
11 Reasons I Won’t Finish Omega Quintet

I purchased Compile Heart‘s Omega Quintet because I love me some turn-based RPGs, love me some anime, and have no particular grudge against J-pop. What I got was a pretty cool battle system wrapped in brain-numbingly stupid conversations, disappointing dungeons, and hours upon hours of mindless filler. I won’t even be finishing this, I’ll soon be trading it in, for these 11 reasons." -PSLS

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knifefight3342d ago

I'm hoping for more turn-based PS4 RPGs.

Dragon Quest XI and Final Fantasy XVI, especially if classic turn-based, would be amazing to have on PS4.

NoctisPendragon3341d ago

Do you really think a AAA game like FF XVI could be pure turn-based ??

DonkeyDoner3341d ago

why not??
why cant we go back to original turn-based RPG with lots of strategies rather than spamming the same button

knifefight3341d ago (Edited 3341d ago )

AAA games like FF IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X were turn based.

X was just re-released to great sales and critical acclaim in 2014 (PS3 and Vita) and will be again in 2015 (PS4).

So ah...yes?

rextraordinaire3341d ago

Persona, while not exactly AAA, is pure turn based and widely considered to be one of the finest RPG series on the market.

3341d ago
rainslacker3341d ago

If a decent FF game released and it was purely turn based, then yeah, it would be popular.

People were never really turned off of turn based JRPG's, it's just the rise in popularity of western RPG's which were more action oriented which made the bigger franchises start moving towards being AJRPG's.

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3341d ago
starcatcher3341d ago (Edited 3341d ago )

Yeah, the moment I saw this game with it's generic looking characters' I knew It wouldn't be a good game. Look's pretty mediocre... As for turned base or real time, I like either one. I just like real time better as I feel more in control of the actions. I like being able to dodge and not stand there mindless while the enemy hacks or casts away at you. Vice versa. I don't want the enemy to just sit there at take my attacks. However FFX is my favorite of all time. the turned base totally grew on me because It felt strategic. The story is amazing, the music, characters, and the world!! Got to say though, the best battle system has been FF Type 0! Love how fast paced, and how different each character plays! This game should have been FF13 because ff13: final hall way was truly disappointing. :( It is like they went a step backwards from 12's awesome battle system because of the blind turn based loyalists. So we ended up with the boring press X to win turn based system and a dumbed down wanna be sphere grid because of them!

3341d ago Replies(1)
starcatcher3341d ago (Edited 3341d ago )

Oh bravely default, dragon quest, trails of the sky and the other final fantasies are all amazing turn based games. There stories of course, are what sets them apart from the rest. I also love Resonance of fate. (combat was super fun! I felt like a heroine. The characters were all cool ( I mean, hello Nolan North, and the guy who voices Robin from teen titan is in it! It was a funny and very well written story!) Also Ni no kuni and eternal sonata. While these three were not full on turn based, they deserve a chance! I also love the tales series. Vesperia being my favorite! The combat is pretty fun, the story, characters, music, and art is amazing!!!


What Does Your Steam Summer Sale Haul Look Like?

The big game sale on Steam is in full swing, once more putting thousands of deals on Valve's online store. Some of the biggest sellers include The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Grand Theft Auto 5 and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds; the usual suspects

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Tross1426d ago

I would usually say regret, loneliness and a full HDD, but I'm seeing someone now for the first time in ages, so I didn't even know there was a steam summer sale going on. Thanks for sharing that info though.


Omega Quintet - PC Review | Chalgyr's Game Room

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

Omega Quintet is a jRPG that your wife/girlfriend/mother is going to look at you strangely for playing. Moreso than the usual looks you get from jRPGs. Crafted by the crew at Compile Heart, this entry in your library is super Japanese, even though it's been translated over. That is not meant in any sort of disparaging sense of the term, but instead, if you tend to embrace the concept of Japan's pop idols, and always wanted to turn those into battling jRPG characters, well this is your chance.


Omega Quintet review - ChristCenteredGamer

Omega Quintet stars the verse maidens, magical girls who slay creatures called the MAD using song and dance. These monsters are spawned by the Blare, a strange black substance that turns organic beings into MAD. With the old verse maiden Momoka retiring, it's up to Otoha and the newest verse maidens to defeat the MAD once and for all.

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BootHammer2336d ago

How do they come up with this stuff? LOL