
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection's 4-player split-screen is ace

It may not be how most people played Borderlands 2, but I spent 99% of my time it in split-screen on Xbox 360. I played through the entire game twice (and some of the DLC) in two-player co-op, and had a fantastic time. So being introduced to the PS4 version of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection with a two-hour session of split-screen, four-player madness felt like coming home.

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VenomUK3379d ago

I miss local multiplayer, so seeing that this has 4 player co-op is making me consider this.

Now about the cost for the extra controllers...

Neonridr3379d ago

I long for the days of local co-op. So many late nights with games like Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, etc with my buddy sitting next to me. The glory days.

VenomUK3379d ago

Same here! I used to play GoldenEye, Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing a lot with a gang of mates. Not much of that happening now :(

spicelicka3379d ago

This should be standard option now, consoles are capable enough to handle 4 player split-screens easily now. It bothers me how badly split-screen has been abandoned. The only game keeping it alive is Halo. 4 player split-screen online, extremely underrated!

Lucifun3379d ago

I usually always have extra controllers for local games, but with this generation, paying for controllers is just like paying for a game itself. It sucks.

3-4-53379d ago

N64 shipping with 4 controller ports was pretty big for 4-player local co-op games.

That is why so many existed on the N64 compared to the PS1.

We got away from that too much.

It didn't need to be abandoned, like it was and I think a lot of dev's realize that.

* People want to pay money for local co-op......the market is there......you'd be foolish to ignore that money.

Not sure why dev's don't see this.

* If everyone is doing A.....that market is flooded.....you need to go do B.

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Eonjay707d ago

Resistance 3 is such a great game. One of my all time bests.

cooperdnizzle707d ago

Couldn’t agree more. Still love It as a shooter to this day.

Just something about that game. I really wish they would just do a remaster, don’t even need a remake just bring it up to todays out put, touch up a few things if any, and I am there to buy it day one.

Of course I would love a remake built from the ground up. As long as they treated it like Shadow of the Colossus, or close to those type of remake. Wouldn’t want it to get the RE treatment…. Just because the game is already paced so perfect and hits all the right beats that I wouldn’t touch that aspect.


Deal Alert: 2K's Switch Games Are Dirt Cheap Right Now

If you've been holding out on picking up any of the titles in 2K Games' Switch lineup, now might be the best time to bite as Borderlands, The Outer Worlds, and more get deep discounts.

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Dandizzle946d ago

because they all run like garbage and are poorly optimized for switch

G3ng4r945d ago

These actually run quite well on switch but you are welcome to show us how ignorant you are if you like. I picked up the handsome collection because of how nice it looks on switch compared to something like outer worlds. Outer worlds is blurry trash on switch.

Yui_Suzumiya945d ago (Edited 945d ago )

I have The Outer Worlds on both PS4 and Switch and it most definitely didn't run bad on Switch. How many hours did put in on the Switch version?!

G3ng4r945d ago

My profile says I played for 75 hours so I put up with some stuff. And it does run bad on switch. The latest patch helped to keep it at 30fps but it still doesn't stay there. Then there are those moments when the game stops you where you are to load assets, you can't tell me you haven't seen that loading circle in the center of the screen. Lastly, and most damning in my opinion, is how blurry the game is. Monarch in particular gave me a headache to look at for long, orange soup for miles.

Look, I get it, you're a switch fan. So am I. That doesn't mean we have to be dishonest and claim that games that were obviously never meant to come to the platform actually run flawlessly.

G3ng4r945d ago

Examples of ported games that look nice on switch: skyrim, dark souls, borderlands, bioshock, diablo 3

Examples of ported games that look like a fart on switch: outer worlds, witcher 3, divinity os 2, doom 2016, ark survival

It isn't hard. Play what the switch handles well, skip what it doesn't and don't confuse people as to what looks good and what doesn't.


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