
Review: Frenchy Bird (Wii U eShop) | 8 Bit Forward

Needs to Fly South For the Winter.
Flappy Bird inspired games, clones, and anything else related to the original game have all had the same issues as the original. Beyond the simplicity of the core concept on hand, each title has failed to bring any real personality or new features to the gameplay, which results in a quickly stale concept. Most of these games exist seemingly for no real reason other than to cash in, which is where Frenchy Bird steps in with its goal of being at least somewhat unique.

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Frenchy Bird Review - Wii U | The Gamer's Lounge

Ryan Johnson | The Gamer's Lounge

Frenchy Bird: Flappy Bird in France. Is it a clone, or a tribute? As a budget title for the Wii U at a mere $1.99, it may be worth your while if you've ever been curious as to what the big deal was with Flappy Bird. It may even improve on the formula, making it something to actually boot up more than the one time. Read in for a full review.

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Review: Frenchy Bird (Nintendo Wii U) | digitallydownloaded

I honestly believe that Flappy Bird is a great game. As an simple arcade game it offers a perfectly consistent set of mechanics - you navigate through a series of obstacles that come at you at a consistent rate, controlling a character that moves predictably. And yes, it's maddeningly challenging to get a good score playing it, but never is it unfair about the difficulty - when you crash out it is always as a direct result of what you've done, and not something arbitrary or unavoidable that the game has thrown at you.

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Interview: Carbon Fire Studios on Frenchy Bird

"When the two developers at Carbon Fire Studio decided they wanted to make a game for the Wii U, they didn't hesitate to start work on a new Flappy Bird clone."

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