys were thinking Rise was a more engaging game so they were spreading a lot of hate..
Today they are hibernating with nothing to play
The Order was short, no denying, but a great game with huge potential

shinoff218325d ago

I enjoyed days gone and last of us 2. PeoPke trippin.

I always thought the order was kinda whack seeming so I never tried it. Id like to now though.

Jon6158625d ago

No thr order was a short, clunky mediocre yet visually stunning game. I thoughts so and pretty much every other reviewer did too.

thorstein25d ago

The Order, where length was a criterion for rating a game, but only this particular game and no others.

Demetrius26d ago

I agree on my 2nd playthrough, ps5 this time

RavenWolfx25d ago

While I enjoy what is there in Days Gone, I mourn what was lost. The first trailers for Days Gone showed a morality system that looked interesting. For example, in the beginning when you are chasing down Leon and after you caught him, you could choose to shoot him or leave him for the freaks. You can see hints of it in other places, like if you catch a bandit unaware sometimes they will disarm and it seems like Deacon had the option to shoot them or let them go (he automatically lets them go).

Crows9025d ago

Whatever...those systems unless revolutionary don't add much...they rarely do in games that do have them.

anast25d ago

For the most part, when it comes to Last of Us 2, incels, homophobes, and closet national socialist types didn't like it. I repeat not all, but most.

Days Gone is a great game and it was attacked by the leftist socialist people that are actually closet fascists. As a great poet once said: "Socialism is the mother of fascism."

The Order got hit from anti-Sony Xbox fans.

Out of these 3, Last of Us 2 stands above as being a work of art. It's still generating a ton conversation to this day.

coolbeans25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

-"Last of Us 2, incels, homophobes, and closet national socialist types didn't like it. I repeat not all, but most."

It's so weird & cringe to see other gamers paint this broad brush of *who* didn't like Part II. Why take the "most who disagree with me are Hitler" type of mentality over game tastes?

-"The Order got hit from anti-Sony Xbox fans."

No other community I've dabbled in - be it social media or gaming forums - has built up such a dedicated defense for The Order like N4G. This attitude fundamentally blows my mind, especially in the face of similar older titles (hello Uncharted 1) that already did a marginally better job at storytelling and gameplay. It almost feels like some N4G group chat made this reflexive defense as a meme and a bunch of posters are still playing along with it. No offense to genuine Order fans, but I simply can't shake that feeling.

Yui_Suzumiya25d ago

Well to be fair, I remember being only one of a few people on this site that actually praised The Order when it for came out and got alot of flack for it. Over time it seems opinions have changed about it.

anast25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

saying something is "cringe" doesn't prove me wrong. You just throw words out and hope they stick. Bring some evidence to prove me otherwise.

I got:

Letizi, R., & Norman, C. (2023). “You Took That From Me”: Conspiracism and Online Harassment in the Alt-Fandom of The Last of Us Part II. Games and Culture, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/155...

You're up. Maybe you can change my mind.

Because NG4 defended it doesn't mean NG4 is the gospel of gaming.

thorstein25d ago

Yeah Yui, it was "the game to hate" at the time. What was bizarre was the, as usual, journalists that were lying about the game and their stories were approved.

It was all clickhate all the time for the Order. I defended it too.

coolbeans24d ago


-"I remember being only one of a few people on this site that actually praised The Order when it for came out and got alot of flack for it."

That could've been the case right at release, but you should see more recent opinion articles on here. There's a pretty substantial cadre who defend it on here as being "unfairly tarnished" that I simply don't see elsewhere.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 24d ago
Skuletor25d ago

Most of the backlash against The Last Of Us 2 was people upset that Joel was killed off, simple as that.

anast25d ago

There is that too, but the other groups pilled on too, which increased the numbers. I really don't see why we have to ignore everything but Joel being killed.

Inverno25d ago

I didn't like Part 2 and I'm not any of. The game sold like crazy, it's just hard for people to understand that most found the story to be arse.

anast25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Prove what I say is wrong. I will need evidence. I didn't not say all. Your exception rule doesn't work. Find evidence that counters mine. So, we can have a real discussion.

Inverno25d ago

There are plenty of legitimate criticism in hours long analysis videos and reddit posts actually critiquing Part 2. The people you're talking about are such a minority, and they attack just about everything because they see the "wokeness" in the most subliminal ways. They're insignificant because the game still sold pretty well, and reviewed well regardless. Keep in mind the game released world wide, and western politics and views can't be applied to every corner of the world. I can agree that Days Gone was attacked, and unlike Part 2, due to these sites being so heavily political biased it did do some damage.

anast25d ago

I am at least showing the group was large enough of a concern for a journal to publish an article.

Where's your evidence?

Crows9024d ago

He's not looking for evidence. Don't bother with him.

Crows9025d ago

The last of us part 2 was bad story wise. Not some nonsense that you speak of...most of the negative people were random...lots of the critical reception from anything other than mainstream journalism thought that the game had huge problems.

Angry Joe and skill up being prime examples of that...unless of course like most socialists out there you wanna just lable people.

anast25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Where's your evidence?

Crows9024d ago


Oh geez...Twitter is full of trolls...common sense.
The YouTube critics I mentioned are innocent till proven guilty. And proven with facts not opinions. I gave you evidence of 2 prominent youtubers and yet you ask for more...either you can't read or you aren't looking for evidence.

As far as groups being "large" for journos to get their panties all tied up...well then again you must be extremely gullible. As if we haven't seen thousands of articles claiming players are offended, angry or backlashing based solely on 1 or 2 posts. They love grabbing very specific individuals and using them to represent a much larger base....whatever is convenient to them making the case that gamers bad and journos good.

coolbeans24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

-"saying something is "cringe" doesn't prove me wrong. You just throw words out and hope they stick. Bring some evidence to prove me otherwise."

It doesn't "prove" it, but I have a solid success rate with the term - which seems to be the case here too. With regards to your article, I should break this down into parts:

1.) For starters, bleating for countering "evidence" after brandishing a media analysis paper (or papers) shouldn't be treated as some kind of trump card. That's not to say these researchers did nothing, mind you. Only that expecting counter-ideologies within this field who'll make this specific kind of work for TLOU Pt. II is absurdly demanding on its face. Nevermind the probability of non-progressive types getting the administrative approval being next to nil, but that's another can of worms.

2.) While I have critiques about x or y (some anecdotes being more flimsy than others, GG speculation, etc.), let's say for this argument that it's a solid piece overall. Having read the whole thing, there is literally *NOTHING* that validates the broad brush with which you painted TLOU2 critics in your first comment (speaking as someone who thinks it's a good game). The discussion about alt-fans, anti-fans, etc. does paint an ugly picture about the TLOU subreddit, Twitter users, certain YouTubers, and more; however, there's no positive declaration about TLOU2's critics ending at these particular clusters either. Even if you say "most, not all" in your first comment, that still seems overly broad compared to the text I read. (EDIT: That's not to disregard the nastiness or modest size in its own right.)

It's also worth noting how much of that paper's material is inspecting a pre-/at-release sort of backlash. But the game's been out for several years now. More and more people who AREN'T incels, homophobes, closet Nazis have played it past 2020 and you don't really see this new broad consensus about its accomplishments; in fact, you see more of a continued split over whether or not it deserves such monumental praise. Here's just a few other sub-communities near its release that don't fit your description:

- https://www.youtube.com/wat...
- https://www.youtube.com/wat...
- https://www.youtube.com/wat...

-"Because NG4 defended it doesn't mean NG4 is the gospel of gaming."

Correct, but you're just solidifying my point. Even PS fans elsewhere (social media or gaming forums) don't go to bat for The Order with the enthusiasm and consistency they do here in my experience. That's what makes your assessment of "anti-Sony Xbox fans" so fascinating to me.

anast24d ago

1) Speculation and emotion

2) Speculation and emotion

2a) Might be an argument if you gave me something other than your own opinion and emotions over the subject, but it's left as an anecdote without any real research. By the way, we can't negate the at release behavior, because it fits your narrative. It existed and those groups were involved.

The article is not a trump card and the fact that you seem to think so is more troubling on your end than mine. The article was to see if you could find other people that researched this phenomenon and we can have a conversation, but you still refuse to do this. Instead you wrote a sermon, which is a shame because maybe you had something with point "2a: It's also worth..." But this point still tries to side step actual events.

The final point doesn't solidify anything unless you are trying to solidify your own opinion. Albeit, it is passive aggressive, which is strange.

coolbeans23d ago

-"Speculation and emotion"

I mean... okay? Where am I wrong on 2.) though? Asking for a conflicting media studies research paper on this specific topic is already a random ask, given the environment with which these are made.

-"Might be an argument if you gave me something other than your own opinion and emotions over the subject, but it's left as an anecdote without any real research."

Wait. Just so we're clear: a research paper that focuses most of its attention towards a subreddit and social media comments to Neil Druckmann means you get to sustain your overly broad claims while contrary social media sources that don't exhibit the same kind of "alt-fan/anti-fan" rhetoric can't be counted? Now I feel even more confident in my initial assessment b/c all you're after is just whatever can be found with some accreditation behind it - regardless of quality.

-"By the way, we can't negate the at release behavior, because it fits your narrative. It existed and those groups were involved."

That's the thing: I never said they wasn't a sizable contingent of that either. From the start, my response was just how wild it was to paint *MOST* detractors with such a broad brush. I still don't think I'm off-base in saying it's cringe to just say "most people who shit on x game are closet Nazis or bigots of some sort," especially when your research doesn't really validate that.

-"The article is not a trump card and the fact that you seem to think so is more troubling on your end than mine."

Bro, you literally responded with "Bring some evidence to prove me otherwise.... You're up. Maybe you can change my mind." I don't really see how I'm speaking out of turn there given this and your original comment.

-"The article was to see if you could find other people that researched this phenomenon and we can have a conversation, but you still refuse to do this."

If no other people *HAVE* researched this phenomenon, then I don't see how the next best option is highly-popular sources which counter your original claim. Given that all you're promoting is a media studies paper hyper-focusing on a specific cluster of media, why wouldn't other forms of media work as some kind of substitute? That's not side-stepping events in the slightest.

-"The final point doesn't solidify anything unless you are trying to solidify your own opinion. Albeit, it is passive aggressive, which is strange."

I don't know what that first sentence means, honestly.

Look, I'll just put it like this: try to have a frank conversation about The Order on some other non-N4G gaming forum. There isn't going to be this clean split between 'Sony fans' and 'Xbox fans' that love it or hate it. Ask Sony fans how they'd feel about paying full-price for it and you're not going to get the ardent defenses compared to some of its most popular comment sections here.

anast23d ago

Still no evidence. I ask for you to bring contrary evidence, so maybe I might change my mind, all research can be falsifiable. This is what you are missing. We are thinking in two different universes.

You are writing sermons, which is a waste of everyone's time including yours. Bring some research and we will discuss it. As of now you have only brought superstitions.

coolbeans23d ago

-"I ask for you to bring contrary evidence, so maybe I might change my mind, all research can be falsifiable."

But I literally read YOUR evidence and it doesn't support the broader claims you made at the start. I'm not sure where else to go with that.

-"Bring some research and we will discuss it. As of now you have only brought superstitions."

Bro, leveraging this kind of language is so wild in the face of what you've provided. It's like unless those different communities I linked where fused together in a random media studies paper, you'd magically consider it valid. I don't understand how you're leveraging that, especially when it doesn't fortify your initial claim. You're basically retorting to me writing too much, regardless of the content itself. Just the oddest conversation with you thus far and I don't quite get it.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 23d ago
D0nkeyBoi25d ago

Amazing gameplay, but TLOU2 had one of the worst, most convoluted and uneccessary plots I ever seen in a sequel. Terrible story and the characters were forgettable. I didn't give an F about anyone in the story.

Inverno25d ago

I don't think any of these divided fans, other than LoU2. The rest were either victims of biased reviews or just generally agreed that they weren't as good as they could've been or just overall disappointing.


Batman: Arkham Knight Still Runs Poorly On Switch Despite Massive Update

Batman: Arkham Knight wasn't in the best shape when it swooped onto Switch at the end of last year. Fortunately, the game has today received a monster 16GB update, one that's guaranteed to fix all of its problems, right? Well...

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CrimsonWing6969d ago

I dunno, the game runs fine on PS4 and PS5… I think this might be a Switch thing.

_SilverHawk_69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Batman arkham knight shouldn't be on the switch as well as many other titles on the ps4 and xbox one because the switch will have the worst version that always perform poorly

The switch 2 will have the same dilemma as the later years of the switches life cycle because any AAA multiplatform games on switch 2 will most likely be the worst version to own because that game will be available elsewhere with way better performance and visuals.

The switch gained quite a bit of success because it was the only portable console available to play a lot of AAA multiplatform games but today there are many alternative handheld consoles that are better than the switch 2. Nintendo will be Nintendo so hoping for the latest cutting edge technologies to be in the switch 2 isn't being realistic while knowing Nintendo likes to make quite a bit of profit on sales of their hardware

Knightofelemia69d ago

Because the game was built to run on the PS4 and the PS5 won't have issues because it plays PS4 games. It is a Switch thing this game is asking a lot out of the little hybrid hand held system.

_SilverHawk_69d ago

When it comes to Nintendos gaming systems people need to stop making excuses for games running poorly on it because the switch was made 4 years after the ps4 and xbox one. It doesn't matter that the switch is a handheld console that can also be docked to play on a television.

There are so many games I played on the switch where the performance is very poor dropping the frames per second into the teens constantly but reviewers and a lot of gamers excuse the issues as it's a weak Nintendo handheld.

I can already see that a lot of people will be making excuses for issues when it comes to the switch 2 when they need to be highlighted like games on other gaming platforms. These gaming companies have years to research and develop the necessary components to make gaming consoles and Nintendo shouldn't get a pass for making shoddy hardware.

Amplitude69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Silverhawk: "the switch was made 4 years after the ps4 and xbox one. It doesn't matter that the switch is a handheld"

What? Yes it does. How do you have more agrees than disagrees? You expected a small inexpensive 2017 Tegra in a Nintendo handheld console with a heavy focus on battery life to be as powerful as a PS4 home console that's powered by a wall and plugged into a large TV? No offence man but that's psychotic. I doubt even the Switch 2 will be running anything close to God of War Ragnarok. The Steam Deck can come quite close in some aspects but jeeze. You're talking about a budget 2017 handheld lol seeing it run Arkham Knight at all is an insane feat. Probably shouldn't have even been attempted in the first place but it's at least kind of cool that it's possible

DLSS and potentially VRR could be a huge game changer for Switch 2 but power constraints in a handheld are a very real thing. Even in 2025 you're not gonna get what you're looking for in a handheld unless you go the expensive handheld PC route and suffer through brutal battery life. Certainly not from Nintendo lol that's not their thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 69d ago
Sgt_Slaughter69d ago

Another rushed port job, it's disappointing to see better looking games run/perform better than a game from 2015

Terry_B69d ago

To be honest. Batman Arkham Knight looked a lot better in 2015 than almost every..if not exactly every game released for the Nintendo Switch since 2017.

It needed a big downgrade like The Witcher 3 or Mortal Kombat 11, 1 to run well on this weak hardware.

Neonridr69d ago

if The Witcher 3 can run on this thing at a respectable framerate, there is zero excuse for other games.

But that's because the dev took their time and optimized it properly. It wasn't a rush job like so many 3rd party games.

Terry_B69d ago

@neoridr ..look how Witcher 3 looks in comparison to other versions. (Pretty much like a last gen version of it..but yes it runs well at least)

While Batman AK on Switch looks more like the PS4 /XB Versions but runs worse of course.

As said..it needed a big visual downgrade and did not receive it.Porting it to the Switch was a damn dumb idea anyway.

Knightofelemia69d ago

Dummying down a game that is meant to run on XB1 and PS4 is going to be challenging to run on a system that is probably as powerful as a PS3. I give them a congrats for bringing it to the Switch and I hope this challenge pays off for them. As for me grabbing Arkham Knight on the Switch I am good I have the PS4 version.

Phoenix7669d ago

Batman: Arkham Knight Still Runs Poorly On Switch Despite Massive Update........ But is still a better game than suicide squad *fixed the title*

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