
Rogue Star - Guide, Cheats and Strategy Tips

Rogue Star Guide Cheats - Strategy Tips for Android iPhone Game
Proficient pilots can earn a good living from picking up cargo pods. These can sometimes be found in the debris of destroyed ships or are occasionally dumped in space lanes.

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Rogue Star Teaser Trailer

The long awaited first peek at RedBreast Studio's upcoming game, Rogue Star!

Space combat and trading coming soon to iOS. For the latest game details and development news, follow us on twitter and like our Facebook page!

DragonKnight4147d ago

Rogue Galaxy is a Level 5 game for the PS2. This isn't Rogue Galaxy. Plus this submission has violated a few different rules.

Blastoise4147d ago

This got my hopes up so bad. Couldn't believe what I was reading..

DragonKnight4147d ago

I reported it for the bad title. Considered reporting it for spam too for the "follow us on Twitter and like our facebook page" in the description. Would have reported it for linking to a youtube video, but the rules state that if the channel belongs to a developer then that's ok.

Hicken4147d ago

Well, the title's been changed now.

Dunno how you confuse "Star" with "Galaxy," though. That's a lot of writing to screw up...

4146d ago

Bringing Back Space Combat Games

Could the fan-made ‘Wing Commander’ sequel, the Kickstarter-backed ‘Starlight Inception’ and the mobile ‘Rogue Star’ lead the way for the return of space sims?

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Godmars2904438d ago

I want space games back, but more Aubird Force, Mater of Orion or Infinite Space on the PS3/360.

h311rais3r4437d ago

We need more game variety period. As much as I love halo bf killzone arma and resorchestra there are too many shooters.

Effect21Blog4437d ago

Imagine them with today's graphics...

SandwichHammock4437d ago

Interestingly timed article for me personally. I'm currently playing Freelancer and was just thinking the other night how awesome it would be to have something similar with so many options of play (be a trader, miner, fighter pilot) and then realized that we do. X 1-3, Freespace, EVE. Has anyone seen the Cyborg flight stick, thing makes me want to build a cockpit. Which brings me to a quick point. I was very surprised that people don't really build cockpit setups for space sims, only flight sims. I thought there would be a bunch of hardcore EVE players with setups, but can't find any when I googled.


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