
5Street Sunday Funday Gameplay

A fun look at Snail Games' dancing MMO - 5Street. Also called High5street in some regions.


MMOHut: Best Social MMORPGs

MMOHut, "Every MMORPG has some social elements. Heck, when you throw a bunch of people into the same virtual world, whether they're killing dragons or customizing their mechs, people are socializing. Apparently, teaming up with random people, selling swords and joining a guild isn't 'social enough' for some people, as more and more 'social..."


5 Street debut trailer - what in the world?

GameTrailers has posted a video of 5 Street, which seems to be a dancing game of some sort, that announces itself:

the dynamiting dancing world
welcome your joining

What's going on in this video? Is that dancing... did the guy just head butt the girl to the ground?!

Oh, well. Enjoy the weird trailer festooned with J-pop music.

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