
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Review: Still Feeling It - Invisible Gamer

We still have no idea if Nintendo’s planning to release any more New 3DS exclusives, or if the company introduced a mid-generation hardware refresh simply to sell a portable port of one of the greatest JRPGs ever made. Regardless, Xenoblade Chronicles is essential playing. This latest release, despite some minor concessions, sees an already great game finding a new home on a platform that’s an even better fit for the kind of dedication it demands from players. If you’re craving a deep, engrossing adventure unlike any you’ve ever played on a handheld before, you simply cannot ignore Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.

Unless you didn’t buy a New 3DS. In which case, what are you waiting for? It’s Reyn Time!

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Why Shulk is one of Nintendo's Best Characters

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "I want to take yet another opportunity to talk about why I love Xenoblade so much. And this time, I’m focusing on the original protagonist. Here’s why I think Shulk is one of Nintendo’s best characters."

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The Nintendo 3DS Is Still Totally Worth It Ten Years Later

Half-Glass Gaming: "Production of the 3DS has been discontinued as of September of 2020, but there’s definitely an argument to be made for adopting the system in 2021, especially if you just really like playing awesome video games."

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Xenoblade is Better Than Final Fantasy

Xenoblade is Better Than Final Fantasy - While Final Fantasy has a storied history, Xenoblade, as a franchise, has surpased it in in quality over the years.

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_SilverHawk_1670d ago (Edited 1670d ago )

Xenoblade 1 and xenoblade 2 had better quality than ff13 and its sequels as well as ff15. Lol. Such rubbish. Xenoblade 2 especially is utter rubbish with bad graphics and performance issues

1670d ago Replies(4)
Shiken1670d ago

Xenoblade 2 is a great game.

iDadio1670d ago

This profile submitted another article from the site with the headline Xenoblade is the best rpg series ever.

So yeah, biased fanboy trash.

LMosche1669d ago

Agreed. Probably the worst graphics I have ever seen and the 2nd game is a cringy fan service fest. Don't get me started on the combat and English voice acting.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1669d ago
TheGamez1001670d ago

Not the classics though. In this and the previous generation, yes unless ff7r is a great game.

Shiken1670d ago

They are two wildly different experiences. Those that say that Xenoblade is better are just fanboys who want to excessively praise something that is already great (in this case, Xenoblade).

Those that say that it is not even close are just haters that don't want to admit how good the Xenoblade games are. Probably because it is a Nintendo owned IP.

Fact is, classic FF and Xenoblade are both great RPGs, but play totally different. You will find some that like both, and others that prefer one over the other. To claim either excessive praise or pointless downplay is just foolish in both cases TBH.

RememberThe3571669d ago

The series started to chug for me when 13 came out, and 14 was a big disappointment to me. But even FF12 is still a great game and most of the previous games were stellar. FF might not be what it once was, but few series stack up against it, much less surpass it. I can't really say the Xenoblade is one of those.

ChrisW1670d ago

Psht! So many RPGs are better than FF!

Even FFVII, which was a good game, isn't better than many other RPGs

Zeldafan641669d ago

I'm guessing you haven't played any of the Xenoblade games.

kythlyn1669d ago

I've played them all. As for the recent ones, Xenoblade Chronicles has an impressive world, story, and characters, but some of the worst side quests. Wasn't fond of the battle engine. XC2 was just bad imo. X was pretty good, but not as good as the original. The original could be described as better than some of the worst FF games, but the series as a whole? Not a chance.

Of course, opinions are opinions.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1670d ago (Edited 1670d ago )

Xenoblade 2 is not even on the same level of FF 12. LOL nice try tho.

1670d ago Replies(1)
ChrisW1670d ago

The FF IP needs to be concluded and a new IP needs to replace it.
Oh... and JRPGs are overrated and most often are cliched and seriously suck!

DEKUX121669d ago

Lol yeah ok 12 plays it self

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