
Bioware’s Studio Director "Super Excited" For E3; Implies Fans Should Pay Close Attention

Bioware's studio director Yanick Roy is excited for the upcoming E3 and indirectly implies that Mass Effect should pay close attention to the event.

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Bioware Wishes Creative Director Casey Hudson The Best At Microsoft; Faith In HoloLens

Some of the staff over at Bioware congratulate Casey Hudson with his new job at Microsoft Studios. Studio Director Yanick Roy adds that his faith in the Hololens is in a "pretty d*mn good zone"

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Mass Effect: Contact Title Clarification Made by Studio Director

BioWare´s studio director Yanick Roy deny all rumors about Mass Effect: Contact. The game "doesn't have a name yet, just a working title that we have used since day 1 of the project."

-Foxtrot3681d ago

Phew....dodged the prequel bullet there didn't we

Abriael3681d ago (Edited 3681d ago )

Not really. He just said that the working title isn't final, not that it doesn't exist. Whether it's a working title or the final one, the fact that it could say something about what the game is stands.

-Foxtrot3681d ago

Shhhhhhhh....let me hope :)

OrangePowerz3681d ago

What's wrong with contact? If it's about some first contact with a race or so ot would be fitting and give players directly an idea what it is about.

-Foxtrot3681d ago

Whats wrong with it....nothing if it's a sequel but if it's a prequel it would most likely end up linking into the First Contact war and to be honest we've heard enough about it.

Lucreto3681d ago

We thought it was about the first contact war. It didn't last long enough for a new trilogy.

OrangePowerz3680d ago

I don't mind a prequel since I would rather play in the established universe with cameos of characters that I know. A sequel would need to be set rather far in the future. There are plenty of stories they can tell in a sequel.


Only a few want a prequel. Majority does not! Majority rules

DOMination-3680d ago

Another "insider" bites the dust

Skate-AK3680d ago

What? He never said that was the final name. That just what he knows it by.

randomass1713680d ago

Hehe prequel bullet. That should be a trope. Is that a trope? 'Cuz it should be.

Anyway, I don't mind either so long as the end of Mass Effect 4 plays directly into how the new game's story pans out.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3680d ago
SoulWarrior3681d ago

i'd much rather NOT see a prequel

F4sterTh4nFTL3681d ago

Whatever it is called I want it now.

DC7773681d ago

Don't worry, with EA and Bioware I'm sure it will be released before it even has a name ;)

kevinsheeks3681d ago

It's going to include Micro-Transactions Although I don't know if this is big news or not

randomass1713680d ago

Wait, when was that announced? o.O

kevinsheeks3680d ago


had to sweep it under the rug until the games are almost finished lol trick you with hype and graphics nickle and dime you with in-game bs

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