
Will Rainbow Six Siege Go The Way of Evolve and Titanfall?

Rainbow Six Siege and The Trials of Novel Multiplayer Concepts

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zsquaresoff3339d ago

Imo, the thing with rainbow six is that its more focused and realistic as compared to Evolve and titanfall.

The concept of invading a house or robbing a bank is more exciting than running after a monster over and over again.

Crimzon3339d ago

The last thing I care about when I'm playing a video game is how realistic it is. If anything, I consider realism to be a negative, not a positive. Everyone has different tastes of course but for me the concept of fighting aliens in strange jungles or stomping around in giant robots is much more exciting than uh, invading a house...

Lightning Mr Bubbles3339d ago

For some reason I thought Titanfall and Evolve had done pretty good.

Elit3Nick3339d ago

But that's up to opinion, some people might be more drawn to a sci-fi setting like Evolve. From what I've seen so far, Siege offers less than what Evolve offers, adding more houses won't really change much, since the core gameplay is still the same. They need to add more traditional gametypes like TDM, CTF, etc if they want to hold a community for a significant amount of time.

JeffGUNZ3339d ago

This is just one game mode. It is set to have cooperative modes and other stuff. I hear even a single player. Granted, this is chatter, but I doubt it will just be this mode.

3-4-53339d ago (Edited 3339d ago )

Rainbow 6 will maintain a core niche audience / fanbase throughout the life of this gen.

It does enough different and it's really a tactical shooter more than anything.

Some people don't have the patience or want to play those so it won't outsell the COD's.....well it might, but I'd say it will remain actice and healthy for a few years.

People still play CS. This is the next closest thing available on consoles.

dcj05243339d ago

Is counter strike still played? I rest my case.

camel_toad3339d ago (Edited 3339d ago )

I played the alpha of Evolve and the beta of Titanfall and didnt pre-order either one - although my friend eventually bought me titanfall which we wore out quickly. After playing the RB6 alpha for a few days now I can definitely say Ill be pre-ordering it. It's really fun and just as you mentioned with counter-strike its that kind of fun but with a lot of gameplay elements that add a whole lot more to it.

Ive needed a mp fps like this for a long time. Tons of fun.

curtis923339d ago (Edited 3339d ago )

Maybe I haven't seen enough of the game yet but the whole "shoot through everything" feels like it's one of those things that looks AMAZING in these gameplay demos where you have everyone playing like they should and where everything is very scripted... but what will a MP game look like with a bunch of kids who don't give a ****? Just starting every game firing through walls, hoping to hit others? How will it not be spammed?

hiredhelp3339d ago

Dont think everything from what ive watched is destroyable plus this is alpha stage alot changes be made.
If devs do this right in level design gameplay you should find that teamplay should be big here so not everyone be exploding every wall possible plus you can reinforce walls if your the criminal.

IrishSt0ner3339d ago

Game plays even better than it looks. Spraying through walls will get you nowhere (defenders can reinforce walls so bullets/charges don't even get through).

You need a mic that's for sure, I think that's what the reveal was gettting at... I stopped using mics years ago as they're rarely used for their purpose of teamwork, within 10min on R6 siege I had one plugged in and was cooperating fully.. it's just a necessary part of the game to win.

At the end of the day run-and-gunners get nowhere, team work or die it's that simple.

Scrivlar3339d ago

It is a fair question to ask, I mean they could have added a few more game types to change things up a bit, like terrorist hunt or attack and defend ( Calypso Casino anyone? )

Saijahn3339d ago

Titanfall is still pretty fun and at times addicting. The campaign was pretty awful but it's definitely still getting some time on my xbox 1. I was really looking forward to Rainbow Six Patriots so when that was canned I didn't take Siege serious. With the latest videos and info coming out, it's on my radar now. I like tactical shooters, and outside of the arcadey type of enemy outline this game is looking right up my alley.

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Rainbow Six Siege Optional Monthly Paid Subscription Sparks Community Outrage

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senorfartcushion4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Paid subs are coming, and every company is investing heavily in them. From Microtransactions to this type of stuff, the community has been vocal about the issues surrounding ripping customers off, but we are being let down by influencers and journalists in trying to fight off these abhorrent business practices. Influencers and journalists don't say enough about how bad this stuff is. Meanwhile th soft buyers in the general public are getting more outraged by the day and whales are being exploited to pay too much of their own money for pointless crap.

A paid sub is partly why I think Xbox can throw Black Ops 6 on to Gamepass day-and-date and still think of it as "good business."

ElaBosak3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

What's bad in this exactly? Explain in detail.

senorfartcushion1d 22h ago

Paid subs and microtransactions are bad.

Shikoku4d ago

So PC gaming kills subscriptions model, now they want to bring it back along with season passes, MT, dlc and whatever else they can think of. 🙄

ElaBosak3d ago

What do you mean PC gaming kills subscriptions? PC gaming is what started gaming subscriptions in the first place.

ElaBosak3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Actually a good model. More games should do this.


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