
Guinness World Records appoints new Gamer's Edition editor

Stephen Daultrey has been named as the new editor of the Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition.

Daultrey is the former web/gaming editor for Maxim and has previously written for Bizarre and Flipside, as well as CVG’s website.


California school teacher plays 'Just Dance 4' for 138 hours to set world record

The all-time marathon world record for video game play has fallen

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3248d ago Replies(3)
5yb5n6u3248d ago

rest assured parents.
your children is in the good hands!

Kidmyst3248d ago

When does she eat, or use the bathroom over a almost 6 day period and the toll of no sleep for that long on her body.

nX3248d ago

While dancing... I guess.


Single Hearthstone Turn Lasting 40 Hours

It’s been seven hours since this turn of Hearthstone began.
A new World Record attempt is currently going underway; the longest turn in Hearthstone ever which is estimated to last over 40 hours. Until the completion the turn is being livestreamed on Twitch.


Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition 2014 Revealed

Guinness World Records, the global authority on record-breaking achievement, reveal the latest and greatest gaming achievements in the new Guinness World Records 2014 Gamer’s Edition out today. New feats achieved in the last 12 months and recognised in the latest edition of the best-selling book series include the Largest Collection of Videogames; Longest Marathon on a Dance Game; Fastest Game to Gross $1 Billion; and a 24 year-old Brit who has recorded record-breaking high scores on PAC-man and Angry Birds.

SpiralTear3809d ago

I swear, so many of these records are insanely specific. "Longest Marathon on a Dance Game" is a stretch, Guinness World Records.

3809d ago
modesign3809d ago

scientists did a actual study on tiberium. thats so cool.

Geobros3809d ago

She was dancing for 49 hours?? Wow!!! I am tired when i'm hearing it....