
Sucker Punch Wants to Go "Bigger and Better" With Its Next Game's Characters & Animations

The Games Cabin: As expected, Sucker Punch wants to ramp everything up on a notch on the next game (which we still don't know about) including characters and animations.

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DarkOcelet3286d ago

I hope one day Sucker Punch make a game with the scope of The Witcher 3. That would really be something.

Nonetheless, i cant wait to see what they are cooking up there.

AngelicIceDiamond3286d ago

Here's hoping we get at least a teaser from these guys at E3.

joab7773286d ago

Exactly. I just can't stand games that have the same four sidequest that you repeat over and over in order to clear an area. Then you have this huge playground after the fairly short story, and nothing to do in it. Even Far Cry is like this. I am loving The Witcher 3.

GamingTruth3286d ago

The fact that theres so much in infamous second sons sandbox, and so much detail in that world; also far more 3d buildings and structures i would say the scope is definitely there.

smashman983286d ago

Nothing against you but I felt it was underwhelming compared to the first 2

spacedelete3286d ago Show
Maxor3286d ago

What are you talking about. Second Sons has less world detail and NPC life than GTA 5, and GTA 5 is a last gen game. As far as open world games goes it's basically an exclusive version of Watch Dog. Looks great but boring as hell.

SmielmaN3286d ago

I really enjoyed both infamous games. The second blew my mind at the time for graphics (I don't game on PC). I had a lot of fun with SS, just wish it was a bit longer.

Having two ways to play to get the good and evil endings is always a thumbs up from me.

Spotie3286d ago

Wow, guys. You really like the game, huh?

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AudioEppa3286d ago

I love their visionary ambition, can't wait to see what they bring in the future.

I just hope that their next project is a more flushed out point-to-point story and cut out the side missions.

I have yet to finish second son, probably have to restart it, but when I did play it last year I felt like I couldn't get to the story quick enough.

but everything else about the game was top notch and that was only the beginning of the generation.

xTheMercenary_3286d ago

Go for it. Why the hell not i always say.

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Sucker Punch Productions - Studio Profile | PlayStation

Meet the team at Sucker Punch Productions!

victorMaje291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

Ghost of Tsushima and SP were my 2020 goty & dev of the year.

Starman69289d ago

Christ, ghosts of Tsushima was absolute epic on ps5. Top 5 of all time for me 👍

northpaws290d ago

I need more from the Ghost's legend mode, too addicting but ran out of things to do after a few months, can't get enough of it.

MIDGETonSTILTS17290d ago

This means a new IP reveal is coming, right?

Why else educate the masses on a studio’s branding, if not to show off something that isn’t a sequel?

AdonisIsBeast290d ago

More action adventure titles in development or they actually going to dip their toes in an RPG? Tired of Sony’s formulaic titles

MIDGETonSTILTS17289d ago

I love Sony’s consistent output.

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Creating Feudal Japan from Across the Pacific

Ghost of Tsushima is Sucker Punch Productions' most ambitious game to date. It required the GDC team to take on the role of students as they delved into a culture that is not our own.

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Five Developers That Should Tackle A New Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

With rumours of a new game in the works, Adam from WellPlayed highlights five developers that could do the IP justice.

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Beastgamerkuma1198d ago

Rocksteady and Sucker Punch I can do a great action pact Star Wars games. Especially Rocksteady with their great combat system. Great write-up.

MadLad1198d ago

Spiders has proven that they can land the feel of the earlier Bioware games well.
Give them a solid budget, and they'd probably put out something impressive.

Then there's always Obsidian. As far as I'm concerned, despite being rushed thus buggy, I thought their Kotor 2 was a better game to Bioware's original. Especially when you got to play the fan patched version that included a lot of the content they didn't have the chance to implement in the original release.

Tacoboto1198d ago (Edited 1198d ago )

I disagree almost entirely with this article in regards to them being suitable for KOTOR, but would love a Star Wars from each of these devs.
Rocksteady would have a great sandbox filled with easter eggs to respect the lore of the universe, but KOTOR isn't an action brawler. They'd nail a Bounty Hunter game. Kojima would probably pull a Rian Johnson and throw the lore out the window, but if he was to focus on a specific genre I could see you being another Bounty Hunter infiltrating the Sith.

Sucker Punch could easily tackle something akin to Fallen Order mixed with elements of inFamous. Creative Assembly knows claustrophobic tension; I could imagine a side-story of a pilot that crash-lands onto a monster-infested area of a Sith-controlled planet.

Bluepoint would be the only studio of these I'd trust in these to respect the original gameplay systems.

LordoftheCritics1198d ago (Edited 1198d ago )

Yep. None of those devs make deep rpgs.

That was more like, ''I like the games those devs made so let them make KOTOR.''

BlackIceJoe1197d ago

Larian Studios is one of the best RPG developers around, so I could see them making a phenomenal game. Unfortunately I don't think that will happen.

MadLad1197d ago

Not to mention they're going to be working on Baldur's Gate for a good while.