
Bloodborne only has one Shield in the whole game

GearNuke writes: "Developers From Software are definitely trying to differentiate Bloodborne from it's predecessors the Demon Souls and Dark Souls series by mixing up things up around. For one there's the addition of guns and a heavy emphasis on dodging. They also seem to be removing some elements like Shields which we've found out there's only one of in the whole game."

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-Foxtrot3354d ago

Oh no...4/10

Lack of Shields /s

Kingthrash3603354d ago

A different approach to a souls style game.....negatively happens. Lol wow. Bloodborn needs no shields when the Dodge is so effective. I've been playing for almost a week...i didn't miss a shield at all. It's an awesome game.
Another example of journalism hurting games. When will it end

pedrof933353d ago

This is not true, the game has more than one shield ! I know !

bouzebbal3353d ago

Soon "Bloodborne only has one pair of socks through the whole game"
keep hating...

Helios863353d ago

Agreed, same here, didn't even think of using it.

vishmarx3353d ago

thankfully its also becoming irrelevant to purchases.
a staggering amount of million sellers have poor metacritic scores
dying light, hardline,dbz,drivclub, evil within,destiny etc

its good to see that people judge games for themselves

Imalwaysright3353d ago

"Another example of journalism hurting games"

Do yourself a favor and read the article. Not a single negative word was said towards Bloodborne.

pixelsword3353d ago

"Do yourself a favor and read the article. Not a single negative word was said towards Bloodborne."

Other than the phrasing of "Bloodborne only has one Shield in the whole game", of course.

While the title was phrased factually (if true), if the emphasis was on actually talking about the differences between Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, then the title should reflect that. I would respect that and read the article.

This type of title serves more as bait that appears to indicate that the article would have negative spin, thereby stirring people to go on there to defend Bloodborne. In all honesty can't respect that type of journalism so I'll pass for now, thank you.

Khajiit863353d ago

Dodging is much more effective than standing there with a shield and waiting to absorb the impact of one of those HUGE beasts.

Kingthrash3603353d ago

@ ima
I don't read articles with click bait titles...i refuse to be baited.
Don't get me wrong I do read article's that have a proper title...but if what you say is true...then this was indeed a click bait article.

krypt19833353d ago Show
thricetold3353d ago


How is the title negative? I hate shields in the souls series and plenty of fans do as well. Its only negative if you were the type that liked to hide behind them the whole damn game.

3353d ago
Skizelli3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

The title is obviously click bait. We should all know by now that "journalists" focus on the negatives to ruffle feathers and generate hits.

That being said, I couldn't care less if there's only one shield. I'm looking forward to something new.

Rachel_Alucard3353d ago

I saw a stream where someone stunlocked an endgame boss to death by just shooting him over and over. If anything the bosses need shields

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

The author in the article isn't complaining here. He's just drawing attention to that fact.

Many of us know that the game does't need shields because by the new focus in aggressive combat.

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Yeah. I think the problem is the use of 'only' and 'whole' in the headline. If it said 'Bloodborne has one shield' then any indication of negativity has gone.

breakpad3353d ago

judging by the title ..no, the author is trying to create turmoil probably negative ..

Ezz20133353d ago

Does that need an article though ?!
Who really cares about the game having one shild or many shilds ?!

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

The word only has turned this whole thing into a negative?

Why don't people actually read the content of the article instead of placing so much weight on one word. Comparative to previous games, the word 'only' can be justified.

The first comment hardly helped at all.

"Who really cares about the game having one shild or many shilds ?!"

Fans of the series? Tbh, I dont care for the shields because turtling is hardly fun imo. The new combat system is wicked.

Xavior_Reigns3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Indeed "only" has, look how fast this heated up. Tells you there's trolls lurking for anything negative (or perceived.)

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Well, Septic, you can't go throwing words around without considering their implications. You either do it by accident or do it by design. Think of it this way: If a mother was told her son had scored 7/10 in a test and she said to him, 'You only scored 7/10', that child would sense his mother was disappointed. If she then stressed the context by saying 'You only scored 7/10 in the whole test', then that child would feel as if his mother wanted to stress that she was disappointed, which would make him feel even worse.

The fact that this article uses both 'only' AND 'whole' suggests design.

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


Well in that case, we also need to be weary of articles that dole out words like 'Spectacular', 'Glorious' and 'exclusive' as well because they may be statements of fact but they also have implications as well (and are done for very similar reasons as the ones you guys are elucidating above).

Bloodborne only has one shield in the entire game doesn't seem that bad because of what the Souls game had. My approach would be to read the title and then go into the article and assess the contents instead of instantly reacting and playing the victim act.

Anyone who has followed Bloodborne will know that the game doesn't need a shield at all. Lets just make that clear at the start before negativity takes hold instead of embracing that negativity by making a useless sarcastic comment is all I'm saying.

GribbleGrunger3353d ago


Words like 'glorious' or 'spectacular' are not words that IMPLY something, they're words that deliberately state something; although I agree that without context these words could be valued differently and subjectively, as in 'love', 'beauty' or 'ugly'. I DO take your point though ... BUT I'd sooner live in a world of optimism than a world of pessimism, as would that little boy:

'You scored a whole 7/10 and that's glorious.'

I'd rather that was my mother.

bouzebbal3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

You are talking in 2 different directions.
First one is that the game doesn't need shield, second is that ONLY isn't a bad thing due to that.

The word "only", regardless of how useful shields are, is often used to express insufficiency.
Wording of the title is bad, no matter how hard you try to defend it.

Yesterday i ONLY squat 180kg.. BUT that's actually my max. Paradoxal heh?


"Is it not a possibility that fans of the Souls games just MIGHT be disappointed in the lack of shields?

So COMPARATIVE to the Souls games, the word 'only' is justified (my days, talk about being pedantic here). "

No, this is called Bloodborne, not Souls whatever.
Don't understand why people compare these two, especially as you say that shields aren't necessary. So in other words, this article is completely pointless because Bloodborne is LACKING shields AND it has a different gameplay.

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


"You are talking in 2 different directions.
First one is that the game doesn't need shield, second is that ONLY isn't a bad thing due to that. "

No I said that in MY opinion, the game doesn't need shields, which is why in my post above I said:

***"Who really cares about the game having one shild or many shilds ?***

"Fans of the series? Tbh, I DON'T for the shields because turtling is hardly fun imo. The new combat system is wicked."

Is it not a possibility that fans of the Souls games just MIGHT be disappointed in the lack of shields?

So COMPARATIVE to the Souls games, the word 'only' is justified (my days, talk about being pedantic here).

BUT, and here's the thing; the article doesn't portray it in a negative light at all.

So who are the one's guilty here of fanning and enabling any sort of negativity? The first few commentators who assumed it straight away, who placed so much emphasis on a couple of words instead of actually reading the article.

There is no paradox here.


" I DO take your point though ... BUT I'd sooner live in a world of optimism than a world of pessimism"

That blind optimism can lead to negativity. That little boy, whose mum always praised his potentially mediocre efforts; through her lack fo proper critical and honest analysis would have dulled his senses so much that, the moment he set foot in the real world, he'd being for a rude awakening. Exposed, unprepared and defeated due to a skewed sense of what is 'good' or not.

I see your point though but the scenario above also has distinct problems here because (1) It has a similar potential to mislead (2) Is obviously done for personal gain and that 'optimism' operates as a thin veneer for personal profit, just as it might do here.

XB1_PS43353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Septic is right.
It's not the article's fault that you think it's negative. Read a bit, and you'll find out.


I understand that. There's nothing wrong with the title. I think some people are just being touchy about this game. Anything ambiguous that can even be interpreted as negative is being blown out of proportion.

The title isn't even worth mentioning.

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


But his efforts were not 'mediocre'. You're assuming they were because his mother said 'only 7/10.' (see how that simple example worked subliminally?).

As far as we knew, Bloodborne had NO shields in the game. The information was constantly and consistently informing us that we now had guns instead. So, for this headline to ring true, it would have to be: 'Bloodborne DOES have a shield.'

That's neither optimistic or pessimistic, it's factual. Here's two sentences:

He scored 7/10 (factual, nothing implied)
He only scored 7/10 (implying we should judge 7 as 'bad'.)


We're discussing the title and semantics.

LightofDarkness3353d ago

Reality check, guys.

The ONLY (pun most definitely intended) people who are reading this far into the title and gleaning some ulterior motive from it are you, the dyed-in-the-wool Sony fans. This imaginary audience of idiots you've valiantly stood up to protect from potentially callous, manipulative headlines is nowhere to be found. There is a single one-bubble troll who's abstracted this from the headline, no doubt only because you've given him the idea by getting so riled up about it in the first place. Now let's try to boil this down to its crux: why are you so fervently opposed to this headline, despite no apparent damage and seemingly everyone (yourselves excluded) abstracting the appropriate context and meaning? There is no problem here, only one you've invented. You basically went in looking for a fight. You've pretty much manufactured controversy.

Now ask why.

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


It didn't work subliminally at all. I had feeling you would put weight on that score. I was giving you an example of a kid who did perform in a way many would consider to be mediocre (the Sonic Boom equivalent if you will).

Forget the 7/10 malarkey. I'm not going by that.

"So, for this headline to ring true, it would have to be: 'Bloodborne DOES have a shield.' "

Are you saying the above title is false?

Honestly I get what you're saying but my issue is that people are being terribly nit-picky. Yes the article title was most likely devised to be 'attractive' in that way but why couldn't someone nip the issue in the bud in the first comment?

But you know who the real culprits are here in my opinion? The insecure one's feeding this by shedding tears about review score conspiracies etc. I get their defensive reaction, but they are making matters worse.

Sensationlism in journalism is here to stay. Why not educate people on it and offer clarity as opposed to giving it a platform?

Anyway, lets all make it clear here that shields are a non-issue. The game has one shield. Okay fine but for those that don't know, Bloodborne focuses on aggressive combat.

The shield itself is there for novelty purposes maybe because, as the article says:

"The Shield is not as effective as in previous Souls games as you can’t time your blocks and parry. Also the Shield isn’t completely resistant "

So yeah, aside from AOE attacks, it's not a big deal apparently.

@Gribble (below)

I know you're not upset or going all out defensive. You're the only bleeding guy here who I can have a sensible discussion with lol xD

I actually agree with most of what you're saying, especially about optimism vs pessimism. Just adding some of my thoughts on it tis all.

"I don't get the opportunity to do that though because I see no point in going into threads about games on a platform I don't own."

If only others followed suit Gribble :)

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


Controversy? That's quite a hefty word in the context of a civilised discussion on the semantics of a headline.


'Yes the article title was most likely devised to be 'attractive' in that way'

That's all I'm saying. I'm not angry, I'm not upset, I'm not going into defence mode ... I'm just 'interested'. If I were to venture into articles pertaining to other console exclusives, I would say very much the same thing. I don't get the opportunity to do that though because I see no point in going into threads about games on a platform I don't own.

edit: LOL. Thanks Septic. Here's another bubble because I hate you!!!! :)

XB1_PS43353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


fight fight fight kiss kiss

@Gribble Below
I would say it's more debating, than discussing.

Spotie3353d ago

There's such a thing as an implication, you know? And to most readers of the English language, the words used in this title imply negativity.

"You only sold one candy bar the whole day." Sounds like you suck at selling candy... unless you only had one candy bar.

"He only had one job to do in the whole plan." Anyone hearing or reading that would think he, whoever he is, blew that one task.

I challenge you, Septic, LightofDarkness(who somehow turned this into a fanboy thing; kinda shows your own disposition, doesn't it?) to find situations where using those two words in the same fashion as in the title DOES NOT imply negativity.

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


No, discuss, discuss, discuss, sleepover ...


I think Septic was talking in terms of 'generally speaking' there and not implying 'every'. I couldn't entirely disagree with him on that one to be honest; however, I CAN see how the context of this conversation and the inadequacies of communication through text could lead to confusion. These things are best discussed over a pint.

There's no room in text for the subtly of body language or the natural ebb and flow of communication to take place. We're reduced to: statement followed by statement followed by statement ... etc. You don't get the feedback you get in real life so you can't then immediately rephrase what you are trying to say on the fly. When it's typed, it's typed.

That's the unfortunate thing about forums. You then spend more time explaining what you were trying to say instead of discussing what you actually meant.

Mr_cheese3353d ago

GribbleGrunger for president!

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


What Gribble said. Spot on really.

@abzdine (Sorry I missed your edit)

"No, this is called Bloodborne, not Souls whatever.
Don't understand why people compare these two, especially as you say that shields aren't necessary"

So you are going to pretend that this game shares the same DNA as the Souls games, has pretty much the same gameplay type, level design and format minus the change in aggressive combat? From the same development outfit who have also confirmed the same as above?

There is a big reason why people compare the Souls games to Bloodborne. I thought that much would be obvious.

GribbleGrunger3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


3 against
2 for

I demand a recount

Quick, pass me a hard hat and a freshly pressed boiler suit ... and get me a fresh-faced mother with a baby.

monkeyDzoro3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

From the article, last lines : "It’s not all bad news though"... bad news ? bad news ? What's bad news then if shields aren't that important in the game.

If the title phrasing wasn't implying bad news with the absence of shields (its lessen importance: absence/weakness/non-effective ness) in the game, why would the author mention "ALL BAD NEWS" while referring to it, in the conclusion of the article ?

You said : "Why don't people actually read the content of the article instead of placing so much weight on one word".
So my question is : did you even read the article YOURSELF ?

EDIT : I mention it and it's in brackets. All bad news = less shields/weaker shields/less effective shields. Long story short, the absence of shields and good ones is "bad news" TO HIM. Even if, that was expected and clearly mentionned by the DEVS as soon as they announced this game. Now they're trying to make "news" of it... and bad ones BTW.

Gazondaily3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )


"So my question is : did you even read the article YOURSELF ?"

AND its my time to turn that question BACK TO YOU.

Because this is what the article says:

"Also the Shield isn’t completely resistant and will let certain attacks through, maybe because it’s made out of Wood? It’s not all bad news though as it might help with AOE attacks, worth giving a try."

As you can see, its talking about the shield being a lot weaker and not being completely resistant. But it might help with AOE attacks so its not all bad news.

Reading comprehension my friend. Read the article properly ;)

JasonKCK3353d ago

lol people complaining over a word. So if a title said "Bloodborne Is A Good Game" It would be a negative because it said "good" and not perfect?

KwietStorm_BLM3353d ago

As bad as journalism has become in our industry, the community has gotten just as sensitive, jumping to defend any and everything we see fit, even when we haven't even played it yet. Neither the article or the their is saying anything negative. It's actually drawing more emphasis on the change in gameplay style, which doesn't focus on shields and blocking. That is why it says ONLY. Added emphasis. That is it. Games turn out to be turds, articles call them out for it, but the author is hating. Good games have valid criticisms, an article calls them out, and the author is a hater who needed something to complain about. You all are just hurting yourselves with the mob mentality.

Why o why3353d ago

I agree with the both of ya. You've both made valid points. Sometimes we read things the wrong way. I can see how using the word only can be seen as click bait but if someone said it only took 1 shot to kill the rat you wouldn't see that as a negative but a positive. Good debate guys.

Canary3353d ago

True. And I'm not about to judge the game until I play it. But in general I don't like the idea of removing options--I would rather the game accommodate sword-and-shield playstyles, and simply make them less optimal.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
LightofDarkness3353d ago

Give it a rest lads, there were no negative connotations in the article, they're merely using this as a metric to point out how different Bloodborne is from the Souls series.

Let The Order's poor review scores go. There is no conspiracy against Sony. More over, you are not required to pro actively damage control in every Bloodborne article, the game is great and will stand on its own merits without your "help."

kurruptor3353d ago

Cancelling my collector's edition pre-order due to Foxtrot's in-depth review.


And actually shouldnt this be considered a spoiler. From my understanding there were no shields just your defensive hand gun.

Dread3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

This argument is so ridiculous its amazing. Read the artcle please. Their is no hate towards your beloved Sony so just chill. the game looks like its gonna be awesome so stop the whining please.

Its like your trying to set it up as its the media's fault in case the game tanks, which it probably wont. In fact I bet if the game gets great reviews all u extremists will still complain that it did not get perfect tens.

I know u were joking and it was funny. I was replying to the ridiculous argument that followed your joke.

-Foxtrot3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Beloved Sony...."whining" lol

I'm making a joke, the only person who needs to chill is you mate for over reacting and trying to turn this into a fanboy thing.

Kal-V33353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

Only one shield..and it's the Nvidia Shield...9/10. lol

wsoutlaw873353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

The title is definitely written as click bait. Phrasing it with words like "only" and "the whole game" applies a negative context to it like the game is lacking something. Its not terrible though, and maybe the author is actally bothered by this. This article just really isn't serving anything though.

Condemnedman3353d ago

Do you guys say this every time?? Its a bit boring and over used.

Muzikguy3353d ago (Edited 3353d ago )

This game is going to be amazing! I've never seen a game get so much hate before, so that can only mean good things!! Title comes off as flamebait and negative. Common theme for this game :/

I have a date with Walmart in less than 9 hours. I really can't stand her, she's gotten so big and cheap over the years. Just using her to get my game

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3353d ago
imt5583354d ago

Who needs a shield anyway.

JMaine5183354d ago

That's fine. Honesty I was fine with no shields. I want to get nice with the guns to open up attacks.

Rimeskeem3354d ago (Edited 3354d ago )

Can you block with weapons? if you can then it really doesnt matter

GribbleGrunger3354d ago

You parry with the gun. That's what it's for.

rajman3354d ago

Which is awesome when you pull it off, but not everyone can be parried

3353d ago Replies(1)
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The 7 Best Souls-Like Games - Mastering the Challenge

The Souls-like genre remains popular, along with FromSoftware's classics there are many contenders. But which are the best Souls-like games?

toxic-inferno56d ago

Hmm... In my opinion, the 7 best are the 6 made by FromSoftware (DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB and ER), then Lies of P. But each to their own.

kevco3356d ago

Still DS1? You don't feel it's been surpassed yet?

Demon's Souls has the remake of course, but DS1 has surely been outdated?

Smellsforfree56d ago

I think that the DS1 remake is better looking than DS2. The interior lighting matched with the low resolution textures in DS2 is very garish, IMO.

Besides graphics, what do you mean by DS1 being "outdated"? I'm someone who played through Elden Ring and just recently played through the DS series, and as far as gameplay went, there were all very similar.

Cacabunga56d ago

I haven’t played many but Bloodborne and NIOH1 are on top of my list.. had a blast with these 2

toxic-inferno55d ago

For world design and interconnectedness (that's a word, right?) DS1 is yet to be beaten.

anast24d ago

All great games beside DS2.

toxic-inferno23d ago

I would agree, but there are some things in DS2 that are great and incredibly memorable. It tries to do things differently, and there are some amazingly cinematic moments.

Of course, there's also poor level design (particularly the interconnectivity of the world), questionable combat choices and some of the worst boss runs since the early days of video games...

anast23d ago

True. I can't disagree the game has some moments.


9 Years Later, Does Bloodborne Deserve All The Praise It Gets?

Saad from eXputer: "Almost a decade later, it's time to take the nostalgia goggles off and accept that Bloodborne has long been surpassed by its successors."

jznrpg57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Yes, yes it does. It’s still a great game. Elden Ring isn’t better just different and a bit easier . I like that you have to be aggressive but smart in Bloodborne

thorstein57d ago

I literally replayed it recently and it's better than I remember. I think it's like going back to a beloved book and noticing things I hadn't before.

raWfodog57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

Yo! I was getting ready to reply with the exact same four words you started with lol. Yes, I think Bloodborne has withstood the test of time and remains a great game. That’s why all the fans are hoping for a sequel someday. Hoping that we can catch that magic again with a new storyline.

Leeroyw57d ago

Yes. Just replayed it a few days ago. My first Platinum. And yes. I rage quitted so many times and called it BS too when I started. It's tight. The combat is amazing and the lore is rich.

GamingSinceForever57d ago

Elden Ring was easier? I don’t know about that at all. I remember leveling up in Bloodborne and breezing through it. In Elden Ring no matter how powerful I got I was still catching a beat down from every boss.

thorstein57d ago

That's due to scaling enemies. I remember not doing Haligtree untill near the end and having enemies withstand almost a full blast from Azur's Glintstone Staff Comet Azure. My level was quite high.

Melee characters are not fun in that game, especially for the Elden Beast.

MeteorPanda57d ago

Considering l did a run 2 months ago? Yes.

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Bloodborne's Potential Remaster Continues To Be Sony's Biggest Missed Opportunity

"Sony is missing out on a hugely profitable opportunity by ignoring fan demands for a Bloodborne remaster and PC port," says Ahmed from eXputer.

thorstein86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software. What missed opportunity? I am sure the people at From Software know what they are doing. Especially since they are hiring devs instead of laying them off.

Maybe do an article about that instead of writing a hit piece on them acting like they don't know how to run their business.

86d ago
-Foxtrot85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

To be fair Hidetaka Miyazaki said in an interview

“Unfortunately, and I’ve said this in other interviews, it’s not in my place to talk about Bloodborne specifically. We simply don’t own the IP at FromSoftware.”

So the ball kind of is in Sonys court, it feels like a missed opportunity because it’s something people really want and Sony just hasn’t really been bothered to get it off the ground. There was rumours it was at one point but it all went silent.

Cacabunga84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Sony has been missing nothing but opportunities for a few years now.. since GOW release, it’s worrying silence we’ve been getting..

As for Bloodborne, imo it would be too soon to release it because PS4 game still looks phenomenal..

Bloodborne REMAKE I think will be PS6 launch title by Bluepoint. I truly hope so! 2 gens later we can get the same wow effect as Demons Souls.

Eonjay84d ago

He is right because it is Sonys IP but a little further back he also explained that they only work on one game at a time. This means that From must also be available. In other words it could already be in the pipeline. Ecen if that is the case, it's still up to Sony to reveal it when they are ready. As ever, I prefer not to hear about it until it's about 3 to 6 months from releasing.

CrashMania85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

'Bloodborne came out on the PS4. It is owned by From Software'

Actually Sony owns the IP, same with Demon's Souls. I think they'd prefer if From did the work on any future of both of those though, but if Sony wanted to they could have those off to anyone else to work on them, like the DS remake.

thorstein85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Yeah. Thanks for the info.

But I still think that remasters should wait a generation. And Blue Point did Demon's Souls which was superb.

It can be a huge risk. And I think Hidetaka Miyazaki hinted that it would be a PS6 title. I don't he has no say in what happens, it's a partnership.

--Onilink--84d ago

To be honest, if there is a remake/remaster (not that it needs one) I would prefer someone else to handle it, like they did with Demon Souls

From many perspectives From Soft is an amazing developer, BUT, on a technical level they are far from impressive, both in terms of dated visuals (again, on a technical level, not art/design) and usually poor performance.

And what is the point of a remake/remaster if not to provide a visual and performance enhancement to a game that already nailed the rest?

Michiel198984d ago

@thorstein what huge risk? Part of one of the most well known ip's in gaming nowadays, there's not much risk there when it comes to a remake.

thorstein84d ago


I meant remasters in general are a huge risk, not Bloodborne.

Bloodborne isn't, but I think it's going to be on PS6, like how Demon's Souls went from PS3 to PS5.

Sorry for the confusion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 84d ago
thesoftware73084d ago (Edited 84d ago )


Wow, your post seems angry..relax it's an opinion.

And btw, it is on Sony, they have the exclusive right to the game, on top of that, they could have easily, at bare minimum, offered an official 60fps patch, with a few extras and charged people $10 to upgrade or $30-40 for new buyers.

I believe I saw an interview where , FromSoft said it was all up to Sony on a sequel and other dealing with the game.

A "hit peice", that serious huh?..relax lol.

thorstein84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Wow you seem angry. I responded to crash 2 days ago about the remaster and who did it.

Why do you care what other people think in a moment about some journalism. Calm down, buddy, it's just my opinion. From 3 days ago.

Edit: I just went back through my comments and found 2 where I call out the author in the past month. Wow, I'm a rageaholic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 84d ago
potatoseal85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

It will be a launch title on PS6 just like the remake of Demon's Souls for PS5 launch

OhReginald84d ago

Sony realizes people will flock to buy ps6s for a bloodborne remake. Easy money.

jznrpg84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

Rumored it’s slated for PS6 launch. Some say PS5 Pro. Who knows ?

P_Bomb84d ago

Highly requested, unfortunately neglected.

jznrpg57d ago

Some say we didn’t need TLOU2 remake but that was a PS4 game and now we need a BB remake but that was a PS4 game. We send mixed signals

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