BigBosss3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Yes! Thank God yes! So much good news, Fallout 4, UC Collection, Planetside 2 coming out this month, MGSV etc! Best year for gaming thus far :D

Abash3265d ago

Uncharted in 60fps?

*head explodes*

GarrusVakarian3265d ago

I've never actually played through the first 2 games myself, so this is great news for me...not that I didn't know it was coming anyway, lol. Playing them for the first time with all of these improvements is gonna be glorious.

And I'm glad to see it's being handled by Bluepoint games; that pretty much guarantees it will be a great port.

Day one.

xHeavYx3265d ago

You never played the most awarded game in history? (until TLOU)
You are in for a treat.

Abash3265d ago


Not just that, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune experienced screen tearing at times during the game. That was my only annoyance with the game, so Im very happy that this collection is being made to make the first Uncharted even better than it already is

Lore3265d ago

Can't believe Golden Abyss is not included

Eonjay3265d ago

in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models, but they’re also working on a range of improvements and additions across all three games.

Link2DaFutcha3265d ago

Never played any of them as this is the first sony system I've owned. Can't f'n wait.

Letthewookiewin3265d ago

I have been wanting this since PS4 got announced.

Crimzon3265d ago

1080p and 60fps would be great yeah, but after discovering that they're completely removed the multiplayer and co-op from this collection my desire to play it has nosedived. Why would you take out multiplayer?! So stupid.

I could understand not including the multiplayer component from Uncharted 2 since all the content was rereleased for Uncharted 3 multiplayer anyways, but stripping it all out is just awful. What a waste.

bouzebbal3265d ago

ok, i jiggled reading your post.
Uncharted in 60fps will is a gift.
i bet this collection will give early access to U4 beta kicking somewhere in December.
Count me in !

darthv723265d ago

Putting 3 already high quality bluray games into one collection either means they are going for a higher capacity disc (100gb single) or using multiple discs.

LOL_WUT3265d ago

Played the first I thought it was decent I'm more interesting in playing the second one ;)

darthv723265d ago

@lol-wut, all 3 are really good games. if you have the means to get them i suggest you do. be it on the PS3 (as they can be found for cheap) or on the PS4... you won't be disappointed.

DOMination-3265d ago

Taking out the mp means there won't be any crappy trophies which I'm happy about.

starchild3265d ago

This will be mine. Naughty Dog makes my favorite games on PS4. I already bought The Last of Us Remastered and I'm glad I'll be able to add the Uncharted collection to my library.

Bathyj3265d ago

Crimzon, no one believes you actually intended to buy this game anyway. Your last 10 comments are whining about it. Youre trying way too hard.

How can I trust the opinion of someone who said "Yeah, the multiplayer is the main reason I've played the Uncharted games and The Last of Us"?

Conzul3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Really @lucas?

In the beginning, there was Ocarina of Time, and it was the best game ever made, and gamers were pleased.

But a wind from the West saw the land, and it was displeased, and it sought to forge a greater work. And this work was called Uncharted 2. And for a time (before TLoU), it wrested with the Ocarina for the title of Best Game Ever Made.

Some say it even won.
lol Uncharted 1 was one of the first games I ever tried for a tough platinum. Damn, they don't make em like that anymore.

XBLSkull3264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

That title just screams "Me too!" with Halo. Why not just call it the Uncharted Collection? Nathan Drake collection implies there is more to Uncharted series than Nathan Drake, which I believe isn't true but correct me if I am wrong. Halo is a universe with far more to it than the Master Chief so it made sense to call it that. Poor title but since I've never played these games I very well may pick up the collection provided I get caught up on my backlog of games.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
Genuine-User3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Uncharted 1-3 in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models, and a range of improvements across all three games.

Also, "buying the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection grants you exclusive access to Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End multiplayer beta "

spacedelete3265d ago

Uncharted 2. at 1080p. at 60 fps. on the PS4. OMG.

yellowgerbil3265d ago

I'm really disappointed this doesn't include that Vita game, as that is the only Drake I haven't played :(

deadpoolio3163265d ago

OMG get over it...It doesn't need to include the vita game for the entitled man children who dont get that the 3 games are more than a sufficient amount of content...and ND didn't even make the vita game, considering this is a ND collection why would they include the Ready At Dawn Vita game..

showtimefolks3265d ago

Day one buy

Which one will sell better?

Uncharted collection
tomb raider

I think uncharted just because ps4 has a bigger install base and that many xbox fans who switched to ps4 will now buy it

Fall lineup is looking stronger now

God of war 3
uncharted collection
until dawn
no man sky

johndoe112113265d ago

You actually have a point. Imagine, a remastered collection is going up against a new release. This is going to be very interesting, but I think because the ps4 install base is so much bigger Uncharted would probably outsell Tombraider. Can you imagine how many ps4 converts are g8nna buy this game? This may actually be on the amazon bestseller list.

kingPoS3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

My money's on the Uncharted collection. I've always wanted to see UC2 in 1080p, especially online multiplayer. E3 hurry up, I want to see what I already know will be joining the ranks of my sleek blue cases.

Gateway MT6706 2008


Are you really excited about 2 remasters and 3 indies for the fall lineup?? That is amazing!!

If I never played the remastered games I guess I would be excited.

LamerTamer3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

I am buying it because I was an X360 guy last gen. Now that I have the PS4 this will be the first time playing Uncharted games. Now I get to play them in 1080p. A no-brainer.

scientificreasoning3264d ago

@MELMAN, games that have been released not during the holidays dont count? LOL at xbots focusing just on holiday meanwhile MS has nothing all year long. Maybe sony should delay all their games and release them all in the holidays? Most moronic thing I have ever heard is this list war nonsense for holidays only lol. I wonder why Xboxs only focus on holidays and US....oh right only time and place it is even relevant.


For your information, I own all of the consoles. I am just as shocked that the op is excited for remasters and indies as I would be if an xbox guy said he was excited for Ori and screem ride for the first 6 months of the year. This is the reason I own multiple consoles...i dont have to deal with the "sparseness". I am not dedicated to any one of these companies, so take ur fanboy speech and throw it out of the window, as is the has no value here.

showtimefolks3264d ago


wait so you are excited about another halo,forza and tomb raider? come on man

only indies are really taking all of the risks, every big publisher wants to play it safe and make millions. yes i am excited because GOD OF WAR 3 will be awesome, uncharted well 60FPS and 10980P

but rime reminds me of ico
and no man sky could be endless fun

don't forget there is a lot we don't know from sony. also if you actually did own all the consoles than you would know that games are coming to ps4

call of duty
mgs 5
just cause 3
mad max
star wars

oh wait i forgot only exclusives matter, so what now i can'y enjoy 3rd party games? seriously man

MS takes off 9 months to release all their games in a 3 month window while sony delivers all year

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
BallsEye3265d ago

1080p 60fps that's great! So I guess no one will claim again that Uncharted for running in 30 fps is to make it more "cinematic" if they could go 60 fps, they would.

XanderZane3265d ago

Time to preorder my copy. This is all I've been waiting for really in terms of remastered games. Oh and Jax & Daxter. Hopefully they can give us that series remastered as well and I'll be all set.

LamerTamer3265d ago

I would buy a Skyrim remaster with all DLC included, maybe that is just me.

Magicite3265d ago

Now Im starting to regret, that Ive played all best PS3 exclusives...now I could play them on PS4 with better reso/fps.

Kingscorpion713265d ago

Now they got something to go against Tombraider

andibandit3264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

let's hope it's the start of a "Remastered war" between Sony and MS


Kingscorpion713264d ago

Tomb Raider multiplayer was garbage. I'm sure Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta will be a lot better. I think it's a great idea for Naughty Dog to include the UC4 Multiplayer beta in the collection


Why is this even called the Nathan Drake collection??

joab7773264d ago (Edited 3264d ago )

Actually, I asked for all 3 Bioshock games to be remastered, but this will hold me over.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
-Foxtrot3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

No Golden Abyss...yet it's called the "Nathan Drake Collection"

They could have added it, even as a download

Will this have multiplayer?

If it does it better be Uncharted 2s

BigBosss3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

I'm pretty sure they do

jackanderson19853265d ago

doesn't look to have multiplayer especially with the line of "That means not only allowing you to play the single-player campaigns of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models, but they’re also working on a range of improvements and additions across all three games."

seems to be SP only or i'm reading too much into it

-Foxtrot3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

You know what, the one game I actually want multiplayer in and they don't do it

I mostly want it because I know for a fine fact NaughtyDog are going to continue doing the silly gimmicks from Uncharted 3s multiplayer that turned it into every other online game

This means the collection was a perfect place to do the old school Uncharted multiplayer.

EDIT @Below

Hopefully it will be added.

I'm just scared it's going to be Uncharted 3's multiplayer instead of Uncharted 2's. I won't be so bothered about Uncharted 4's multiplayer if it's like Uncharted 3 since the collection would (hopefully) have Uncharted 2s

They could even add in Uncharted 3s maps for Uncharted 2. Not the best structure wise but still, they did upgrade the Uncharted 2 maps in the third game

jackanderson19853265d ago

never actually played the multiplayer myself (truth be told not a massive fan of the series but each to their own) but seems the general consensus is that it's a good MP and seems odd if they do cut it.

addition of Skins as a pre-order tho could allude to MP being present

Meryl3265d ago

please tell me how they are going to do this since the original games have MP built into it?

jackanderson19853265d ago

@meryl wasn't the multiplayer for UC3 given away as a standalone MP?

it's not like they're just merging 3 games into one... they took the parts they wanted, cleaned em up, made em pretty and efficient then threw them into one massive file (very simplified version it takes alot of effort and skill)

Crimzon3265d ago

So they remove all the multiplayer and co-op modes, but just so happen to conveniently grant access to the Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta if we buy this collection? This is the sort of thing I'd have expected from Microsoft, not Sony.

kingPoS3265d ago

@ CaptainSellers

Most people know that online interactions of these sort of games aren't suitable for children. 😉

Gateway MT6706 2008

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3265d ago
OB1Biker3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Uncharted 4 mp should be more like TLOU mp I think as its the same team working on it

-Foxtrot3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

They are different games though...gameplay wise. Not all run, cover and gun in the Last of Us.

I didn't even agree with loadouts in Last of Us to be honest...I mean it's a game where weapons/supplies are hard to come by yet you can just choose the weapon of choice.

Would of been better to find them on the map or upgrade the crappy one you have as default.

joeorc3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

Well in defense, was it not many gamers on here that stated GA was a " watered down ps3 port " I mean many out right stated that. Keeping a PSVita exclusive at least gives the PSVita an exclusive...LOL

I mean many on here already state where is the Playstation Vita exclusives, but want PSvita exclusives ported to the PS4. is it any wonder Sony see's the PSVita as a legacy platform in the west centric market?

Any and every PSVita exclusive many stated I would rather play that on the PS3 and PS4. Is it any wonder Sony may not produce another dedicated game handheld again?

Fox this was not aimed at you, you are a good poster on the n4g site. I'm just pointing bout the very blunt truth of the problem that has plagued the NGP: PSVita as a platform right from the start. Many considered GA a port of the PS3 uncharted game anyway.

Its considered a " side bar quest " for Jake anyway

TheJacksonRGN3265d ago

The box art clearly states its the three campaigns.

-Foxtrot3265d ago

I didn't ask if it was in did I

I said I can't believe it's not in


BiggerBoss3264d ago

@foxtrot you literally said in your comment, "Will this have Multiplayer?"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3264d ago
Dark113265d ago

Well i guess delaying U4 makes more sense now.

3265d ago Replies(1)
IWasHere3265d ago

No, because Bluepoint Games develope it.

Death3265d ago

Definitely the reason for the delay. Having the collection and new game come out in the same timeframe would be counter productive. This should be a must have for anyone new to the Playstation and even for those that have had the chance to play the games already.

Kayant3265d ago

Bluepoint Games - Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Naughty Dog - Uncharted 4

There is a reason two different teams are working on it. Plus you add the fact the Uncharted 4 beta doesn't sound like something that was completely planned with the "Access to UC4 beta MP while available". One team needs more time to fulfil their vision.

Death3265d ago

Marketing two Uncharted games in the same time frame would hurt sales. By spacing them out there is a better chance of selling both to the same customer/fan base. It's irrelevant that the games are being developed by different teams, both say Uncharted on the box. It simply makes more sense to release the remaster prior to the new game in the series from a sales perspective. Gamers typically lose sight that gaming is a business.

_-EDMIX-_3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )


@Death...I swear, I say it almost every single time a collection, remaster, port etc is announced.



This opinion piece I feel sadly didn't get as much attention as it should have. Very much says what I've been saying for months regarding ports, remasters etc.

Explains the cost difference, explains they are not the same teams that CREATE games, that porting ISN'T creating, thus a contracted game by another team is not made INSTEAD of a sequel, they are doing both etc.

I'm sorry but if you can't read and understand what that link is showing, your just too ignorant to fully get that a port or remaster is doing nothing to hurt any gamer, company, publisher, team etc, its actually just the opposite.

MOST can't even show links, evidence or any real reason why such a thing shouldn't happen, other then blind, uneducated ignorance. I swear, feel some who post junk regarding ports and remasters on here are clueless and only seem to be mad based on pure assumption alone.

Um..the same folk that think Tomb Raider was done by CD when ported to PS4 and XONE or think that FFXV was delayed because FFX on PS4 or think Halo 3 could have come out sooner if Bungie had not ported Halo 1 and 2 to PC... lol I mean...does that sound like a person that knows what they are talking about regarding the game industry?

If true....where is the evidence?

A link to a publisher or director saying so?

I mean does anyone know how crazy it is to base such hate 100% purely on assumption vs REAL evidence? I mean..how much does one actually really need ot post to disprove this strange myth? The fact that some of you think that Rocksteady was going to do the Arkham Remaster port speaks VOLUMES about what you actually know, they didn't do the ports to the actual Wii U versions.....

Yet they exist. Did that hurt Arkham Knight? I mean...did Mass Effect 3 getting ported slow down Bioware? I mean..how the hell can a port done by another team HURT the development OF ANOTHER GAME?

...that is unless the person saying this has no damn clue what they are talking about.

Death3264d ago

I'm not sure why you guys keeping talking about different teams. I never said the team stopped work on the new Uncharted to make the collection. What I am saying is having two Uncharted releases in the same time frame would hurt sales. The most important time to make sales is when the release is at full MSRP. How likely do you think it is that the majority of customers would buy both the collection and new game at the same time? It wouldn't happen. To maximize profits and sales there needs to be a delay between releases. Having the collection come out first will increase sales for it since interest will be much higher than it would after the new game releases.

You guys can argue and disagree all you like, but you sound like children doing so. This is common sense and good business on Sony's part.

Do you guys actually think this was a spontaneous release that had no planning?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3264d ago
SoulWarrior3265d ago

Sweet, looks like there is no multiplayer included though?

The announcement only specifies the single player.

MrSwankSinatra3265d ago (Edited 3265d ago )

I hope there is at least MP for Uncharted 2.

Davi1233265d ago

You should see the trailer to the end. Where shows that MP of U4 (beta) will be included. I see no reason, for aren't included MP of the others Uncharted too.

Death3265d ago

Multiplayer for the Plus version of Uncharted didn't have the multiplayer. You had to purchase it separately if you wanted to play. Since we already know it can be done, it is possible they removed it from the collection to keep from having the issues Microsoft had with the Masterchief Collection. I just hope if this is the case they don't try to sell it to us after we buy the game.

BigBosss3265d ago

"That means not only allowing you to play the single-player campaigns of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception in 1080p and 60fps with better lighting, textures, and models, but they’re also working on a range of improvements and additions across all three games."

Hell yeah! :D

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Eonjay684d ago

Resistance 3 is such a great game. One of my all time bests.

cooperdnizzle684d ago

Couldn’t agree more. Still love It as a shooter to this day.

Just something about that game. I really wish they would just do a remaster, don’t even need a remake just bring it up to todays out put, touch up a few things if any, and I am there to buy it day one.

Of course I would love a remake built from the ground up. As long as they treated it like Shadow of the Colossus, or close to those type of remake. Wouldn’t want it to get the RE treatment…. Just because the game is already paced so perfect and hits all the right beats that I wouldn’t touch that aspect.


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darthv721426d ago

SotC is just... indescribably fantastic. Bluepoint was on point with that one. I look forward to their efforts in Demon Souls.

LoveSpuds1425d ago

Yup, that was a fantastic treatment of the original, such a beautiful game.

LoveSpuds1425d ago

I find it hard to look past The Last of Us on PS4, it was a fantastic remaster of my favourite game of all time so I simply adored it. A game that runs it damn close though, is Odinsphere which is flipping brilliant on PS4.

There have been some seriously great remasters on PS4 now I think about it, I loved the Bioshock collection, the DarkSouls remaster was great, The Spyro and Crash remakes were brilliant, Dragons Crown Pro, Gravity Rush and Dishonoured. Some fab remasters to compliment the hundreds of great new games on this generation.

AndrenNguyen14719921425d ago

Where's Final Fantasy VII Remake?