
Forza Horizon 3 may already be in development at Playground Games

Forza Horizon 2 launched last September on both Xbox One and Xbox 360 to countless positive reviews and since then, monthly content updates. The game was also one of the biggest for Microsoft’s Holiday 2014 season as marked in their FY15 Q2 earnings call.

marlinfan103296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Wouldn't surprise me. Fh2 is probably the best racing game I've ever played. I can't wait to see what 3 will be like.


Forza and FH are two completely different racers developed by different devs

nicksetzer13296d ago

Yea, would surprise noone, pointless news. It is coming up on a year since release of FH2 so it is not like they just sat back and did nothing for a year. Yes there is still content being made for horizon 2 but that is usually handled by a select few. Not a single successful dev in history who did nothing for an entire year after releasing a game, of course they are working on the next...

Transistor3296d ago

This is completely a surprise, Forza Horizon 2 sold terribly everywhere aside from the UK.

Good news though, they are good games and Sumo is a great studio.

christocolus3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


Lol. That's what you guys love to believe. Why are you surprised? Did MS show you official sales numbers? The closest thing to official sales numbers was VG charts 350k (1 week sales) across Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Phil was with the team at Playground a few weeks after the release of FH2 to congratulate them.The game might even be well over a mill copies sold now,also the success of the game depends on the budget too,The first Forza Horizon on xbox 360 was considered a success after selling 650,000k and it went on to sell even more and does anyone know how much it cost MS to develop FH2? No. All we know is that the game was a success for MS and that's all that matters, infact MCC and FH2 are still topping charts in UK after over 6 months of being released. It's funny how you guys just make up stuff and overtime start believing it. Did you actually expect both games to Flop?

During MS FY 15 earnings call they mentioned MCC and FH2 being major contributors to the divisions earnings.both games were very successful.I bet even SO didn't do as bad as most of you claim.

RiseofScorpio3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Wow Trollsistor makes his way to another Xbox thread with his ignorance. FH took 18 months to develop whilst Driveclub had been delayed for 11. Its all about budget management of the game whether its a fail or not.

Transistor3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


It didn't do 350k. It did 150k combined between Xbox One and 360 which is why it didn't chart on NPD launch month or anytime after that.

If you really persist with this I'll hunt down the leaked numbers from Cream.

It sold terribly.

christocolus3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )



Why are you trying so hard to prove to me that it flopped?its obvious it didn't.it was just a certain group hoping and wishing it to fail. I don't understand. Are you mad about FH2's success? MS stated it during their FY15 earnings call. They said MCC and FH2 helped drive growth . Both games did well&a sequel to FH2 is most likely in the works as we speak.

Rookie_Monster3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


Instead of using vgchartz and made up numbers. Lets look how the real world really work.

If a product don't sell, there is no way MS or any company for that matter, continue to keep making sequels to them. So Horizon must be doing OK and is successful enough for MS to continue to fund its development. Simple logic man.

You were also bloating about Driveclub sales everywhere as well from your other posts. If DC sold so well as you say, where is the rumored sequel? Where is the rumor LB Kart racing from Sony?

You don't get how business work do you?

Speaking of the UK, Forza Horizon 2 has been on the top 40 weekly chart since it came out last September. It was just placed 11th last week while DC is gone from the chart for ages now.

Just to rub it in, here is the situation in the USA and using the legit leaked December NPD sales chart curtesy of Neogaf and Creamsugar as an example and not the made up vgchartz that I know you just love. So at the end of 2014, Driveclub only sold 84K in the US while the XB1 version of FH2 had already surpass 300k as of December and you said it only did 150k? LOL. Now go spin that!

Xbox One (LTD)
MC < 330k
Forza Horizon 2 > 325k
SO > 280k
MCC > 1 Million

PS 4 (LTD)
ISS > 800k
TLOUR ~ > 650k
MC > 250k
LBP3 ~ 240k
DriveClub: 84k

source: http://webcache.googleuserc...

Let go of the hatred and enjoy games man instead of hating or loving a piece of plastic.

dancerOfDeath3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Sony fans love to hate and downplay FH2 in any way possible.

Jealousy breeds contempt.

All I know is that the game is phenomenal, and that week after week it is among the top played games on my friends list. Microsoft has expressed satisfaction with the sales numbers. I see no reason to doubt them.

Though, I'm sure we are all absolutely DYING to see Transistors leaked rumored insider physical retail numbers, because they definitely tell the whole story.


Did I say definitely?

As far as I'm concerned, Forza is untouchable, both Turn 10 and Playground should just keep doing what they're doing. My Thrustmaster TX is begging for Motorsport 6.

Transistor3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

The link you posted doesn't lead to anything.

Some of those numbers are wrong and the NeoGaf link is dead.

Also, I don't think you know what LTD means. If that link works for you tell me when those Xbox One numbers were posted.

Also Driveclub didn't sell well either, I never said it did.

Edit: Reading it again it makes sense. It was posted in December. LTD those numbers are correct. Between September and December it did 350k.

Thanks. Lol. You just proved my point.

uptownsoul3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


Its funny that you say, "Lets look how the real world really work." But your list:
Xbox One (LTD)
MC < 330k
Forza Horizon 2 > 325k
SO > 280k
MCC > 1 Million

PS 4 (LTD)
ISS > 800k
TLOUR ~ > 650k
MC > 250k
LBP3 ~ 240k
DriveClub: 84k
is all from NPD which only tracks USA and not the World.

And we all know that PS4 is destroying XB1 in Europe & Asia where they have nearly 80% 8th generation market share: http://gamingbolt.com/sony-...

So when you factor in not just USA Lifetime numbers of these games, but GLOBAL Lifetime numbers the PS4 games start skyrocketing.

nicksetzer13296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

@transistor his link is fine, copied this right from it.... playing dumb isn't going to undo your above stated lies And downplay.

"Xbox One (LTD)
MC < 330k
FH2 > 325k
SO > 280k
MCC > 1 Mio. ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum... )

PS 4 (LTD)
ISS > 800k
TLOUR ~ > 650k
MC > 250k
LBP3 ~ 240k
DC: 84k
http://www.neogaf.com/forum... "

@uptown you are proving his point, transistor said horizon only sold 150k worldwide and claimed to have insider knowledge proving such. So what are you trying to prove by whining about global sales Between PS4 and XB1? They are completely unrelated.

Transistor said:
"It didn't do 350k. It did 150k combined between Xbox One and 360"

Rookies post PROVES that transistor is not only wrong, but that US sales on XB1 alone destroy his made up number.

How you somehow managed to go on some delusional rant about global console sales noone knows. Especially when the point being argued was sales for horizon 2...

EDIT: @transistor except no, it is XBOX ONE sales only, hence the giant "xbox one" at the begining of the xbox one sales info... You seriously will try to twist your way into any lie you can to defame anything with an MS sticker on it. You need to grow up.

@uptown transistor said it was wrong,hence me tagging him. Also, noone is "debating one regions sales" it was simply a post to show that 150k sales for XB1 and XB360 combined is a hallucination dreamed up by transistor. You are taking it personally when it is literally just a confirmation that the sales for horizon 2 were not 150k. Also, horizon released september 30th, how would 1 day possibly win MS a whole month?

uptownsoul3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


Who said his link was wrong? Debating 1 region's sales means little since Publishers and Developers care more about global sales. And thats why the trend is in PS4's favor

And Forza Horizon 2(end of September 2014 release date) didn't do well enough to win XB1 September or October's NPD anyways

Transistor3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Thanks to Rookie Monster we know. Forza Horizon sold 350k which would be Xbox One and 360 between September and December.

It didn't sell well.

LTD stands for life to date.

Like I said, it's launch was 150k.

Sunset did under 100k at launch which you also proved for me.

nicksetzer13296d ago

@transiator "Like I said, it's launch was 150k.

Sunset did under 100k at launch which you also proved for me."

I really don't get how you are coming to these conclusions. This is XB1 sales only in the US ONLY. The numbers are much higher than your random claims, sales decrease each month, not increase and you are claiming global sales for games that are lower than the US sales alone. Yea, they are life to date, how does rhat make your randomly assigned global number any more accurate?

You truly will believe what you want and have already made up your mind. Sad to see someone so blinded by brand names and plastic boxes....

christocolus3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )


What amazes me about Transistor is his determination to prove FH2 was a flop,even when he knows it was a success.It hurts him to see Xbox One games successful. You never see him this determined when it is something related to his precious platform.When it comes to PS4 he is always quick to post Neogaf links,vg chartz etc. He handles all information regarding his precious console with so much attention to detail;he is always very careful and precise in providing links to back up his claims and prove all naysayers wrong but here he is in an xbox article trying so hard to falsify figures and downplay the success of FH2. It's just so pathetic.he is the worst type of troll. I'm done with that guy. Nick just ignore him. what matters is that FH2 was a success and we will be getting a sequel.

For anyone who is upset, jelly,salty or bitter about the success of FH2. i've got this to say...

Deal with it.

Transistor3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

I should have clarified. The 150k and 100k numbers are from NPD.

So you can expect worldwide numbers to be under double.

BTW, the persecution complex here is comical.

It's OK, it can still be a good game if it doesn't sell well. I love Driveclub even though it sold terribly on NPD.

You guys need to relax.

nicksetzer13296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

It is not the sales numbers that are an issue, nor our feelings for the game. It is your unjustified need to make up assanine number to put a game down that isn't on your console of choice.

Just like the one month sony lost NPD out of all 2015 so far you felt compelled to scrounge the net for numbers that showed by how little it won.

You mindlessly drone with only one goal, to downplay or diminish anything that isn't on your console of choice. Meanwhile bloating and exaggerating everything to benefit the console of your choice.

The reality is you have to both lie and be a total hypocrite to accomplish that, and you have done both of those equally. You always like to claim I am a "known fanboy." Yet I own and play both consoles, have PS+ and XBL and judge situations with the same perspective. You will not find a situation where I chastise one company then praise another for the same thing.

You just are so deluded you take someone who is not blindly happy about every single thing as a fanboy, which ironically is the exact opposite of the truth.

Horizon scored well, sold well, advertised well and was a completely functional game at launch. There is obviously goin to be a sequel regardless of any miniscule thing you plan to pick at or make up conpletely.

3296d ago
DOMination-3296d ago

N4G is as corrupt as FIFA and the proof is in the amount of bubbles Transistor has

LexHazard793295d ago

@waluigi, bwhaahahaha! That was awesome! Bub for funny.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3295d ago
christocolus3296d ago

I'm happy about the success of FH, but i wouldn't be surprised if PG's new game turns out to be something entirely new..it could be one of MS many racing franchises i.e PGR, Rallisport Challenge and Midtown Madness or it could be a brand new ip(not racing)

spicelicka3296d ago

Agreed, totally took me by surprise!

Magicite3296d ago

MS gonna milk the hell out of Forza and Halo this gen. And dont give me disagrees, because its truth.

dancerOfDeath3296d ago

mmm, delicious milk. I hope that makes Halo cookies.

vega2753296d ago

I like halo oatmeal cookies with some chocolate forza milk plz

3-4-53296d ago

Forza Horizon 2 is the most fun I've ever had playing a driving or racing game ever outside of Mario Kart.

* It's realistic enough, yet open and fun enough to just cruise around and do whatever.

There is a freedom and pure fun aspect to the game that most experience.

* I showed FH2...and played it with my brothers and some of my friends and their friends.

None of us are "car guy", but we all agreed that Forza Horizon 2 was by far the best racing game we had all played.

I've been gaming since the late 80's.....it's a solid driving game....One of the best ever made.

So to here FH3 is in the works make me very happy.

I never played FH1, but playing FH2 has me liking that Horizon series even somewhat more than the regular Forza series, in that I can do track races or open road.

hells_supernova3295d ago

Of couse it is they only have another year before release

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3295d ago
DarkOcelet3296d ago

So i guess its sort of official that Forza is yearly franchise now eh?

Hopefully the quality of the games doesn't suffer from that decision.

nicksetzer13296d ago

franchise is yearly, but each team has 2 years per game.

motorsport (sim) - every 2 years
horizon (arcade open world) - every 2 years.

2 completely seperate teams and they are boh huge and talented. Horizon 2 was amazing, I am sure 3 will be no exception.

DarkOcelet3296d ago

Call of Duty is in production by three different teams and nobody can deny that the quality of the games are declining through out the years.

And so is Assassins Creed.

So like i said, hopefully the quality of the games doesn't suffer.

marlinfan103296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Forzas been every 2 years for 10 years now

Forza 1- 2005
Forza 2- 2007
Forza 3- 2009
Forza 4- 2011
Forza 5- 2013
Forza 6- most likely 2015 (don't know if there's a release date yet)

Fh- 2012
Fh2- 2014

Quality has gone no where but up. Some would argue 5 wasn't as great as it could've been due to being rushed for launch, but it's still the best Sim of the generation and the 2nd best racing game period behind fh2 imo

Rookie_Monster3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Stop hating DarkOcelet.

Just because there is a same name attached to it, they are totally different racers made by different teams. Your COD and Assassin's Creed examples are not good one as all those games stick to a similar style and formula every year. A sim racer is totally different than an open-world racer.

Your concerns with quality declining is laughable. On Xbox 360, each Motorsports sequel that comes out every 2 years was better than the previous one and Forza 4 was one of the best racers of all time and it has some of the best graphics and ran completely on a new engine.

Forza Horizon 2 is an opened-world racer that outdid its predecessor in every way.

What makes you think the quality will suffer when it has proven time and time again that these games are the standards for their respective racing genre? Forza 6 and Horizon 3 should be beastly. And you don't even have a XB1, so why are you so concern about it?

dancerOfDeath3296d ago

"What makes you think the quality will suffer"

There's no "good reason" to think that, per se, other than as an excuse to try and turn the conversation into a negative one.

The usual suspects will continue to subsist on a steady diet of crow. Forza is king.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3296d ago
green3296d ago

Would it have made a difference if one was called Horizong and the other Forza Motorsport?

d_g3296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

it’s completely two different Games from different developers

Forza- Simulation = Turn 10 Studios

Forza horizon- Open World Arcade Game = Playground Games

so no it’s not yearly franchise

Forza 5- 2013
Forza 6- 2015

Forza horizon 2- 2014
Forza horizon 3- most likely 2016

NeoGamer2323296d ago (Edited 3296d ago )

Forza has been yearly since 2011. Forza Motorsports 4 in 2011. Forza Horizon in 2012, Forza Motorsports 5 in 2013, Forza Horizon 2 in 2014, and Forza Motorsports 6 this year.

Really Horizon and Motorsports are two very different games though. They just brand them Forza for the brand recognition and marketing probably.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3296d ago
3296d ago Replies(1)
AlphaBlackWolf963296d ago

And after that article where the project CARS dev said DX12 will improve Xbox One by 40%, We know it'll be be bigger and better than any Horizon ever. Maybe, just maybe, and I'm just being wishful, it'll be 1080P and 60FPS.

SpaceRanger3296d ago

...This comment is exactly how rumors and assumptions become fact here on N4G.

AlphaBlackWolf963296d ago

I said I was being wishful, God

TheCommentator3296d ago

Did they ever say that the 40% was XB1? Last I'd read, there was still confusion if that was a PC or XB1 related figure.

I'm a DX12 "optomist", but I'd like to see where you got that info from. Can you provide a link?

AlphaBlackWolf963296d ago

I think it was clarified he was talking about X1, yes. In the comments someone posted that he later made a post clarifying that he was specifically talking about X1 and wasn't exaggerating. So far from two articles I've read that specifically state percentages, it's 330%+ improvements for PC and 40% for X1. That's just 12% of the 330% PC gets, but still a lot.

TheCommentator3296d ago

I didn't realize the article was a bit further down in today's news, but it seems legit to me. Just think, if a patch gets 30% plus, just imagine a true DX12 engine will gain! I can't wait for E3!!!

Toiletsteak3296d ago

Well the game will be out by the end of next year so they better start working on it.

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Baldur's Gate 3 Producer Has Joined Fable Developer Playground Games

Baldur's Gate 3 producer Ryan Clark, who worked at Larian Studios for four years, has joined Fable developer Playground Games

Read Full Story >>
Obscure_Observer249d ago

Xbox is definitely the house of RPGs and it´s getting bigger and better by the day!

Fable will be fantastic!

Marcus Fenix249d ago

I hope to see the following at Microsoft’s June games showcase:

Contraband (3rd party exclusive)
ID Software
Machine Games
The Coalition
Ninja Theory
The Initiative
Double Fine

Im sure we won’t see all these studio’s projects but at least 5 of them would be nice.

Sciurus_vulgaris249d ago

I’m surprised Gears 6 hasn’t been announced by the Coalition as of yet. Gears 5 released 4 years and the Coalitions hasn’t another AAA title since then, excluding the co-developed Gears Tactics.

Lightning77249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

Todd hinted at Indiana Jones being at next year's E3.

I heard Contraband is going through some sorta rework. I don't really have much hope for that game at this point in time.

Btw Gears 6 is in full development they took time away to learn Unreal Engine 5. Yeah... If we're going off of Immortals Of Aveum performance. They have allot of work ahead of them.

GhostScholar249d ago

I’m with you, but you had to know that comment wouldn’t be popular here lol

Sonic1881249d ago

The house of western RPGs. There, I fixed it for you

Crows90249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

Not even accurate though. They haven't made a single RPG yet. Starfield is barely an RPG as it is...there's no role picking unlike in elder scrolls games...especially the older ones. No skills...no attributes...just perks.

Imagine baldurs gate 3 where all you get to pick are feats.

Sonic1881249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

Starfield was probably the worse RPG from Bethesda. Especially when it comes to review scores on Steam



darthv72248d ago

All games are RPG if you think about it. You play the role of a character and do the stuff required to win the game.

Technically speaking.

Zeref249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

I couldn't be happier about that. I heard even Infinity Ward is working on an RPG. I am hyped af to see what they can do outside of CoD!

Crows90249d ago

What new RPGs has Xbox made recently?

jjb1981249d ago

I played the Fable Legends closed beta and actually kinda liked it. It sucks that it was canceled. I'm definitely looking forward to the new Fable.

Crows90249d ago

So it could have been really good. They lacked vision for the end product.

Barlos248d ago (Edited 248d ago )

Absolutely. I loved FF7 Remake and I've been playing the hell out of FFXVI and BG3 on my Xbox and I can't wait for FF7 Rebirth next February!

Oh hang on, none of them are on xbox are they?

House of the RPG indeed.

Obscure_Observer247d ago

None of the games you mentioned are first party.

Those aren´t even exclusive.

In case you didn´t notice, Fable is an first party RPG among many others in development at XGS.

CappyBlack247d ago

When's the last time Sony released a JRPG; let alone an actual RPG? Outside of 3rd party payouts. I can say the same for virtually every genre that isn't a linear action game or a racing game that doesn't press their competition.

Barlos247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

"None of the games you mentioned are first party.

Those aren´t even exclusive.

In case you didn´t notice, Fable is an first party RPG among many others in development at XGS."

And where in your original post did you mention first party? Regardless of exclusivity, none of the games I mentioned - some of the biggest RPGs around - are on Xbox but you seem to think Xbox is home of the RPG. You have Starfield and...oh, Fable. Wow.

But that's OK, if you want to move the goalposts to make yourself feel better, go right ahead 👍

Also, if you want to talk first party, some would say that Horizon and God of War are action RPGs. I personally don't, but they could be classed as such since they have RPG elements.

Obscure_Observer247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

"And where in your original post did you mention first party?"

This topic is about Ryan Clark from Larian joining Playground Games.

I said, "Xbox is definitely the house of RPGs and it´s getting bigger and better by the day!"

Not idea how you though I was talking about third party games.

"Regardless of exclusivity, none of the games I mentioned - some of the biggest RPGs around - are on Xbox but you seem to think Xbox is home of the RPG."

Xbox as a brand, doesn´t have to own all of the RPG games available in the market to be considered "the house of RPGs". I made that statement because today, Xbox is the brand with more dedicated RPG studios under its wings.

Besides, Phil has a new partnership with SE in place, we already got FFXIV from Yoshi P´s team, I wouldn´t be surprised if FF7R and FFXVI are the next. BG3 is also coming to Xbox this year, it´s not like we ain´t getting that game.

" You have Starfield and...oh, Fable. Wow."

Project Dragon
Fallout 5
Clockwork Revolution
The Outer Worlds 2

All first party. So now you know.

Like I said, Xbox is undoubtedly the house of the RPG games. You may not like it, but it´s nothing but a fact. Unless of course, you have some actual facts to counter the facts the brought here regarding first party RPG development.

"Also, if you want to talk first party, some would say that Horizon and God of War are action RPGs. I personally don't, but they could be classed as such since they have RPG elements."

You know as well as everybody that those games are action/adventure games with some RPG elements thrown into the mix.

Unfortunately at the moment, Sony is not investing in first party RPGs or RPG studios. Sorry.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 247d ago
Crows90249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

Still waiting to see what kind of game fable will be. Hope it has gargoyles...probably not.

Hope you can pick between male or female and choose something else to distinguish yourself during character creation.

Super excited for this and perfect dark...excited to see what they make that is. Don't have any high hopes but maybe MS can prove me wrong. Playground has been their studio for a long time and the initiative is their only new studio

Lightning77249d ago

"Hope you can pick between male or female and choose something else to distinguish yourself during character creation."

That's a staple in most if not all RPG's.

henbayward249d ago

Not these days, it ain't! 🤣🤣

VersusDMC249d ago

This is a good get as Baldur's Gate 3 is highly regarded.

But this has to be a hire for their next game right? Why would Fable need a producer now?

BrainSyphoned249d ago

Because the current producers at Xbox are helping produce some real bangers.... I'm sure Fable is in a great state right now.

Charlieboy333249d ago

Can't wait to see what their '10 year plan' is for Fable.....just like Halo and now Forza. I'm curious to see just how badly they fuck this up with online focused, drip fed content, design and gameplay. Because I know it's going to be nothing like the previous games and anyone expecting that is in for a nasty surprise.

Popsicle248d ago

I really am hoping against hope that you are wrong, but I think you are probably right. Unfortunately

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Playground Games, Forza Horizon, founder set to launch new studio

One of the Playground Games Co-founders, Gavin Raeburn, looks to be behind a brand new studio that's recruiting racing game development talent at a rapid pace.

XiNatsuDragnel448d ago

Nice probably his first multiplatform game.

mkis007448d ago

After Activision, they have a very short rope with acquisitions. The only studios they could acquire would be indie or brand new.

jznrpg448d ago (Edited 448d ago )

That doesn’t make much sense . Leave MS to go back to being under MS. Doubt it but who knows

porkChop448d ago

After the excellent FH games I'm excited to see what he does next.

blackblades447d ago (Edited 447d ago )

I just want a good racing game of the likes of split-second. Something thats just crazy on that level and not you typical racing game. I guess a gimmick a good one or something idk.

Anunnaki447d ago

He must feel like he can finally breathe being out from under Microsoft's boot.

Jin_Sakai447d ago (Edited 447d ago )

Raeburn and Ralph Fulton sold Playground Games to Microsoft in 2018. So he lasted 5 years.

Anunnaki447d ago

The length of his non-compete perhaps.

447d ago
SierraGuy447d ago

Forza spiritual successor coming to PlayStation wooooo 🙂


Forza Horizon 5 expansion ‘Rally Adventure’ announced

Publisher Xbox Game Studios and developer Playground Games have announced Forza Horizon 5 expansion "Rally Adventure." It will launch on March 29 as part of the "Premium Add-Ons" bundle.

onisama467d ago

i love how DLCs are coming also to gamepass but isnt better to make it payable? well at least this is great for as old people with a lot of things to take care for its save us some money

TheColbertinator466d ago

Rally is great in the latest Forza Horizon