
Kung Jin is Mortal Kombat’s first gay kombatant

Stevivor -- "Gay Star News was observant enough to notice that Kung Jin is a homosexual, thanks to one of Mortal Kombat X‘s cutscenes."

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Abash3324d ago

It's nice that gay gamers are getting more characters they can identify with in that sense, but this is clearly being pushed in games just to get publicity more than anything.

camel_toad3323d ago

I just woke up and you just gave me my first laugh with that one lol. Funny bubble+

Android3323d ago

Lol, that genuinely made me laugh.

DarXyde3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )


I don't know about it being pushed in this context. It seems pretty subtle and no announcement was made regarding Kung Jin's sexual proclivities before some perceptive gamers drew that conclusion. Even then, NetherRealms just did people a solid and confirmed any suspicions. Doesn't really seem like an attention-bolstering move. That said, I don't think anyone should ever mind a character being gay. Not all characters in games really make their sexuality known very often. It's often assumed (particularly, Nintendo's characters).

I don't think it really matters as long as it isn't obvious like having a strong supporting character of the opposite sex that's clearly a romantic interest (i.e., Elena Fisher of Uncharted fame). They could be homosexual/heterosexual/bisexu al/pansexual/asexual, as long as they aren't in-your-face about whatever they may be, that could explain characters like Mario's and Link's endless cycle through the friend zone.

Personally, I like it when games are ambiguous in regards to that. Leaves a lot to the imagination.

Gazondaily3323d ago

LMAO! Brilliant.

On a serious note, whilst I don't tend to take these issues too seriously, I think NetherRealm studios are starting to pander to the agendas of Social Justice Warriors. From the reduced sexuality of the female fighters and now this?

Maybe they have a check box they are trying to tick off. This wasn't necessary at all.

But maybe its not that big an issue. I mean, it was rather subtle. I didn't actually clock. My gaydar is really broken I guess lol. I did wonder what he meant.

Is this going to become a trend by the way? I mean, if a game as outlandish as Mortal Kombat by what feels like really out of place forced messaging then what about the others?

schlanz3323d ago


no! not like that!

Army_of_Darkness3323d ago

It's slim pickin's when the world is coming to an end ;-) lol

Bdub20003323d ago

This was an unnecessary addtion. I'm tired of politics and the world news, I use games to replace and let down. Now we get the whole gay thing shoved down our throat (pun?) in games too. I don't care or need to know what the characters sexual orientation is.

So where's the Christian, Muslim, African, Mexican, Jewish, bisexual, lesbian, transgender and (insert preference here) characters now?

I'm not against any of his stuff, just don't need it thrown in a game where sexual preference means nothing other than PR.

breakpad3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

worst thing in gaming ..why the f create gay or str8 chars??? they blame as racist those who complain about these inclusions (like in EAs game Dragons Age) but they are the racisti who force to the players the sexuality of a char ...having him officially as gay ...they re creating bisection to the preferences ..why not all the chars have undeclared sexuality and so be likable from all??? Nether realms fell victim of new trend of forcing secualities in games..shame

jronj3323d ago

I burst right out laughing. ty

MoveTheGlow3323d ago


Yes, why create human characters in games that have human attractions? They're all just code, after all. Let's do away with blood, while we're at it, and replace potions with thermal paste.

fr0sty3323d ago

Oh, come on... Everyone knew Quan Chi was a fairy.

3323d ago
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3323d ago
Syntax-Error3324d ago ShowReplies(21)
LackTrue4K3324d ago (Edited 3324d ago )

his fatalaty, coming out the closet!!


DoggyBiscuit3323d ago

Or better yet the Boner of Death

Zeref3324d ago

Why is he gay? Just for the sake of having a gay character? And a shaolin no less.

shysun3323d ago

Sounds like what people use to say about African Americans and other minorities. You guys make it such a big deal but it's not.

Fireseed3323d ago

Probably the same reason you're straight I assume. Personal choice, right?

sonic9893323d ago

african american issue was stupid full stop because there is no way they can change themselves or hide themselves and why no ethical thinking mind would want that .
now to the other issue ohhhh boy i doubt any family would want their son to be ***** just saying ( me included ) and its unacceptable by all religions .
i am not saying they should get punished or anything but let them do their thing without publicity its been that way since ever and humanity were fine .
sex isnt only lust its about responsibility ( comes with children and a mother ) love and many other things so thinking its just for fun is a huge underestimation of what marriage and sex means .
lol about the animals argument we should do it in public because animals are doing it .

shysun3323d ago

@Sonic you actually believe that gay (not bye)but gay people have a choice? Smh You truly are ignorant. They are born that way.

Maybe if you talked to a few of them you'd know that.

sonic9893323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )


learn some ethics of speech before speaking first then know who am i after that .
Because your strategy of responding and observation is very weak and no no one is born gay full stop its a mind issue and inability to change or no well to change thanks in part to vaccines and unnatural food .
i am working on my post graduate degree on such a topic so calling me ignorant just shows how deep mainstream media can affect people fascinating.
again even if they dont want to change let them do their thing secretly .
because a guy coming to me saying i like you is a very very uncomfortable scary experience with Lust as the only objective but a normal marriage is about creating a family new lives and family bloodline so it has a purpose lust is just part of it .

Mr Lahey3323d ago


"no no one is born gay full stop its a mind issue and inability to change or no well to change thanks in part to vaccines and unnatural food"

Most ignorant comment on N4G.. Congrats! Its not even funny..

schlanz3323d ago

it's no more a choice than it is for pedophiles to be attracted to children. they really cannot help it, even if they do not want to feel that way. but that doesn't mean they were "born this way", it's a product of external factors over time that gives way to people having sexual preferences. it doesn't even have to be a gay/straight thing. everyone has different sexual triggers that are basically impossible to ignore. that doesn't mean said triggers are natural or acceptable (like pedophilia and bestiality), but most people do not want their sexual proclivities to be considered unnatural or unacceptable. homosexuality was long considered (i.e., human history until about 15 years ago) both of those things, and there definitely has been an agenda (gay activists have said as much) to persuade and change public opinion on the matter. to say it's been a successful campaign is an understatement. the swiftness to which public opinion has changed on this matter is nearly unprecedented in human history. there are a number of reasons for this, including and not limited to, entertainment, social media, and the political elite on the left. at this moment it is such a widely accepted social movement that companies do feel pressure to participate in the narrative of homosexuality being a normal and acceptable lifestyle; hence characters in video games being gay, even when sexual orientation has no importance to the story or gameplay.

3323d ago
Conzul3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

Want to agree with you, @schlanz, but can't.

Who are you? Are you God, that you know without any proof that sexual proclivities are always the result of post-birth formation?

What proof do you, or any of the scientific community have, that you can say this so confidently? The human brain is far too complex to DISPROVE the existence of natural disposition to unnatural sexuality.

You may not point at everyone and say, "You are a Gay or a Pedophile because you fully chose to be!"
Well, you can't do that and be right.

That choice is present at all moments of our lives is unusable as an argument against the existence of deviant nature. We may at any moment chose to struggle (even in futility) against our nature, or to entertain it fully - but this does NOT mean that the result was entirely our choice.

Do not confuse ability for choice.

Sheikh Yerbouti3323d ago


It is part of an older and deeper debate. Google nature vs. nature. "Born gay" is no more true than "born killer". Adoption and twin studies give some creedence, but it saying they were born that was is purely political oversimplification of the truth.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3323d ago
Novistador3323d ago

Not sure why people are bothered by this. This was such a tiny part to his story (one i missed on my first play-through). He is actually one of the more interesting characters (and one of the strongest). There is no agenda in this game, they have a single gay character, hell they even have a reptile man, a bug women (who kisses another women in the game but you dont see people bitching about that) and a 4 armed dragon man. If you are upset that this is in the game you really need to rethink your life and why you play video games.

sonic9893323d ago

aha so it isnt out of place because its as scary as the ones you just mentioned .
thanks for the relieve .

pivotplease3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

It's funny that you mention that. Lesbianism or even bisexual females always get a pass because of textbook male perversion. Especially in the video game industry where more than three quarters of gamers are likely male.

There's nothing wrong with this. It's just realistic lore. As long as games, shows, and movies aren't boasting about it to sell their product. It's a nice gesture if anything. Go variety.

T2X3323d ago

Yes, because a Monk, thief, archer member of special forces is just like so many of the gay people I've met in real life! LOL! Ahh..now if only they included Bruce Jenner as a playable character.

T2X3323d ago

Or perhaps.... "Get over here......big boy"??? Lol.

pcz3323d ago

how do we know he is the first gay character in mortal kombat?

were all the other characters sexuality revealed? maybe jax is gay? maybe sonya is gay?

how do we know he is even actually gay, in the cutscene does he say 'by the way, im gay' ?

maybe he is just feminine? maybe he is camp or has a sense of humour.

maybe goro is actually a hermaphrodite. the whole thing is absurd, who cares.

T2X3321d ago

Precisely. Is it necessary? Not really. I am happy for any person who happens to be gay and enjoys this tidbit though. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

Gotcha53323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

Who's next...Bruce Jenner Transgender DLC Skin?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3321d ago
SilentNegotiator3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

ikr? WTF is going to be different about a gay character in a fighting game?

Is he going to be a stereotype and run around acting effeminate? Is there going to be a gay sex scene? Is his finisher going to involve something gay? Is he going to have a rainbow flag at a weapon?

I mean really. What does a fighter game character's sexuality have to do with anything?

spicelicka3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

and it's just unnecessary attention (which is what they want i guess). It's not like every straight character show how straight he/she is. It's a personal thing that should stay personal unless it's a movie or a book where it's important to the story.

I re-read the article and it seems they don't announce his sexuality. It's a subtle hint from his past and it is kind of a part of his story, which is fine by me.

rainslacker3323d ago

According to the article, and some of the comments, it has nothing at all to do with game play. I guess there was a scene where it was hinted at briefly as an aspect of the character...for character development I assume...or just some filler to flesh out the scene. So really it didn't have much to do with anything.

Too many people are making this into too big a thing...like there is some agenda being pushed. I'd have to say if Netherrealm was trying to push a gay agenda, they did a terrible job of it.

3323d ago
PaleMoonDeath3324d ago

His "Hidden" Fatality should be most interesting.

frostypants3323d ago

Why? Do heterosexual characters have blatantly heterosexual fatalities? Grow up.

MonstaTruk3323d ago


Then why put that out there for attention, Netherealm? Why is it revealed how ANYONE from the Mortal Kombat community has sex?

Gay. Lesbian. Having sex a certain way. Why do we need to know this in my fighting games???

frostypants3323d ago (Edited 3323d ago )

@MonstaTruck: I dunno. Why do you need to know anything at all about the characters? And how is your comment in any way a response to mine? You just moved the goalposts to a completely different argument.

Cy3324d ago

Huh, I noticed that line too, but I was expecting it to be something totally different, like he didn't want an arranged marriage or something. Kinda surprised they'd eved bother, but I liked Kung Jin anyway, so it's kinda cool regardless of whether or not it really matters.

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Storm23965d ago

Cool. Wanted to play Hell Let Loose and I always enjoy a good golf game. Mortal Kombat X should have been 11 IMO though.

NoFanBoy965d ago

HLL seems a bit of a mess on console, I hope it improves but didn't have fun with the beta.

EvertonFC965d ago

Same was looking fwd to the beta but it was not a great experience

1nsomniac965d ago

Yea HLL is great on PC but is really hard to enjoy currently on console.

NeoGamer232965d ago

Ya, I really wanted to play PGA 2K21 but didn't want to pay the price.

Eonjay965d ago

Agreed. MKX should have been 11. I will play PGA though. Haven't played since Tiger Woods. This month feels lacking.

Ashunderfire86965d ago

I know right lol!!! Mortal Kombat X is free on PS5, but I understand PS4. Heck the PS4 version should be easy to get for just $20 or even less $10 dollars on ebay or selling stuff apps.

Profchaos965d ago

You can play it right now open beta is live and free

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 965d ago
SegaSaturn669965d ago

MKX was already in PS Plus Collection. This is the second time they've double dipped. Thank god the golf game lets u hit balls into the crowd.

BrainSyphoned965d ago

At least twice this year they have double dipped into PS Now games as well.

Christopher965d ago

Two separate services isn't double dipping. People do understand that, right? Subscribing to one or the other doesn't give you benefits to the other in any way.

jznrpg965d ago

Fine with me I don’t sub to PS now

ocelot07965d ago

You don't know PS Collection is not available to PS4 only owners right? Only way they can claim this is by buying a PS5 or logging into a PS5 and claiming them.

So am pretty sure a fair few of the 100+ million PS4 owners are thankful.

Knushwood Butt965d ago

Mortal Kombat X was never released in Japan so this is another one that won't be included in the lineup for Japan and will probably be swapped for some crap but I'll remain optimistic.

Silly gameAr965d ago

I'm pretty sure MK has never been on plus. In the US anyway.

Not sure what PS Now has to do with PS Plus.

Profchaos965d ago

Lee carvello: may I suggest a putter
You have chosen driver.

CorndogBurglar964d ago

You win for your Simpsons reference.

BLow964d ago

And like clockwork, you always have some complaining. Happy Gaming

Ozzy2407964d ago

Only PS5 owners get the PS plus collection which majority of playstation owners don't have

TheExecutioner964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Not every one have ps+ collection

When u will stop thinking like a child

Knushwood Butt964d ago


Japan gets Castlevania Requiem instead of MKX

Not crap then!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 964d ago
kneon965d ago

3 games I won't play even when they are free

lipton101959d ago

Really? They’re all legit good games

kneon959d ago

I've never liked those kinds of fighting games so mortal combat is out. Golf? I don't know why such a game even exists. the last time I played a golf game was on the Apple ][. And finally hell let loose looks like just another in the endless stream of ww2 shooters, I already have enough of those in my backlog that I will probably never play either

SurgicalMenace964d ago

You know when you actually buy your games you wouldn't be so ungrateful for the free ones. Just a thought.

LiViNgLeGaCY964d ago

This month just didn't appeal to ME personally. If it's a good a good month for others, hey more power to them. And please, I'm willing to bet I've bought more Playstation games than you have. Probably shouldn't make assumptions about people without really knowing them, just a thought.

SurgicalMenace964d ago

How much you willing to wager, sir? I've purchased just over 20 games this month alone. Have over 830 games in my digital library 250 on my shelf and that is only the PS4. We'll skip the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, VITA, and PS5 just to keep it fair. Who's counting though?🤷🏾‍♂️

964d ago
LiViNgLeGaCY963d ago

Whatever you'd like. Since the PS1 days, my collection is in the thousands, just on Playstation alone. Pissing match aside, again, you shouldn't make comments in the future where you look stupid (ex. Telling someone you don't know that they don't buy games)

SurgicalMenace962d ago

Or perhaps, since you have such the healthy collection, stop whining about the charity. If they don't give it, then buy it.

Pocahontas959d ago

WhT do you do for a living to afford 20 games in one month

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 959d ago
RedDevils964d ago

Shit games this month. Mortal Kombat X is already on PS+ Collection what the point of have it again. Throwing some indie and would be more happy.

Ozzy2407964d ago

Because the PS+Collection is only for PS5 owners which majority of playstation owners don't have

KyRo965d ago (Edited 965d ago )

Hell Let Loose looks great but it's not a casual game and a bit of a acquired taste. It's nice for people to dive in a d try it though. MKX is already on PS5 for free with the PS collection so that bad for PS5 owners and it was only two months ago everyone complained about a sports title being included as a game but yet they follow suit with another one 🤦🏻‍♂️

PS Plus started so well at the beginning of the year too.

SurgicalMenace964d ago

I never thought I'd see a day when people complain about what they get for free. Hey, there is another great alternative to settling for free games, BUYING what you want.

How much do you think a market leader is going to be willing to cut into their own pockets? How many games do you actually purchase or do you just wait for them to hit plus?

We actually are grown enough to know that we have to pay for greatness over here. You have an option to go to MS if you'd like as well. Otherwise, add it to your library, say thank you, and move on. How old are we here?🤔

KyRo964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

I've been subbed to PS plus since the very day it started when all we'd get is PS1 and minis on PS3. PS Plus as a service was always about the games. Now they've made it a requirement for online play you mistakingly think these games are the bonus. They're not. We pay for access to the games via the subscription. They're not free so before running your mouth and giving it the big one, please educate yourself before calling people out.

SurgicalMenace964d ago (Edited 964d ago )

Well sir, I too have been a PS+ member since it's inception and own well over 3,000 games on PS3, 1200 of PS4, and close to every game available on PS5. I speak from a supporting standpoint and I'm strongly against people who do more talking with their mouths than their wallets.

If you've not invested into the best experience possible, then why should your opinion be acknowledged? Plus is 70 dollars a year that equates to about $6 dollars a month....what do you expect to get, a choice?🤣

The day that beggers become choosers is the day that gaming dies. How many of the new releases have you purchased? If the answer is none, be happy with what is given. When you're playing the latest, you have little concern for the hand outs. Just a thought, champ.🤣

964d ago
Kurt Russell964d ago

Personally I am looking forward to Hell Let Loose. I don't think I would have dived in with a purchase for that one, but I am dead curious to play it... I am hoping it is just the kind of MP I have been hoping for since R6S went doolally.

KyRo964d ago

Yeah it looks great for sure. I've watched a few people play it on PC and I'm interested to know it's transitioned to console.

outsider1624965d ago

Yesss!! Played HLL open beta and it was amazing. The immersiveness, the one bullet shot, you can't just go running around shooting like in CoD or Bf.

NoFanBoy965d ago

The beta has a low framerate, lag, loads of pop in textures, flickering shadows etc. It felt horrible to control and aim. If they could improve it then there potential.

Majin-vegeta965d ago

Thry are aware.They made a post yesterday

FPS_D3TH964d ago

It’s not really optimized too well on pc yet either. Lots of flickering

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Skuletor1258d ago

What's up with the tags? No MKX on Xbox 360, PS3 or Arcade.


Mortal Kombat X Update 1.16 and XL Update 1.06 Makes Minor Interface Changes

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