
Religion Simulator Review | Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid: "I love playing with religion in games. Be it pouring hordes of leprous cultists and bloodthirsty demons onto a corrupt humanity in Chaos in the Old World, smacking your divine cow when it tries to munch on your precious worshipers in Black & White 2, or manipulating the rest of the world into electing you as Pope in Civilization IV, there’s something about the whole godlike powers/moral superiority/psychological ascendancy shtick that pushes all the right buttons for me (did I just give away my plans for world domination?). So when I was assigned Religion Simulator, Gravity Software Ltd’s first game for Android, I was ready to be all, “Yes! Look on my works, ye mighty and despair!” But while Religion Simulator is certainly an addictive, fun little strategy game, it didn’t quite meet all my theistic expectations."

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