
Dirty Bomb Review - The price of freedom [dealspwn]

Dealspwn: Dirty Bomb is fun, fast, and frantic when the fight gets going, and you can see the pedigree from Splash Damage’s previous titles there, but it’s quite clear from the Open Beta tag that there is still plenty of work to be done. Once the balancing had been fixed it could be a great team-based shooter, but its monetisation and unlock system will no doubt rub a lot of players to wrong way. That said, it’s free and a fairly small download, so it’s certainly worth a look, but time is running out to get things right with new competitors almost ready to steal the spotlight.

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bggriffiths3280d ago

I sorta wish Splash Damage had had another crack at Brink. Great art style, cool movement system, but let down by a reliance of team-based multiplayer. Was a ghost town on 360 a few months after launch.


Interview with Splash Damage's Neil Alphonso on Dirty Bomb, Batman: Arkham Origins and More

Wccftech caught up with Splash Damage's Neil Alphonso to discuss Dirty Bomb, Batman: Arkham Origins and what might be next for the studio.

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Splash Damage is ending development for F2P title Dirty Bomb

It’s official, live development is coming to an end for Splash Damage’s free-to-play title Dirty Bomb.

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Bismarn2053d ago

huh? Never heard of either, you sure this is a real thing?

RevXM2053d ago

Splash damage and their game dirty bomb? yes both of those are real.

DeadlyFire2051d ago

Yup its real. Although they didn't have much information or press about its release. They just released it quietly. It's a pc only free to play game.


Dirty Bomb Gets Competitive Ecosystem With FACEIT Integration

Dirty Bomb is a free-to-play competitive/multiplayer shooter set in 2020 London during the aftermath of a mysterious disaster.

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