
EA: "Every consumer will ultimately go online"

"Electronic Arts will be 'totally digitally-focused' in the future, moving away from the traditional packaged goods model to embrace digital distribution in a bid to avoid becoming 'another music industry'."

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cp685778d ago

Certainly not with their pathetic online service

Topshelfcheese5777d ago

I would agree with you, cause I've heard bad stuff about EA servers. However, I've never experienced any problems. I've been playing Battlefield:BC since launch and haven't had a single disconnect or lag.

Baka-akaB5777d ago

at the rate they keep buying and signing off studios , we sadly will ...

BattleAxe5777d ago

EA has a long way to go with online gaming. I'm trading in Battlefield due to the poor online service.

P4KY B5778d ago

I'm guessing that fans of a certain console will call for the boycott of EA over that statement.

f4t41_ph4nt0m5778d ago

EA should have taken into consideration the storage capacity/ abilities of the Xbox 360/ Wii. Not being a fanboy, but if they plan on primarily using digital distribution that means that the mentioned consoles will have an upgrade in storage capacity. Now that I think about it its much more needed for the Wii than the 360. The 360 currently has the option to either a 20, 60, or 120GB hard drive. Though expensive the option is still there. But the Wii...? Laurent Fischer is going to have to really consider his statement if this comes into being because not only will "geeks and otaku" need hardrives but those who just want to play will need them too.

Topshelfcheese5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

Even though I hate the thought of it, I have a feeling that the industry will end up doing this. However, I highly doubt it will be in the next 3-5 years, I'm thinking 10 years time at the earliest.

Mr_Showtime15777d ago

I want my game boxes to have on my shelf!

Sayai jin5777d ago

You will still be able to have the hard copies. It is something that will entually happen though, but it will not be the only option. It will be like CD's and MP3's. Can you still buy MP3's, yes, but now people have the option of getting a digital copy. Do you have CD's and CD cases or MP3's?

himdeel5777d ago (Edited 5777d ago )

...don't want to have to go online with every game I purchase. I also would prefer to not have large games that are download only.

I've been a pc gamer for longer then I've been a PS360 gamer and I honestly think as time progresses console developers will use online and DLC with more frequency. Duh! Likewise, it will give developers the fiscal reasons why they can distribute poorer quality games for greater profit.

Why release crap games you say?! Because they can just patch the problems later to get it into the hands of consumers now so that they get your money. Why result to patching problems, shouldn't developers just wait to release the product when it's ready? Hell nah!! That cost too much. So why does every game have to have online content associated with it? Also will games with offline content be considered old or antiquated? I'm glad you asked that question, well all games need online content so we can eventually finish and polish the game which we should finished before we shipped it. And lastly because everyone is online...aren't they?

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How EA & Xbox Are Defining Gaming's Bleak Future

Xbox and EA have recently made baffling moves that define how bleak the future of the gaming industry is with major companies at the helm. Ryan Bates from "Last Word on Gaming" posits in this op-ed that maybe it's not ineptitude, but intention.

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XCOM's Jake Solomon Q&A - Building a Narrative-Driven Life Sim Game at Midsummer Studios

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Microsoft's quest for short-term $$$ is doing long-term damage to Windows, Surface, Xbox, and beyond

Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's plans to increase every department's margins.

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Brazz18h ago

"The plan to move Xbox games to other platforms is codenamed "Latitude" internally, and I know there's debate and unease at Microsoft about whether or not this is a good idea. More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they're potentially obvious games you'd most likely expect. And yes, while it's true Microsoft is a prolific publisher on PlayStation already, it has typically revolved around specific franchises like Minecraft. From what I've heard, Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation, and it all revolves around Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood's mandate to increase every department's margins. "

Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware.

Xeofate16h ago

"Yeah, they are going to kill Xbox hardware."

It's for the best.

Quit stringing along xbox fans and screwing over PlayStation owners.

crazyCoconuts11h ago

Take good care of those Xboxes if you have 'em ...

outsider162411h ago

An Xbox game on a Playstation. Never in my years of gaming did i ever thought this was gonna happen.

jznrpg6h ago

It is dying anyway so doesn’t make much of a difference

VersusDMC6h ago

No way can they get rid of the hardware as probably 90% of game pass subscribers are hardware users.

Highly doubtful those users will move to PC or Cloud to subscribe there and the competition (Sony and Nin) will never have gamepass on their system.

If they want to keep the current subscribers, they need to keep releasing new hardware.

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gold_drake17h ago

i think it will kill off the xbox brand. windows will be fine.

but there is and would be a chance that xbox might be killed off in the future. if they fail to make the money they put in. imo.

S2Killinit15h ago

They wont kill it, but they will go fully PC while keeping xbox as a brand, and go multiplatform for the most part. They will also work tirelessly to diminish console gaming’s importance.


It would be best if Xbox goes the way of Sega, just make and publish games. I know I myself will not support them at all with buying games from them, you all can. 🙃

ChasterMies10h ago

The Xbox brand will live for the games. I don’t expect Microsoft to entirely drop out of gaming hardware. They make Surface tablets and laptops. They’ll make Xbox branded hardware for those that want it.

shadowT17h ago

"Microsoft is pushing for no "red line" for what games could come to PlayStation"

Forza and Starfield next?

Skuletor15h ago

Starfield would be no surprise and there's the rumor that it will come to Playstation after the Shattered Space DLC, Forza (along with Halo and Gears of War) I find less likely but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually end up on PlayStation too, especially if Xbox give up on hardware and go the Sega route.

shinoff218315h ago

Not to worried about forza. I'd rather see others like what inxile and obsidian are working on. Starfield sounds like it needs more time in the oven so let it cook first imo. If starfield and it's a small if does release on ps it'll be in the fall around the time for dlc or right at the dlc and come packaged with it.

-Foxtrot16h ago

In the words of Phil Spencer when he was talking about Nintendo last year

“It's just taking a long time for Microsoft to see that their future exists off of their own hardware"

S2Killinit15h ago

Yup. MS are a cancer to console gaming.

Aloymetal14h ago

I wonder what happened to that dude that was always here posting those court articles with cartoons about MS spending all those billions in studios. He suddenly disappeared, I guess he doesn't like bad news when the green brand is in trouble. No new articles from him as of late...


Yup, and it's only going to keep spreading.

Outside_ofthe_Box12h ago

Phil Spencer's words always comes back to bite him lol

15h agoReplies(7)
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