
Destiny’s new DLC- Watch how Bungie/Activision screwed you over

"Well it looks like our suspicions have been confirmed. The new Reef hub that will be featured in the House of Wolves DLC was actually ready 2 years ago and even featured in the reveal trailer for the game! "

Gameondaily shares the team's thoughts on the new teaser trailer and confirmation that the Reef hub available in the upcoming DLC was shown off at the reveal of the game.

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Senor_Spidey3307d ago

Wow...I play this game a lot and just to know that there is so much more content ready to go on disc does indeed make this a hard pill to swallow. Especially with all the grinding I do, I'm like a stripper at happy hour...

DarkOcelet3307d ago

My guess those contents needed more polish so instead of delaying it, they decided to cut it out and sell it as dlc. Such a POS move.

freshslicepizza3307d ago

destiny was designed in such a way that the game was never going to be released intact. it was made to include dlc from the very start. this is a 500 million dollar investment from activision, of course they won't include the full package in a $60 game.

emad-E-three3307d ago

I disagree with you, you're actually making an excuse for Bungie for screwing us over! If the content wasn't ready they could've easily delivered it in a patch FREE of charge...well its a part of our game after all! But hey guess what man they did just that BUT with 35$ price tag.

Bungie and Activision managed to reach a new low.

DarkOcelet3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

I didnt make an excuse for Bungie. What i said meant that it was incomplete so they decided to release it later as dlc which is a Piece of $hit move when they should have delayed the game to give us the full experience.

I should have made that more clear.

Godz Kastro3307d ago


I guess you are a half glass full kind of guy.

DarkOcelet3307d ago

@ Godz Kastro

Arent we all?

UKmilitia3307d ago

@mouldybread 500 million is the full series isnt it?
im sure thats what it said in the documents.

subtenko3307d ago

Some of you say "its a $500 million dollar investment"

GTA V has more content that Destiny for goodness sake! PERSPECTIVE! Did rockstar charge for the Heist update even though it was gonna be in the game? NO!

Halo2ODST23307d ago

Yeah, I'm sure, A "2 year polish" you must be joking!

freshslicepizza3307d ago

"500 million is the full series isnt it?
im sure thats what it said in the documents."

i believe so. there was a leak of the planned stages but i can't remember what activision committed to. it's still a heck of a lot of money even if it's a trilogy.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3307d ago
kneon3307d ago

Just because they had the environment done, or at least mostly done, doesn't mean that it was actually ready to go. There's more to a game than just graphics.

Patricko3307d ago

Areas from first DLC were already in Destiny Beta, so I'm able to belive, that everything from future DLC's is already on our hard drives...
We will just pay for unlock this content...

Such a wasted potential...

JeffGUNZ3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )


Although I believe Activision forced their hand to cut some content and release it in DLC, I still can live with it. Don't get me wrong, wish all this was here day 1, but what was on the disc has led me to hundreds of hours of fun. Sure, I am burnt now, but once HoW comes out I know I will be back to it on a daily basis.

I don't mind DLC, but it needs to deliver. This DLC needs to have more then the the Dark Below. I am very excited to see the new ways to upgrade old weapons and them showing the fatebringer being bumped up gets me more excited then Jerry Sandusky at Chucky Cheese.

Owvi3307d ago

Ignorance breeds more ignorance, unfortunately. :/

remixx1163307d ago

Exactly my friend, and this is exactly why I don't buy season passes. You just don't know what bs is coming down the pipes.

Droidbro3307d ago

The reef social area is actually free. Why are people complaining?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3307d ago

I understand when a developer holds certain content back when they deem it isn't up to the quality standards gamers expect but come on Activision you are screwing gamers over by doing this, especially with the over inflated pricing of your dlc.

kayoss3307d ago

Holding content back on the disc already because it wasnt deemed ready for release is not an excuse for charging consumers later for that same content they purchase.
Ill use one developer as example (of course there are more). Evolution made driveclub with dynamic weather but was unable to do during their release. However, when they patched the game with an update, they did not charge consumers for it.
DLC stands for "Downloadable Contents" meaning that the content never existed on the physical disks or the initial download of said game.
It seems like Developers are more interested in making DLC a priority when compared to the game.

Volkama3307d ago

The pricing is the bigger issue imo. I don't really care what is ready when, how they manage development and pull it all into consumer-ready content.

I do care that they charged £55 for a game without enough content, and continue to charge £20 for expansion packs without enough content.

Activision :|

StrayaKNT3307d ago

They should release the next dlc for free.

BC_Master_Haze3307d ago

Comet will be free (the next next DLC)

arkard3307d ago

Source? I havnt heard that comet will be free.

Menkyo3307d ago

Two things I'm sure of; Plague of Darkness (which is the actually name so far of the expansion after HoW not comet) will not be free nor will the raid they held back.

BC_Master_Haze3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

Remember the "so called" Bungie ex employee on Reddit? He stated that they would have 2 expansion passes with 2 expansions each, for pay, with one big expansion between them for free. He stated the number of raids, new missions, and strikes all of which matched the image leaked from a Bungie meeting.

That's the closest to a source I have but it seems legit based off of what he got right. Knowing Activision they might change their mind too -_- their cheap, greedy, corporate mind...

DevilishSix3307d ago

Activision and Free. Two words that don't go well together. That is all anyone needs to know.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3307d ago
svoulis3307d ago

Does anyone know what a placeholder is or even the fact that, yes the environment is the same but the factions, and new story missions weren't around?

You guys act like developers just sit there with all this stuff already done. I am sure this was thought up a while ago, and they had the plan to use it for a future DLC. As stated this is a "10-year" game (even I find that hard to believe) so I am sure there is a lot more already planned and done than we know of.

All this is a place to join new factions, and part of the story missions. I am sure people would be more pissed if they just added new NPC's to the tower and been done with it, but hey gotta find something right? People will look for literally anything to complain about these days.

arkard3307d ago

The game isn't 10 years, the series is. Hence why Destiny 2 is already in development.

BattleTorn3307d ago


Gazondaily3307d ago

That's a palceholder is it? They showed off a placeholder in the actual trailer for the game 2 years ago? Then they make you pay for said content separately that was shown off in a trailer?

"I am sure this was thought up a while ago, and they had the plan to use it for a future DLC."

You do realise that, that is precisely the problem right? Did they say that this footage was for DLC when they showed it off in Feb 2013?

Tell you what; tell EA that they can now show off DLC content in their game trailers. So when we buy an actual game and find that the content isn't there its all okay because it was just 'placeholder'.

"People will look for literally anything to complain about these days."

You may think this is 'literally anything' but some might see your attitude as precisely the problem in this industry, the problem that ratifies this kind of behaviour. At least some of us can hold up our hands and say we contributed to it by purchasing the passes or whatnot.

svoulis3307d ago

"You do realise that, that is precisely the problem right? Did they say that this footage was for DLC when they showed it off in Feb 2013? "

Why would they even do that at all? Who even knows if maybe the reef was originally the place for guardians to do bounties, etc? If this was actual game content as in like a map pack or missions I'd understand but its literally just a reskinned Tower. Don't see why this is the bigger deal here. Shouldn't we wait to see how the DLC comes out because, I for one did feel ripped off with Dark Below DLC, and what little it had to offer and how it recycled actual missions.

Which leads me to this --

"You may think this is 'literally anything' but some might see your attitude as precisely the problem in this industry, the problem that ratifies this kind of behaviour. At least some of us can hold up our hands and say we contributed to it by purchasing the passes or whatnot'

Except the bigger problem is in the fact that people will continue to buy DLC as they bitch about it. Thats the irritating part. This is now the industry standard. We either accept it or move on with our lives no use nagging about it.

I get it, people don't like feeling ripped off and there was a time when you bought a game and got all the content immediately. Unfortunately that time has passed and all companies do this.

I choose simply to accept it, and if I want something be it a new map or a new character or whatever, its my decision to buy said product. Articles like this wont steer people away from the product we should all know this by now.

n4rc3307d ago

did they say it was part of the stock game?

just because it showed up in devdoc video doesnt mean it was advertised to us or promised in any way..

DLC is planned along side the main game.. some seem to think a dev gives you every single asset and feature theyve ever brainstormed or began to mock up but only once the game ships do they begin to think about DLC..

thats a very naive viewpoint imo... the problem with this industry is that people think their $60 entitles them to the world and these devs owe them something.

they made a product. they get to dictate what that product is, not you or i.. we choose to buy it or not, thats it.

i have my complaints about the game.. but having them preplan DLC is not one of them, id be shocked if they didnt.

Gazondaily3307d ago

"did they say it was part of the stock game? "

So they showed it in their teaser and its okay to sell it for extra cash?

"they made a product. they get to dictate what that product is, not you or i.. we choose to buy it or not, thats it."

"THey alsothey made a product. they get to dictate what that product is, not you or i.. we choose to buy it or not, thats it."

No they do not get to misrepresent what the game will be like and what content appears in the game. And if they chop out content only to make us pay for it later they shouldn't be criticised because we are consumers? What kind of logic is that?

kayoss3307d ago (Edited 3307d ago )

Ill give you an example how auto dealer dont get themselves into deep water.
When they advertise a car in a commercial, you can see down in the bottom fine print that tell the consumers that the car shown is a certain model and the cost of the advertised car. So that way when the buyer comes into the show room and buy a cheaper version of the said car they dont expect all the ammentities that was advertised in the commericial.
Should game developers do the same?
As consumers we should speak up against these practice of charger us contents that was already on disc (this yet to be proven with Destiny). Its like buying a car and later finding out that you have pay to unlock sound system that was already there.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3307d ago
DevilishSix3307d ago

Trying to justify what an ignorant person would find undefendable,. It is gamers like you that is ruining my hobby, please leave.

svoulis3307d ago

Judging by your past comments on other articles it seems like you yourself are in fact ruining your "hobby"

You could do everyone including yourself a favor, just play your games, and leave places like this for people who want to banter their differences.

BattleTorn3307d ago

You're probably O.K with "placeholders" being on disc too


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3307d ago
tmh35933307d ago

I'll admit destiny was a super fun game to play with friends but after the bs dlc and held back content for other consoles but had to pay the same price I just deleted it and sold it, I wont support developers and publishers that do this type of bullshit

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter348d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell347d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig348d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast348d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g348d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka348d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

348d ago Replies(1)
348d ago
Father__Merrin348d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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spoonard500d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai499d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface498d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard496d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.