
Gaming Age Preview: You're In The Movies

Jim Cordeira writes:

''Get ready for your close-up. "You're in the Movies" combines cool with kitsch as you live out your dreams of becoming a scream queen, zombie or kung fu master. Premiering exclusively on Xbox 360 this holiday season, "You're in the Movies" is the first and only game of its kind. It transports players into a magical world of cinema and hilarious improvisations. Using the Xbox LIVE Vision camera, players' minigame actions are captured and placed into short, riotous films that put the spotlight on the unique and often dubious acting talents of friends and family.''

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You're In The Movies: A Casual Experience With Kinect's 2008 Predecessor

Kombo: Towards the end of last year (but prior to Project Natal's announcement), I was mulling over the used game section in my local gaming store when my girlfriend tapped me on the shoulder and gestured to the Xbox 360 Accessories section. Towards the bottom of the shelf was an Xbox LIVE Vision Camera bundled with the 2008 casual gaming experiment, You're In The Movies, with a price tag of $19.99. We took the device home and spent time playing a few rounds of what amounted to an interactive movie-themed casual-party-gimmick fest culminating in a campy movie trailer with our likenesses inserted for good measure. By the end of it, both of us were physically exhausted from the minigames and laughing like crazy at the movie trailer.

And something dawned on me - I had more fun than I thought I would.


The Xbox 360 Games That Every Gamer Should Avoid at All Costs

Craig H writes: "One of our biggest gripes, actually one of the biggest complaints throughout the industry right now, is that the level of quality in games has been suffering lately. Sure there are some great titles that get the perfect amount of polish and love to ensure every drop of potential is squeezed out of the title. But there are those games that hit retail with undeservingly high price tags."

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vgn245120d ago ShowReplies(1)
vgchica5120d ago

Hannah Montana is the worst game I ever played the 360

BeaRye5120d ago

If you mean the one for the movie, that game sucked on every platform. That was the definition of licensed shovelware.

T9X695120d ago

Wow You actually played it?

BeaArthur5120d ago

Good point, and is Hannah Montanta an exclusive?

Conloles5120d ago

I played Vampire Rain I'm scarred for life.

God_Of_Epicness5120d ago

I hate Hannah Montana. Overrated piece of shiat. Anyway, my worst 360 game has got to be Beowulf The Game. I find it interesting that whenever a game title includes the name "The Game", it usually fails.

vgn245120d ago

Did Hannah not return your fan letters dude? That's a lot of anger.

knight6265120d ago

wtf where is halo or gears? IMO i think halo and gears sucked btw iam no PS3 fanboy i just didnt like halo and gears

nygamer285120d ago

WTF are you talking about???? i didnt like the game ether but that dosent mean those were bad games,your game library must be very very short

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5120d ago Replies(2)
SilverSlug5120d ago

Too Human?

I hated that one.

Anarki5120d ago

Too Human wasn't bad... it was more of a 3d balders gate...

christian hour5120d ago

I only ever played the demo for too human, that put me off it enough to not waste money on it. So I can't say for certain it belongs on this list, but going off the demo alone, it definitely is, at least for me, a 360 exclusive to avoid. The only game on this list I've played was you're in the movies. My dad picked it up at christmas and it was actually a lot of fun with all the family, and I had a lot of lighting equipment borrowed from college that holiday to film some stuff for projects, so I was able to seperate everyone pretty well form the background, so it looked as good as MS advertised it.

Mind you we've never played it again since. Its like my sisters wii, it gets brought out at xmas and thats it. So I guess if you're a hardcore gamer, you're in the movies is another exclusive to avoid. Also I think LIPS should be on this list.

Baka-akaB5120d ago

that would be an insult to Baldur's gate , and a major one

mcgrawgamer5120d ago

If you grew up on old school loot grinding type games Too Human wasn't that bad at all. and honestly for me if Dennis Dyack hadn't used those lame analog only controls and keep his mouth shut on neogaf the game wouldn't have garnered as much as hate as it did.

danielle0075120d ago

Sure, the auto-targeting sucked, the story wasn't very good, the valkyrie junk was also annoying, and I hate that Dennis Dyack guy. He makes me absolutely sure I could never be a reviewer. My review would have been "I HATE DYACK. TOO HUMAN GETS A 2.3 OUT OF 10."

But, regardless, I only played the demo at my house, but my friend took the plunge and bought it. So I stole his controller and played it for a while. The targeting really did suck, but the quick combat really was pretty cool.

You making me think of Too Human means I'm probably going to borrow it tonight.. Definitely.. Haha.

Ya Boy175120d ago

yea i agree with you the auto targeting did suck but the quick combat was fun i wish i rented it instead of buying it

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OutgoingSquall5120d ago ShowReplies(3)
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Top 5 Xbox 360 Fails

Like any other game console, the Xbox 360 has had its successes and its failures, but some of its failures have just been unforgivable. This article expands on some of its greatest failures, and is meant to pair with Top 5 Takedown's previous article, "Top 5 PS3 Fails", because both consoles deserve some scrutiny by the public that both hates and loves them.

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Cmen5219d ago

PS3 Fan boys are going to be all over this and I'm going to have like 50 disagrees.

WildArmed5219d ago

this article is just as a big as fail as the 'top 5 ps3 fails'

Now I'mma go make a list called;
Top 5 Journalism fails..
and my no. 1 and no. 2 spots have already been decided ;)

qface645219d ago

they made a top 5 ps3 fails now they made a 360 one expect to see a wii one up as well
so i don't see what the big deal is?

mal_tez925219d ago

This is a bunch of fanboys bagging out a gaming system because they have nothing better to do than troll people on the internet.

This and the equivalent PS3 articles are the most useless pages on the entire internet. Even more useless than www.zombo.com

Saaking5219d ago

Just 5? Not enough imo. I guess they could list more, but they'd run out of space.

qface645219d ago

to be honest with you nothing gaming related is considered real journalism

gaming journalism is a joke

SilentNegotiator5219d ago

If I tried listing them all, I'd probably run out of internet.

execution175219d ago

wheres the overpriced peripherals?

hakeem09965219d ago

5- why would they support a rival,that's just stupid .Not supporting HD-DVD was the real failure .if MS had installed HD-DVD drives in the 360, Bluray would have died bcz they had the upper hand .

4-no one cares about internet browser on a game console.I got a PS3 and i only used that crap ounce .it was terrible.I need games period

3-Both the Eyetoy and the 360 vision cam are failures.You're in the movies wasn't a major realease it was casual gaming crap,not important enough to even be a major failures .JUST STUPID

2-I dont Mind Paying for GOOD service.I got BOTH a 360 and a PS3 and guess what i love my 360 more even with the 50 dollars membership.PSN SUCKS until that change i don't mind paying.

1 I agree 100%

NotSoSilentBob5219d ago

hakeem Don't forget that Microsoft knows how to write code for an internet browser. Depending on how you look at it Internet explorer is a decent browser but I guess MS didn't/doesn't put it on the 360 because of all the Security holes in it. I'm sure they could make a great browser for the 360 but I doubt they will because they will have to give it out for free.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5219d ago
wazzim5219d ago

and it's time to bash the 360?

Even as a Sony fan, I am against this because it's as stupid as all the sony bashing.

Really, what the heck is wrong with those journalists?

Biggest5219d ago

But it feels soooooo good to laugh at a machine. Especially when they cry. It makes me a cooler person because now those stupid machines know who's boss. Yeah!

ArcFatalix5219d ago

earlier by this site stop ur conspiracy theory.

WildArmed5218d ago

nah your just ignorant.
Both consoles are getting equal bashing coz they generate equally great hits.

playstation1235219d ago

Of course its a last gen console.

Model5219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

features of XBOX 360:

1.Games - Last gen
2.Online - Monthly fees,lags = last gen
3.DVD - Are you kidding ?
4.RROD - ;)
5.Design - last gen and ugly
6.Controller - absolutely horrible AA battery brick= last gen
7.Natal = Eyetoy = last gen

AliC5219d ago

Just as lame as the PS3 the other day, this kind of crap doesn't belong on N4G.

gamer995219d ago

is that guy in your avatar you? sounds like it.

phantomshadow5219d ago

Are you kidding? These types of articles are what make up the daily cesspool that is N4G. There has never been a single day in which I log into N4G to get some news, where half the stories aren't pure garbage and shouldn't even have been posted on the interent. N4G is just a breeding ground for this type of stuff, because any idiot can post an "article" and then have his idiot friends bump it all the way to the top of the page.

As for the article, it's just your varied list of crap which has been said for a long long time. These kind of lists can be easily flipped for the Wii or PS3, and I don't know why people still waste time writing and reading them. That's N4G for you though. If there is something out there which can be trashed on gaming wise, you better believe N4G is going to have some sort of article on it.

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