
Nintendo Land remains one of the only games to tap the Wii U's potential

It was far from an auspicious start. Before Nintendo Land was debuted in the Nokia Theater at 2012's E3 conference, there was a small momentum gathering behind the Wii U: this was the console that would take the company back to its core audience after its mainstream dalliance with the Wii, the homecoming that would see it take the fight to Microsoft and Sony as it moved away from mini-game compilations and returned to the more traditional, hard-edged propositions that had forged its reputation.

All that was lost, though, when Katsuya Eguchi took to the stage to give a long, flat presentation of the title Nintendo chose to place on the front-lines of the Wii U's impending launch: a disparate collection of branded mini-games that seemed like a slight return to the approach that had seen Nintendo fall out of favour with so many of its fans.

Nintendo needed a game to sell the Wii U, its potential and its promise, and the sprawl of Nintendo Land never really seemed quite up to the task. Its concept weren't clean enough to gain wider traction, and not quite focussed enough to win over the core. Think of the success of the Wii and you're really thinking of the simple, sellable pleasure of Wii Sports, of its playful, direct approach that helped usher Nintendo's console into millions of homes. When Nintendo Land came out, everyone was still curious to know what the Wii U actually was, and where it was coming from. The answer was hard to find in that tangle of diversions.

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sinncross3299d ago

For me, I feel like if the mini games wee more fleshed out the overall package would be a lot better. ts fun, but the variety in stages and options in mini games, and the lack of depth in many dot make for an overly compelling product.

a sequel would be cool to see

1lovegaming3299d ago

I have to agree! I really enjoyed the mini games :P

3-4-53298d ago

The thing that sucks is the two best games, Luigi's Mansion mini game & Mario Chase you need other people to play + 3-4 wii remotes.

pcz3298d ago (Edited 3298d ago )

its because the wiiu is fundamentally a bad idea.

i have said time and time again that nintendo reduced all its great franchises to mini-games. which is a tragedy, to the games themselves, and the gamers who love them.

we dont want to play a little bit of metroid mashed up with a little bit of starox. okay, so nintendo are finally getting around to releasing a proper starfox (and i even worry about that since it allegedly has gimmicky controls,) but its too late, the wiiu at this point is being laid to rest. its YEARS too late. and a proper metroid is merely a fans wish.

nintendo thought they could recreate the success of wiisports with nintendo land, and ride the wave of that success all the way through the generation. but it wasnt a success, it just sucks.

when are nintendo going to stop trying to force feed us party games and mini games and get back to making substantial, AAA, core games? the sooner the better.

when xenoblade x comes out and i purchase a wiiu, if nintendoland comes with the package, i will likely throw that game straight in the bin. or trade it in for a snickers bar

ChickeyCantor3298d ago (Edited 3298d ago )

"i have said time and time again that nintendo reduced all its great franchises to mini-games."

Could you just stop? You are thirsty for some drama.

", i will likely throw that game straight in the bin. or trade it in for a snickers bar"

2edgy4me. God forbids you might actually enjoy some of the mini games.

btmgov3297d ago

Talk out of your ass much?

Maybay3299d ago

This title should have had an online mode.

iplay1up23298d ago

It was okay, but I was not thrilled with it. I don't even think I have played all of the mini games Nintendo Land has. I always End up playing other things.

WizzroSupreme3298d ago

Nintendo Land was a pretty decent demo of the Wii U at launch and Mario Chase was sure a heck of a lot of fun with family – just as fun as Wii Sports was at first.

Summons753298d ago

It was the equivalent of WIi Sports. Should what the system was capable of. Honestly it should have been free like Wii Sports with the system, then it may have gotten more appreciation because it's a great title.

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The 3DS and Wii U eShop is shutting down in 2023 - download these games before they’re gone

Nintendo will be shutting down the eShop for the 3DS and Wii U completely in 2023. Makes sure to check out these games before they do.

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MadLad838d ago (Edited 838d ago )

If they're not important enough to be held on their own official storefront then they're not important enough to give your money to Nintendo.

Buy these, physically, used or simply emulate them.

This article comes off as nothing more than advertising games that Nintendo, themselves, don't care to offer you... buy now!

ocelot07838d ago

Wait hang on where all the outrage? I swear when Sony tried to do this with PS3 last year. There was outrage from all corners of the gaming universe.

Why does no one care Nintendo is doing it?

MadLad838d ago (Edited 838d ago )

There has been.
A lot of it.

Simply type in "3DS" in Google and tell me what you see.

ocelot07837d ago

Oh I have a fair few websites reporting on it. But where is the outcry on here? I remember their was 2-3 approved top voted articles when Sony announced they where closing the PS3 store. All slating them and not caring about customers.

I should of worded it better. Where is all the outrage on n4g?

MadLad837d ago (Edited 837d ago )

N4G is a fanboy site, mainly frequented by only Sony.
Microsoft is their direct competition, so you'll typically only see articles that are made to rile up those fanbases.

Nintendo does it's own thing, so they're rarely brought up, aside from their fans. The most you get is the same typical two or three posters claiming Nintendo is only for infants.

If you come to N4G for educated discourse and reasonable discussion, this isn't the place. Sad as it is.

pietro1212837d ago

It's lame that it is shutting down. Now I feel rushed buying all the rpgs I missed out on the system.

XxINFERNUSxX837d ago

You guys know that even archive.org has 3DS roms, and all other console roms. I'm downloading 846GB of 3DS roms and will add the best games to my soon to be soft modded New 3DS 😁. Might as well throw in DS and other emulators in there to. Guys this would be the best way to play and enjoy the 3DS. Just need to buy a bigger micro SD card and format it to FAT32, which you can if it's even 256GB or larger there are ways.

XxINFERNUSxX837d ago

This should help if you want to soft mod it excellent guide and up to the latest and probably last 3DS firmware update: https://www.youtube.com/wat...


History Lesson: 9 great game ideas that never took off

Xbox Snap, Game Boy Micro… we miss them all.

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Wii U Games We Want to See on Nintendo Switch

The Wii U had a bunch of great games that a lot of people didn't get a chance to play, so here are the Wii U ports gamers would like to see come to Switch.

LoveSpuds1808d ago

I just replayed Super Mario 3D world and loved every minute of it. I really like how it looks and it is great fun to play, it surely has to be a strong candidate for a Switch remaster although, personally, I would love a Galaxy 1&2 remaster more than anything else