
Bloodborne Reviews Call It Frustrating, Beautiful, Brilliant Masterpiece; Best PS4 Game Yet

From Software's PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne releases today. Shortly after the embargo was lifted, reviews started pouring in from every corner of the world.
And if all those reviews had a singular voice, this is what they would be saying: "Bloodborne is the best PS4 game, yet."

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DarkOcelet3347d ago

The game will surely be a classic.

chrismichaels043347d ago

Bloodborne just set the bar pretty high for the rest of 2015.

DarkOcelet3347d ago

Yeah, very few games will get that score.

The Witcher 3
Arkham knight
Zelda U
Xenoblade X
Halo 5
Persona V

Those are the only ones that will come close to that score.

TheFutureIsBlue3347d ago

Yep. When we look back at the release of PS4, Bloodborne will be brought up, that's for sure. A great way to start the year for Playstation! Can't wait to play it tomorrow!

Hroach6163347d ago

Yep I mostly agree. I wouldn't think of bloodborne as a release title though personally. PS4 has been out for well over a year now. But I've had mine since release. So maybe that's just me.

badz1493347d ago

just like how we look back at MGS4 as one of the best release on the PS3

crazytechfanatic3347d ago

I'm really really sad that From Software isn't bringing Bloodborne to PC :(

A show of hands please, all those who would have loved a PC version too.

dafegamer3347d ago

you can't be salty at all. Sony greenlit and helped developing the game. Sony Japan Studios x From software collab

Benjammin253347d ago

Sony published the game and Japan studio helped develop it. It's not coming to PC. Just get a PS4 man. It's not like it's ridiculously expensive and there are plenty of great games on the horizon for it.

crazytechfanatic3347d ago

Actually, with a PS4 Slim so close, I'm simply waiting it out.

DragonKnight3347d ago (Edited 3347d ago )

I'm frickin' glad that the PC and its Cheat Engine abusing scrubs aren't getting this game. Bringing the Souls games to PC was the absolute worst thing to happen to the community ever. It brought along a bunch of cry babies that complained about literally every weapon or spell they could, and turned the PVP into a hacker's paradise. When you see a guy punching Fire Snake Pyromancy and jumping 100 feet in the air, or back stabbing you from Majula into the Final boss fight room of the game, you have to call B.S. on that and there's only one place where stuff like that is happening.

The PC community ruined the PVP scene of the Souls series and I personally couldn't be happier that they won't have a chance to do the same to Bloodborne.

Sorry if it sounds selfish of me to say that, normally I wouldn't want games to be kept away from people (I'm personally disappointed I don't get to play Ori and The Blind Forest myself), but I'm thinking about the integrity of the game this time.

**EDIT** I love how I got a disagree literally in seconds after posting this comment.

nix3347d ago

i would have loved Ori on PS4.

badz1493347d ago


sounds like you have experienced Dark Souls on pc but why are you even disappointed about Ori? it's on PC too, you know.

uth113347d ago

Ori is on PC. I might even pick it up there

freshslicepizza3347d ago

how does that effect your game on the ps4? it doesn't. just another rant that has no bearing at all about your own enjoyment and more to do with your own self-serving needs which of course is to keep things on the ps4. there is also nothing stopping you from playing ori on the pc but you've made it evidentially clear you have no respect at all towards the pc platform or the community.

sony will not port this to the pc and it has everything to do with moving hardware and nothing to do with cheats or hacks. sony has shown time and again they want to show off the hardware and if they port the games to the pc that marketing goes away very quickly because then we would see how the pc version can be played with higher frame rates and higher resolutions and sony wants no part of that. they and the community would rather keep them exclusive so they can continually beat the same drum of how the hardware is superior to other consoles.

this looks to be the first must have exclusive for the ps4 and sony would be very wise to keep it exclusive and they will.

DragonKnight3346d ago (Edited 3346d ago )

@Both people saying Ori is on PC: I know, but my PC is shite. Trust me when I say I can't play it. I may know about Dark Souls issues on the PC, doesn't mean I played it on PC.

@moldybread: The Souls series of games are affected across the board by the community in a big way. Dark Souls 2 is the best example of this, but it occurred with Dark Souls 1 too. In both Dark Souls 1 and 2, the presence of PC gamers and their Cheat Engine ways eventually made it into the console versions. In Dark Souls 1 I faced people with invisible bodies but a visible head who were immune to damage, people with infinite stamina and spell castings wielding Karmic Justice like a cast instead of how it's supposed to be used, and people who were able to circumvent the measures against the Dragon Head glitch and would machine gun firebombs or poison daggers and stunlock me to death.

Then there's how much the PC community whined about spells and weapons and such in Dark Souls 2 which caused so many damn patches nerfing stuff it was ridiculous. In short, any bad apple of the community affects the game for EVERYONE. Trust me, console gamers affected the game for the PC community too.

BTW, whoever said anything about Sony's reasons for not porting it anywhere else? I said I'm glad it's not coming to PC because of cheats and hacks, I never said anything about that being the reason Sony isn't doing it so stop trying to read between lines. You're not good at it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3346d ago
Bathyj3347d ago

So do Sony own this IP? From Software are basically commissioned to make it, its not actually their game if I understand that right. Theyre just hired to do a job.

If thats true, Sony own the game and all future games as well, no matter who theyre developed buy.

Anyone know?

yewles13347d ago

That's exactly it. Sony does own the IP just like Sony owns Demons Souls.

Droppedez3347d ago

Dark Souls 1 and 2 were almost unplayable on PC because of all the hackers, every time someone entered my game I would give up because I rarely found a legit player who wasn't cheating.

ArchangelMike3347d ago (Edited 3347d ago )


I don't know whatyou;ve heard, but there's no PS4 slim on the horizon yet, not with current sales momentum to the PS4. You'll be waiting at least unitl holiday 2016 for that - which is too long to wait to play Bloodbourne ;)

And yes - bloodbourne is a TRUE PS4 Exclusive!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3346d ago
JRobes3347d ago

a review about the reviews of the game within 4 hours of the embargo being lifted? ok...
congrats to the devs, this is one game I'll unfortunately be missing out on.

emilijo7773347d ago

BLOODBORNE - highest rated game of the year

crazytechfanatic3347d ago

I'm glad that nobody is calling it "overrated."

Ezz20133347d ago

they already calling it that
Fanboys are the worst thing that happened to gaming

everything that's not on their console of choice is overrated

dafegamer3347d ago

oh the salty fanboys will :)

Ch1d0r13347d ago

So glad its getting a couple of 100's from certain outlets. And take in mind most of these reviews were done with out being invaded or coop. Dont know if you can get invaded, no one really talked about it.

TripC503347d ago

True, but it's like.. March. Defiantly deserving though looks fantastic.

MasterCornholio3347d ago

Pretty much. It truly is an amazing experience and anyone whose a fan of the Souls franchise should pick it up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3347d ago
Ch1d0r13347d ago

Game of this console generation & GOTY

DragonKnight3347d ago

GOTY yes. GOTG, can't say that yet. What if Bloodborne 2 comes out and eclipses the first game, or some game even better comes out?

Ch1d0r13347d ago

Im just hyped, hope you enjoy the game.

jriquelme_paraguay3347d ago

Demon's Souls 2 first please.

DragonKnight3347d ago

@Ch1d0r1: Oh I intend to. I plan on streaming it on Twitch so I can make some videos for my subscribers on Youtube. For some reason, the Souls community has decided to join me in trolling youtube and have consistently been subscribing to my channel even when I had literally no videos for them to watch. Currently at 262 for no real reason. Thanks to the PS4's recording abilities, I can actually give something back to them and enjoy doing so as well. Definitely picking this up A.S.A.P. Hope you enjoy the game too.

@jriquelme_paraguay: That would be awesome. Sony needs to consider it since they own the I.P.

TripC503347d ago

Just to throw a wrench in the console Generation thing. It's Tied with Super Mario 3D World on metacritc at the moment 93. I'm sure it will get better though.

crazytechfanatic3347d ago

Too early to call it GOTG, right? That time will come in 2-3 years.

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The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno50d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3350d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree50d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga50d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno50d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast18d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno18d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast18d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.


9 Years Later, Does Bloodborne Deserve All The Praise It Gets?

Saad from eXputer: "Almost a decade later, it's time to take the nostalgia goggles off and accept that Bloodborne has long been surpassed by its successors."

jznrpg52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

Yes, yes it does. It’s still a great game. Elden Ring isn’t better just different and a bit easier . I like that you have to be aggressive but smart in Bloodborne

thorstein52d ago

I literally replayed it recently and it's better than I remember. I think it's like going back to a beloved book and noticing things I hadn't before.

raWfodog52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

Yo! I was getting ready to reply with the exact same four words you started with lol. Yes, I think Bloodborne has withstood the test of time and remains a great game. That’s why all the fans are hoping for a sequel someday. Hoping that we can catch that magic again with a new storyline.

Leeroyw52d ago

Yes. Just replayed it a few days ago. My first Platinum. And yes. I rage quitted so many times and called it BS too when I started. It's tight. The combat is amazing and the lore is rich.

GamingSinceForever51d ago

Elden Ring was easier? I don’t know about that at all. I remember leveling up in Bloodborne and breezing through it. In Elden Ring no matter how powerful I got I was still catching a beat down from every boss.

thorstein51d ago

That's due to scaling enemies. I remember not doing Haligtree untill near the end and having enemies withstand almost a full blast from Azur's Glintstone Staff Comet Azure. My level was quite high.

Melee characters are not fun in that game, especially for the Elden Beast.

MeteorPanda52d ago

Considering l did a run 2 months ago? Yes.

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Bloodborne's Potential Remaster Continues To Be Sony's Biggest Missed Opportunity

"Sony is missing out on a hugely profitable opportunity by ignoring fan demands for a Bloodborne remaster and PC port," says Ahmed from eXputer.

thorstein80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software. What missed opportunity? I am sure the people at From Software know what they are doing. Especially since they are hiring devs instead of laying them off.

Maybe do an article about that instead of writing a hit piece on them acting like they don't know how to run their business.

80d ago
-Foxtrot80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

To be fair Hidetaka Miyazaki said in an interview

“Unfortunately, and I’ve said this in other interviews, it’s not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically. We simply don’t own the IP at FromSoftware.”

So the ball kind of is in Sonys court, it feels like a missed opportunity because it’s something people really want and Sony just hasn’t really been bothered to get it off the ground. There was rumours it was at one point but it all went silent.

Cacabunga78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

Sony has been missing nothing but opportunities for a few years now.. since GOW release, it’s worrying silence we’ve been getting..

As for Bloodborne, imo it would be too soon to release it because PS4 game still looks phenomenal..

Bloodborne REMAKE I think will be PS6 launch title by Bluepoint. I truly hope so! 2 gens later we can get the same wow effect as Demons Souls.

Eonjay78d ago

He is right because it is Sonys IP but a little further back he also explained that they only work on one game at a time. This means that From must also be available. In other words it could already be in the pipeline. Ecen if that is the case, it's still up to Sony to reveal it when they are ready. As ever, I prefer not to hear about it until it's about 3 to 6 months from releasing.

CrashMania80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

'Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software'

Actually Sony owns the IP, same with Demon's Souls. I think they'd prefer if From did the work on any future of both of those though, but if Sony wanted to they could have those off to anyone else to work on them, like the DS remake.

thorstein80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

Yeah. Thanks for the info.

But I still think that remasters should wait a generation. And Blue Point did Demon's Souls which was superb.

It can be a huge risk. And I think Hidetaka Miyazaki hinted that it would be a PS6 title. I don't he has no say in what happens, it's a partnership.

--Onilink--79d ago

To be honest, if there is a remake/remaster (not that it needs one) I would prefer someone else to handle it, like they did with Demon Souls

From many perspectives From Soft is an amazing developer, BUT, on a technical level they are far from impressive, both in terms of dated visuals (again, on a technical level, not art/design) and usually poor performance.

And what is the point of a remake/remaster if not to provide a visual and performance enhancement to a game that already nailed the rest?

Michiel198978d ago

@thorstein what huge risk? Part of one of the most well known ip's in gaming nowadays, there's not much risk there when it comes to a remake.

thorstein78d ago


I meant remasters in general are a huge risk, not Bloodborne.

Bloodborne isn't, but I think it's going to be on PS6, like how Demon's Souls went from PS3 to PS5.

Sorry for the confusion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 78d ago
thesoftware73079d ago (Edited 79d ago )


Wow, your post seems angry..relax it's an opinion.

And btw, it is on Sony, they have the exclusive right to the game, on top of that, they could have easily, at bare minimum, offered an official 60fps patch, with a few extras and charged people $10 to upgrade or $30-40 for new buyers.

I believe I saw an interview where , FromSoft said it was all up to Sony on a sequel and other dealing with the game.

A "hit peice", that serious huh?..relax lol.

thorstein78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

Wow you seem angry. I responded to crash 2 days ago about the remaster and who did it.

Why do you care what other people think in a moment about some journalism. Calm down, buddy, it's just my opinion. From 3 days ago.

Edit: I just went back through my comments and found 2 where I call out the author in the past month. Wow, I'm a rageaholic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 78d ago
potatoseal80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

It will be a launch title on PS6 just like the remake of Demon's Souls for PS5 launch

OhReginald79d ago

Sony realizes people will flock to buy ps6s for a bloodborne remake. Easy money.

jznrpg79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

Rumored it’s slated for PS6 launch. Some say PS5 Pro. Who knows ?

P_Bomb79d ago

Highly requested, unfortunately neglected.

jznrpg52d ago

Some say we didn’t need TLOU2 remake but that was a PS4 game and now we need a BB remake but that was a PS4 game. We send mixed signals

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