
Serpent In The Staglands Launch Trailer Rekindles Classic CRPGs

One Angry Gamer "The old, isometric computer RPGs from way back in the day are starting to make a comeback for today’s generation of gamer. Bypassing the greedy AAA sector that’s enraptured with microtransaction cash-ins in the form of overpriced DLC slapped on half-hearted $60 “cinematic” games mirrored after the poorest forms of Hollywood’s blockbuster entertainment enterprise, many indie developers are taking back the reigns of the development arena by focusing hard and heavy on making real games with real content with real stories and gameplay. In other words, developers like Whalenought Studios is putting the control back into the hands of the gamer and Serpent in the Staglands is one of those games."


5 cRPG's You Should Check Out

When you think cRPG's you probably think of the classics like Baulder's Gate or Icewind Dale. Perhaps you think of newer cRPG's like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin.

However there are a whole world of classic style RPG's out there that you may have not heard of. Here are 5 you should check out.

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Serpent in the Staglands - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I have been a fan of classic isometric computer roleplaying games since I was introduced to The Champions of Krynn what seems like a hundred years ago. I spent hours running through the dungeons of Krynn, generally being killed by acidic Kapak Draconians, but it never deterred me and set in me a fire for computer roleplaying games. Over the past twenty or so years we CRPG fans have been rewarded with games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment and more recently Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2.


Serpent in the Staglands Released – Check Out The Demo Of The Old-school RPG

The full version of Serpent in the Staglands, an old-school RPG inspired by Baldur's Gate, it now available on PC. Before purchasing the game, you can try out the official demo, allowing to complete the first few levels.

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