
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Currently Free on PS Vita

While various spring sales and discounts are going on through PSN, those who go into the PlayStation Store and dig a bit can find that fighting game rumbler PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is currently available for free.

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WizzroSupreme3362d ago

That's probably what I'd pay for it. Just a poor man's Smash Bros.

SegaSaturn6693362d ago

I like it a lot. It's like smash bros without the item nonsense.

3362d ago
Spurg3362d ago

just checked its not free

thejigisup3362d ago

It was caught pretty quickly

XSpike3362d ago

Free on EU store, US doesn't = the world like most American's like to believe.

SonyStyled3362d ago

where are you finding these americans who like to think that? because i live in the US and the "most" americans you speak of are far and few between. but if you were looking for people who only read headlines and not click on the link to see it was referencing the EU store, you can find plenty headline only readers from around the globe here on n4g

Dhampir3362d ago (Edited 3362d ago )

We had GoW:Ascension Ultimate for free a couple hours ago. Now it's $12

WeAreLegion3362d ago

Such a good game. Easily my second favorite brawler, behind Power Stone 1/2.

Clogmaster3362d ago

Did anyone ever play Urban Reign for PS2? Great multiplayer game.

miyamoto3362d ago

Yup Power Stone 2 is so much fun!

ruefrak3362d ago

It's not free. PSN sometimes labels games you already own as being "free" but for people who don't own it will see the full price.

jukins3362d ago

People down it but it at the time of release if you had a vita and ps3 this game was more than worth it I still play it from time to time still. It's not perfect but let's be honest sony really never intended it to be a smash Bros it just happened to be similar.

It was basically a promo game for 3rd parties the ones who didn't mind lending their characer for free or next to nothing. they had no advertising and let a rookie team of fighting game fans develop it and Santa Monica had to finish it ofF.

hkgamer3362d ago

sony obviously wanted something similar to smash bros. obviously not exactly the same thing but similar in style.

the game was intended for the smash pro players, the ones that dont like items or random events. seth killian was brought in to help make this game feel like an advanced smash bros but that is a tiny niche market and they should have concentrated on making this game feel more fun and also a little more noob friendly.

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A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

While Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale didn't get the best review, there are still some aspects of the game that deserve some credit.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

Though PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale is a bit of a cult classic, it could have been a big hit if it launched in 2022 instead of 2012.

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Inverno564d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69564d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop564d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard564d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi564d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin564d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus571d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer570d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.