
PS4 free game for PS Plus in April 2015 revealed

One of the free titles for PS4 has been confirmed for PlayStation Plus subscribers in April

DarkOcelet3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

Dishonored is a masterpiece that should be played by PS3 owners who havent played it yet.

Woah Dave! looks really old school which is nice too. Hopefully the other PS4 is AAA game. Killzone or Knack maybe.

lelo2play3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

Sony... It's time for AA / AAA PS4 games on PS+ !

Games "offered" with PS+ for PS4 have been lacking... with few exceptions.

Honestly... I have PS+ for the games. Rarely play online with my PS4. Most of my online gaming is on the PC.

Ricegum3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

"Guess I won't miss much."

Except also being able to play online.

Edit: oh nevermind, he edited that bit out now. Probably a simple mistake anyway.

Griever3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

The article is clickbait. The PS Plus games for April were never revealed and the article concludes that the games will be revealed next week. They only misinterpret a statement to write this article. On a side note, IMO we should curb our expectations for free games with PS Plus. PS Plus is not a games subscription service and they are not obligated to offer free AAA games. AAA games cost money to make and Sony cannot just give them for free and hurt the developers or pay massive amounts of money to them in compensation. The service is for offering us multitplayer and exclusive promotions/discounts. The free games are just a bonus. People are getting the wrong idea about the free games being offered with PS Plus and are expecting too much.

ravinash3365d ago

@ Griever.

The idea people have about PSN+ mainly comes from the service when it came out on PS3. There were loads of AAA games that came out for PS3.
I'm not aware of any change going back on that promise for the PS4, but the library as it is for the PS4 at the moment, it will take time before there are enough games that have been out for long enough that PS can start offering them for free.

Thing is, they are still offering smaller games and I did get to play Tomb Raider on PS4 because of it. So the games are still coming out.

vacoby53365d ago

@grevier you absolutely wrong about it not being for Hames and instead being for multilayer and promotions. I have had plus since 2013, before ps4 was out. It has always been an exclusive program that provided free games and exclusive discounts on others, that's what you were paying for. Since they have change the program as a must to play online on the new system, many more peopl have paid for plus. Thus, many more people would get the free games, so company's don't want (just throwing # out) millions of people getting their games free, it was easier when it was only thousands getting it free.. plus was always about the free and discounted games and I think everyone agrees that ps4 aaa titles should start rolling out on plus, if you've had plus over a 2 yrs you definitely understand this

Kingthrash3603365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

Wait so your saying ps+ is lacking on ps4 because it hasn't had AAA games on it?...really? I get you want AAA games on ps+ but you should understand that it's not as easy as it sounds. Also ps4 ps+ games have been coming day one of its launch ...day 1. That in itself is phenomenal. Still a lot of new indie games launch free on ps+... looking at the ps3 I'm sure AAA games will come but I think you should let the AAA game library grow a little more before you start crying about it.
Don't forget these guys release ps4, psvita, and ps3 games for ps+ every month. So waiting for AAA games on the ps4 can wait until they are ready. They already revolutionized gaming with this service that even x box adopted it...lets not get too greedy and start complaining about stuff we get for free. We should be happy this service exists.
It's introduced gamers to games they would otherwise have never played....and even helped millions of gamers have a backlog of games....just 3 years ago I never had a backlog...now I got games I forgot I had because my backlog is so huge. I have a vita ps3 and 4...so yeah when I'm out of money and beat a game I can go into my library and sift through what game I want to try..not sift through what game I want to sell to games stop for 3 buck each to have enough to buy a game.

vacoby53365d ago

@Kingthrash not sure if your comment is directed at me.. but I am not complaining and yes plus is a great service. I was defending lelo's stance that the offerings on ps4 plus should be better. Yes it's 2 game per month each platform, but it used to be more games each month on top of an "instant games collection" that I believe changed every few months were you got them free as well with plus (that's how I got many of the big aaa releases on vita). All I'm saying is as more people subscribe to a service, the more features will be downgraded and there is no reason knack, lego, killzone, others couldn't be free. Thief was free a month ago on ps3 why couldn't that have been the ps4 version? NBA 2K14 was free during the finals last year on ps3, why not the ps4 version? You can't use ps4 just came out as an excuse anymore like many have, it's going on 2 yrs and has enough games to put an aaa title on ps4 at least every other month. I understand your argument as well though.

RealFry3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

@ Griever

"The service is for offering us multitplayer and exclusive promotions/discounts. "

Except that their online isn't really providing the greatest service as the frequent PSN shutdowns show. We seem to be just paying for access to multiplayer only, Sony has been slow to upgrade it's infrastructure which is even more important than the "free" games they give, which IMO for the most part besides a few standouts like Infamous Last Light standalone DLC, Outlast and prob Transistor don't really seem that great. The discounts with PS plus as well arent that big a deal, unless they are taken advantage of on the holidays, the regular sales with PS plus are marginal usually 10% or less. I find the PSN flash sales alot better and they are for everyone. I'd use the 10% code they gave recently to everyone on PSN to pickup Helldivers, but thats about it.

taylork373365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )


The original point of PS+ while it was FREE was for free games and discounts.

Now they force you to pay for it. Not sure why that should curb our expectations.

With that said, because we have to have PS+ to play online, they have less incentive to give us these free games. They don't have to sell the PS+ service anymore because it is required.

steven83r3365d ago

We were promised quality games with our PS+ subscription. So far it has been a place for indie developers to off load their games in hopes we like it and will purchase the next game they make. Which is fine but Xbox Live is always giving away AA/AAA games for their subscribers. Still waiting on DriveClub.


I'm ok with the state of free games offered on PS4's PS+ (well, not really, but I understand the library needs maturation to reach that ideal point where they can offer the best old games) but I can easily see the problem is discounts.

PSN had gave some nice discounts so far, but mainly through flash sales. PS+ exclusive discounts either focus on the same indie crap we expect to see/had seen for free on the service before (seriously, is a plus member had skipped on a game for free, why they expect us to get it on a discount?) or are gone too fast, just like flash sales... Seriously, start working on those discounts on AAA games and make it stay through a whole month, just like the free game offer. I know I had missed some very good flash sales because I was away from home for a weekend or something.

So I can understand if they don't think they can go and deliver last year's best games for free, but it's about time we see thos 25% off or more becoming regular.

rxl2093365d ago Show
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3365d ago Replies(1)
kstap333365d ago

I didn't like dishonored. Than again I can't stand gta games, so what do I know 😉

bloop3365d ago

I downloaded Dishonoured when it was free on GWG there a while back and I couldn't get into it at all either. I don't know what it was about it but it just didn't pull me in. I could see there was a good game there but it didn't click with me.

deadpoolio3163365d ago

I thought the game it self was alright, not the jizz yourself masterpiece some people try to claim it is...BUT the damn loading screens, Jesus if there is one thing that can put you off its the loading screens...Wanna go through a door loading, wanna walk down this alley, loading...Its almost as bad as Riddick, that game wanted to load every 5 feet

Immorals3365d ago

Splashed out on the special edition, sold on the steampunk world, and the character models reminded me of timesplitters.

Hated it, I'd go as far as saying I despised it. Real shame, had promise!

hangdang3365d ago

I was not a fan of Dishonored. I made it about five or six hours before I stopped playing. I would not call it a masterpiece

kupomogli3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

Dishonored is garbage, but that's just my opinion. I played to where you have to rescue/kidnap the one scientist with the health potion name and just couldn't take playing it anymore.

It was pretty cool at the beginning when it was more linear, but when it opened up, it turned into searching around for useless gold and skills because if you killed people you'd get the bad ending.

It was easy enough to sneak around everyone, but if you got caught, it was as simple as just teleporting away and wait until they started to return where they came from and then knock them out one by one. If you went around and killed everyone, the difficulty would have been a joke. And all this is playing on the easy "hard" difficulty.

The premise of the story was good, the story itself? No. Good voice acting though, just very boring dialogue and the storyline almost disappears other than go here and kill this person or rescue this person for our cause.

For those that liked Dishonored, I'm going to recommend you Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena which comes free with Escape From Butcher Bay. Similar but better gameplay, and a far better story, just in a futuristic setting. Butcher Bay is the better of the two but since you can play Dark Athena for free, why not?

DarkOcelet3365d ago

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

modelgod3365d ago

@DarkOcelet " dishonored is a masterpiece? " lol!!! Kill zone? Lol! Oh my!

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DarkLordMalik3365d ago

Whoa Dave was cross-buy so it shouldn't be counted, and was basically free already on PS+ for Vita. I am sure there will be two new titles this PS+ and not Whoa Dave + another release.

Get_crazy3365d ago

Yeah, the article isn't accurate. In the PlayStation Podcast, they actually said that Woah Dave! is releasing next month on PS4 and it'll be free for those who already have it on Vita (because it'll be Cross-Buy). He said that it's not a PS Plus game per say, more like a "secret" PS Plus game (he said that as a joke).

CBaoth3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

Thank god because I was about to blast Sony for including an Atari 2600 title as one of the month's PS4 freebies. It's ok as a title for portables but not for the big screen.

Mr Logic3365d ago

This is wrong. It's coming out free for people that didn't get the Vita version. And it is launching March 31st so it doesn't count as an April title, that's what he meant by secret.

Youngindy213365d ago

Xbox Games with Gold is better. Playstation Plus has been sucking lately, what with all the Indie games.

Zichu3365d ago

April is Pool Nation FX and Child of Light on the X1. The 360 is getting Terraria, Gears of War Judgement, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and Army Of Two The Devils Cartel.

pivotplease3365d ago

In other words the X1 line up is pretty mediocre and indie-focused while the 360 line up is decent. We've seen tons of amazing PS3 line ups though and far better PS4 line ups despite the small library. I would say ps plus has been amazing every month since December so far. The best thing x1 has gotten is guacamelee and rayman..both are kind of old platformers. Ps4 has had a retail game, infamous first light, and most of the highest rated indies on the market.

CernaML3365d ago

X1 GWG isnt exactly dripping with AAA titles either.

pivotplease3365d ago

Not sure where the disagreeing fools are springing from. Maybe they need to re-evaluate the lists for every month so far. They pretty much let the competitions merits go over their head on purpose and just assume GWG is actually decent.

andibandit3364d ago

And just how should that make anyone happier?.

hades073365d ago

In no way has Xbox one games with gold been better. I only own a Xbox one and continously jealous of more than one game a month on ps4, often times 3 with cross buy.

pivotplease3365d ago

Yeah my friend with an Xbox has been jealous literally every month for one reason or another. First it was outlast, then Isaac, then transistor, then oddworld, then resogun and Infamous. The list goes on.

Pogmathoin3365d ago

Fight over awesome freebies.... only here...X1 getting mediocre game... COL, is fantastic.... only a fanboy could say mediocre....

OB1Biker3365d ago

LOL wtf?
we dont even know what PS+ games we get and you already start lame trolling.
I would agree that this months is great for 360 owners though and thats good for them as lately they were just getting games PS+ gave a year ago

Loktai3365d ago

360 getting since major love, great gwg lineup

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bouzebbal3365d ago

not sure i like it.. looking forward to the rest of the line up.
it's weird PS3 doesn't get much PS+ deals anymore. i remember about a year ago we got at least one AAA every month. Hitman, Bioshock infinite, MG: Rising, Sleeping Dogs, DmC...

seppo913365d ago

Dishonored, Thief and Yakuza are both AAA.
And thats just recent games.
Yakuza is probably more niche but still AAA.

Xaphy3365d ago

Except Thief isn't AAA.

bouzebbal3365d ago

yes but PS+ releases aren't as impressive as they were a year ago.
PS3 has a massive library, don't know why they dont keep them big games coming.

Loktai3365d ago


AAA has nothing to do with reviews. It is AAA and a major multiplat release.

It's AAA weather or not you like it, or if yes sorry shitty it's not up for debate.

Der_Kommandant3365d ago (Edited 3365d ago )

For whatever reason i've never played Dishonored, and i don't know when i'll be able to play it because of this game you may heard about called Bloodborne

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COGconnected3260d ago

Woah Dave is crazy fast but a fun retro game. Cool to hear we may be getting a sequel.

FullmetalRoyale3260d ago

..said one of the developer plants..

Lol :)

spacedelete3260d ago

i refuse to even download it for free. its literally shovelware and i don't want it stuck in my download history haunting me friom its awfulness.

KryptoniteTail3260d ago

Oh God, that game sucks. I was so disappointed it hit PS+. I don't expect all AAA titles but Germinator and Woah Dave stand out as the absolute worst the service threw up at my feet.

superchiller3260d ago

I hate to say it, but I totally agree with you, and I generally love retro-inspired games. Maybe I just didn't understand the game or give it enough time, but on several occasions that I tried it, I found the game to be almost unplayable. Very hard, and not fun in the least.

If they do make a sequel, I hope they put more effort into the gameplay.

KryptoniteTail3260d ago

I love retro-inspired games. It doesn't excuse crap that gets pumped out though. Actually, I tend to prefer shorter, retro style games now. My favorite handheld game of all time is probably Corpse Party.

It's sad too because I anted to like this game. It looks like an early 80's arcade game but plays like something from GameJam.