
TT Games’ LEGO series – The Top 10

Ross of PSGamer: Sean and I sat down, had a confab about our favourite LEGO games and which ones have had the most profound effect on us emotionally, mentally and physically. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we got super drunk and pretended to be Wyldstyle beating up Lord Business on top of a poor old mans Deloreon. This is just what happens when you get way too deep into LEGO conversation. It gets weird.

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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Releases Darkness is Rising Trailer

Today, Warner Bros. Games and TT Games unveiled a new trailer, Darkness is Rising, for their game Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

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NetherRealm Studios And TT Games Will "Remain Part Of Warner Bros."

Despite rumours to the contrary, a spokesperson for Warner Bros. says the Mortal Kombat and Lego games developers aren't for sale.

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Tedakin1061d ago

It always sounded weird that WB would sell Netherrealm. Mortal Kombat and their other games print money. The movie was a big hit for HBO Max and they said as much, and are planning more. Even if they kept the IP, they would have still been getting rid of the creator and studio that makes the games. Nothing about selling NRS made any sense.

BlackIceJoe1061d ago

This is great news, because having more game publishers is always welcome.

Hopefully with Discovery merging with Warner Bros, they'll increase their video game output and we'll see new video game developers from them.

yarbie10001061d ago

Jez corden and Xbox insiders wrong again

TriniOutsider1061d ago

Of course, they wouldn't sell-off NRS. Mortal Kombat itself is a money maker just on its name alone.

rakentaja1061d ago (Edited 1061d ago )

Here is the full answer:

NetherRealm Studios And TT Games Will "Remain Part Of Warner Bros." These two studios will be sold to Microsoft as part of WB, along with all other studios. We do not sell our company in parts (laughs).


LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Delayed

TT Games promises to provide an updated launch time as soon as possible

Hikoran1160d ago

Aah well, I'm sure we can all happily just wait. Could you imagine a buggy lego game? They're like First Party Nintendo titles (next to no bugs)

ikarodemon1160d ago

The Lego skywalker saga already exists and only contains the 6 original episodes. These new episodes produced by Disney will never be in our hearts.

JEECE1159d ago

True. I don't even hate 8 like everyone else does, but they still will never "count."

ZeekQuattro1159d ago

It feels like they stay delaying this game. Hope it turns out to be good. Always did like the Lego Star Wars games.